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Why do obama and biden want to give your money away when they dont donate less than 1% to charities?

Why do obama and biden want to give your money away when they dont donate less than 1% to charities?

obama gives average 3500 a year when he is making 4 to 6 million a year

Biden gives 369 dollars a year when they take in 360 thousand a year

MCain gives 202 thousand a year when he makes 440 thousand a year.

Cindy, who has nothing to do with this gives 10 to 20% of her income each and every year.

below are the sources AND their tax returns.

These figres are FROM their own tax returns.

So, if its partiotic to pay taxes, wouldnt it be MORE patriotic to give to charites?

seems the dems have NO problem spending YOUR money, but do NOT touch theirs!!!

Biden and his wife, Jill, earned $319,853 in adjusted gross income and paid $72,787 in federal taxes last year, including $2,721 in alternative minimum taxes. They claimed $995 in deductions for charitable giving, about triple what they deducted in any of the nine previous years. Over the past decade they reported giving an average of $369 to charity.

Sen. Barack Obama released seven years of prior tax return documents on Tuesday. And a review of the records reveals several newsworthy, albeit minor, disclosures.

Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama's family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations -- about 1 percent of their annual earnings.

there only 2 charities were Rev Wright and the United N E G R O S fund.

Mccain on the other hand donates 1/4th of his income and Cindy donates 10 to 20 % of her income.

John McCain reported giving more than $202,000 — a quarter of his income — to charity in 2006 and 2007, the only years for which his campaign released his tax returns. His campaign didn't release information about his wife's charitable contributions, however. In 2006, her total itemized tax deductions, a category which includes charitable contributions and other deductible items such as mortgage interest, was $569,737, or 9.3% of her income.


kenny: obama stood right with bush to give that money way. remember, obama added another 450 million to it as soon as he became president.

Update 2:

look at the obama supporters, NOT answering the question at all! just bringing up other people, and sidestepping the question. how childish! and they wonder why we have a problem with them.


give em a chance to answer something that I post WITH facts and they cant do it!

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very good question. I'll have to give this one a star. Genuine good people don't have to advertise how much they give, they just do. Others just talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good question.

    Maybe they believe that charity is important but that people only follow the rules as they are set. In other words, people maximize their profits, and won't provide for others unless required to do so. Nothing they are doing is inconsistent with that belief.

    The other important point is that your data show that they claimed less than 1% of their income as deductions for charitable contributions, while McCain reported 25% of his. That's not the same as showing what they actually gave. There's no guarantee that what they reported for tax purposes is a true measure of their actual giving. Furthermore, maybe McCain has set up a charitable foundation that employs his children as executives, paying them lucrative salaries. His "charity" in that case would be totally self-dealing, sending money to his own family while simultaneously taking advantage of a tax break.

    EDIT: LOL - you asked for facts so I decided to do a little research and my hypothetical about McCain was almost exactly accurate. Almost all of their donations go directly to their own foundation. From which Cindy McCain draws a salary. And almost all of the foundation's donations do things like send money to their own childrens' schools.

    Doesn't look quite so generous anymore.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Comrade, Its not your money. It is the property of the state. The state allows you to use it. The Central Committee of the Peoples House of Representatives knows what is best for you. Comrade Chairman Pelosi has determined that "the ones with the means must give to the ones with the needs". It is the technique for making us all equal and better citizens of our Peace Loving People's Democratic Republic of these United Socialists States of Amerika. Rejoice in the knowledge that the members of the House and Senate as well as our beloved Leader Comrade Obama have your best interests at heart.

    Now go and spread the glorious news of your joy in being able to share your vast fortune with the ones that need.

    Members of the Peoples Democratic Party will of course be in charge of redistributing your wealth to the right people. So from now on we will issue you work credits good at all Government sponsored retail outlets, instead of that filthy money contaminated with all sorts of drugs and diseases from the prior decadent capitalists war mongering administration.

    Source(s): History of the United Socialists States of Amerika, vol 3.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ya and a lot of that money Obama "donated " came from illegal campaign contributions he was going to be forced to return anyway !! And all the while his half brother rots away in some tin shack in Kenya what a swell guy !

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Giving to your self righteous religious organizations should not count for charity. In fact, religious organizations should be taxed as they funnel their contributions toward political agendas as the receive tax dollars to support their so called charity. You would not give **** if you did not get a tax wright-off for it anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mccain has seven houses....not saying it justifies the others if it's true. (which i'd need more proof of you're a little sketchy)

    It is possible they gave in private though. If not then I agree, they should do more for charity. As should everyone who is in a super rich range.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nice spin Kenny, answer the question...

    Democrats are always nice with other people's money. HELL even Glenn Beck donates more.

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Cindy Mccain is a multi muti millionaire and so Mccain can donate his imcome because he does not need it for they have 7 houses she has bought for him.

    She is worth in the neighborhood of about 100 million. So, I guess you can slant it for what it is worth. Your call.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    'Cause that's how cheap azz Dems roll. They'll smile at you all the while they 're busy lifting your wallet from your pocket.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush alone gave away $ 800 billion of your money ( i highly doubt you pay taxes ) alone to third world countries in Africa and Asia

    Why are you not protesting that ?

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