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liberals are moronicvoters

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Answers1,174 spread this site. help me impeach this guy before we have no country left!

  • why did Obama have millions of fake Twitter followers?

    usa today broke this today. would appear its all a sham like obama

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • seriously, Gas at all time high and never coming down, food 400% higher and ...?

    and you people want to re elect this guy to keep things going up like this?

    And please, do NOT answer if you are getting government assistance, we already know your answers. This question is for the working man.

    Food prices are 400% higher overall and fuel has never went down under obama.

    Example, in 2009, Oscar Mayer hotdogs, $1.29 a pack

    2012 same hotdogs, $3.99 a pack

    2009 bacon, $1.79 for 16 ounces

    2012 bacon $5.12 for 12 ounces

    2008 bag 7 ounce bag of lays potato chips $1.79

    2012 same bag of chips $4.29

    2008 stovetop stuffing $99 cents

    2012 stovetop stuffing $2.79

    wages, overall 1% higher from 2008 to 2012

    seriously, can we afford this do nothing "celebrity" president who doesnt care about the costs of raising a family.

    And I know the non workers will say, "well you can get food stamps!" Sorry, I am a Man, I work for what I spend. I have morals and will remain a man.

    My projection with gas, one year after obama is elected again, gas will be $5.75 a gallon. Because out of obamas own mouth, he needs it to be at least 6 dolars a gallon to push his ethanol down our throats which BTW, he bought 2 million dollars of stick in enthanol plants in Illinois. Look it up. its public information.

    So can we afford another 4 years?

    as far as "bushes wars" LOL, who took everyone out of iraq and shoved them into afganastan? oh, it was obama, NOT bush and I HATE bush.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • are people idiots? Santorum inhaled, But they forgot obama did also!?

    I see all these questions picking on Clinton and Santorum, I dont care for santorum, but this is the problem I have with these people here. NONE of them watched any news when obama ran for president I guess cause he was aksed if he did it,, they George Stenopolis asked, "did you inhale" Obama says, "why of course, that was the whole point of it!"

    SHort term memory I guess. These liberal democrats are picking on santorum and dont even know about their own president.

    Youtube it people! the interviews are still there!

    educate yourselves!

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is this how obama got elected?

    by using something called the "force"

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this how obama got elected?

    something about using the "force"

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do obama and biden want to give your money away when they only donate less than 1% to charities.?

    Why do obama and biden want to give your money away when they only donate less than 1% to charities.?

    obama gives average 3500 a year when he is making 4 to 6 million a year

    Biden gives 369 dollars a year when they take in 360 thousand a year

    MCain gives 202 thousand a year when he makes 440 thousand a year.

    Cindy, who has nothing to do with this gives 10 to 20% of her income each and every year.

    below are the sources AND their tax returns.

    These figres are FROM their own tax returns.

    So, if its partiotic to pay taxes, wouldnt it be MORE patriotic to give to charites?

    seems the dems have NO problem spending YOUR money, but do NOT touch theirs!!!

    Biden and his wife, Jill, earned $319,853 in adjusted gross income and paid $72,787 in federal taxes last year, including $2,721 in alternative minimum taxes. They claimed $995 in deductions for charitable giving, about triple what they deducted in any of the nine previous years. Over the past decade they reported giving an average of $369 to charity.

    Sen. Barack Obama released seven years of prior tax return documents on Tuesday. And a review of the records reveals several newsworthy, albeit minor, disclosures.

    Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama's family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations -- about 1 percent of their annual earnings.

    there only 2 charities were Rev Wright and the United N E G R O S fund.

    Mccain on the other hand donates 1/4th of his income and Cindy donates 10 to 20 % of her income.

    John McCain reported giving more than $202,000 — a quarter of his income — to charity in 2006 and 2007, the only years for which his campaign released his tax returns. His campaign didn't release information about his wife's charitable contributions, however. In 2006, her total itemized tax deductions, a category which includes charitable contributions and other deductible items such as mortgage interest, was $569,737, or 9.3% of her income.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If its "patriotic" to pay taxes, then why do 95% of democrats want a tax break for themselves?

    anyone find anything wrong that statement from obama and biden thats its patriotic to pay taxes? if it is, then why are the dems wanting the tax breaks and why is obama saying he will give them it?

    either they are NOT patriotic which makes sense or they lying about it being patriotic.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is obama building a bigger government or a MAFIA?

    Is obama building a bigger government or a MAFIA?

    I, as always, believe in staying informed. During the primaries and election, I listened to what they all said and then went to That is THE online library of congress. Then I checked out what they really are by everything there.

    NOW, Once again, I see bama taking over all these industries, the health industry happens to be the 3rd largest industry in the world, and soo obama will own it.

    we have Jones who is a communist, we have lobbyists that obama signed wavers for, we have a fat healt lady telling US to slim down, we have Emanuael sending dead fish to people who disagree with him. and he is strong arming congress in "private" sessions one on one. we have tax cheat geitner and the list goes on.

    does anyone else feel obama is just building a LARGE Mafia?

    this has to be the biggest organized crime ring take over in history!

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • now whats obama hiding? heres his MSNBC saying he is hiding stuff!?

    obama refuses to release a list of white house visitors. every president before has complied and shown the lists. they say he "might" show the list later, but the first 8 months of his presidency, he will keep it a secret of who was there.

    whats he hiding?

    msnbc even wants to know!

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do obama and biden want to give your money away when they only donate less than 1% to charities.?

    why do obama and biden want to give your money away when they dont donate less than 1% to charities.

    obama gives average 3500 a year when he is making 4 to 6 million a year

    Biden gives 369 dollars a year when they take in 360 thousand a year

    MCain gives 202 thousand a year when he makes 440 thousand a year.

    Cindy, who has nothing to do with this gives 10 to 20% of her income each and every year.

    below are the sources AND their tax returns.

    These figres are FROM their own tax returns.

    So, if its partiotic to pay taxes, wouldnt it be MORE patriotic to give to charites?

    seems the dems have NO problem spending YOUR money, but do NOT touch theirs!!!

    Biden and his wife, Jill, earned $319,853 in adjusted gross income and paid $72,787 in federal taxes last year, including $2,721 in alternative minimum taxes. They claimed $995 in deductions for charitable giving, about triple what they deducted in any of the nine previous years. Over the past decade they reported giving an average of $369 to charity.

    Sen. Barack Obama released seven years of prior tax return documents on Tuesday. And a review of the records reveals several newsworthy, albeit minor, disclosures.

    Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama's family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations -- about 1 percent of their annual earnings.

    there only 2 charities were Rev Wright and the United N E G R O S fund.

    Mccain on the other hand donates 1/4th of his income and Cindy donates 10 to 20 % of her income.

    John McCain reported giving more than $202,000 — a quarter of his income — to charity in 2006 and 2007, the only years for which his campaign released his tax returns. His campaign didn't release information about his wife's charitable contributions, however. In 2006, her total itemized tax deductions, a category which includes charitable contributions and other deductible items such as mortgage interest, was $569,737, or 9.3% of her income.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • is this the "typical" obama supporters feelings?;_ylt=AlkXl...

    this guy asks about all the debt we are being saddled with and then a liberal "Sound_of_the_silenced's" is the user, answers with "Its not my debt!!!"

    how can we take these liberals seriously when this is how they feel?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • how does obama get by with it?

    Its amazing how he does it and how the obots refuse to see truth.

    example, rick warren debate with mccain and obama, obama was asked if he believed in "performanced based pay for teachers, obama took the side of the unions and said NO WAY!, now he says he never said that and wants it! LOLOL

    next, he was asked about policy and said, "Henry Kissinger agrees with me fully!"

    Mccain says, "He was on TV last night with Katie Kourick, and he said that NO he did NOT agree with obam on that stage.

    obama just smugged it off and for the next 2 weeks at rallies kept saying kissinger was behind him on his policies, in the meantime, kissinger was doing intrviews and saying that never was behind obama in his policies.

    NOW, another, is AARP, 2 weeks ago, they said they did NOT back his proposals, Even robert gibbs said, "obama misspoke" that would be fine except for the fact that obama for the last 2 weeks STILL says it!!!! I just heard him say it again on his radio show!!!

    How can a man say "I misspoke" and turn right around and KEEP doing it AFTER the fact?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is obama building a bigger government or a MAFIA?

    I, as always, believe in staying informed. During the primaries and election, I listened to what they all said and then went to That is THE online library of congress. Then I checked out what they really are by everything there.

    NOW, Once again, I see bama taking over all these industries, the health industry happens to be the 3rd largest industry in the world, and soo obama will own it.

    we have Jones who is a communist, we have lobbyists that obama signed wavers for, we have a fat healt lady telling US to slim down, we have Emanuael sending dead fish to people who disagree with him. and he is strong arming congress in "private" sessions one on one. we have tax cheat geitner and the list goes on.

    does anyone else feel obama is just building a LARGE Mafia?

    this has to be the biggest organized crime ring take over in history!

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • why has obama lied again about health care?

    During his campaign when he was running against hillary and even mccain. He was putting down their health care plans.

    He stated FULLY on many many occasions that He ALREADY HAD A PLAN ready to go.

    now he is in office and has asked to make up a plan. He hasnt even gave them an outline of what he wanted. so where is this health care plan that he campaigned about and said was ready to go?

    why does he keep lyng saying he has something but yet has nothing?

    how can he promise things in the senate and house bill when he doesnt even know what it is? His own white house cabinet says they will raise taxes but he says n, why all the lies?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • is obama a camera hog or what??

    He is getting ready to have a tv summit again with the head of mexico.

    They say it will start in about 100 minutes, so they have the tv camera in this large room, the tv crew is behind obama and obama is looking across the table talking to the mexico leader.

    well obama turns completely around in his chair while the mexican leader is talking and starts stairing and smiling into the camera.

    in the meantime, the mexican president is still talking! obama is just gleeming away in the camera. he had to do a 180 with his chair to make sure he is seen! and this isnt even the meeting that is scheduled. just setting up for it.

    I have seen him do this alot before also. he also breaks his neck to make sure he is in the camera.

    so, camera hog or not?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do obama and biden want to give your money away when they dont donate less than 1% to charities?

    Why do obama and biden want to give your money away when they dont donate less than 1% to charities?

    obama gives average 3500 a year when he is making 4 to 6 million a year

    Biden gives 369 dollars a year when they take in 360 thousand a year

    MCain gives 202 thousand a year when he makes 440 thousand a year.

    Cindy, who has nothing to do with this gives 10 to 20% of her income each and every year.

    below are the sources AND their tax returns.

    These figres are FROM their own tax returns.

    So, if its partiotic to pay taxes, wouldnt it be MORE patriotic to give to charites?

    seems the dems have NO problem spending YOUR money, but do NOT touch theirs!!!

    Biden and his wife, Jill, earned $319,853 in adjusted gross income and paid $72,787 in federal taxes last year, including $2,721 in alternative minimum taxes. They claimed $995 in deductions for charitable giving, about triple what they deducted in any of the nine previous years. Over the past decade they reported giving an average of $369 to charity.

    Sen. Barack Obama released seven years of prior tax return documents on Tuesday. And a review of the records reveals several newsworthy, albeit minor, disclosures.

    Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama's family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations -- about 1 percent of their annual earnings.

    there only 2 charities were Rev Wright and the United N E G R O S fund.

    Mccain on the other hand donates 1/4th of his income and Cindy donates 10 to 20 % of her income.

    John McCain reported giving more than $202,000 — a quarter of his income — to charity in 2006 and 2007, the only years for which his campaign released his tax returns. His campaign didn't release information about his wife's charitable contributions, however. In 2006, her total itemized tax deductions, a category which includes charitable contributions and other deductible items such as mortgage interest, was $569,737, or 9.3% of her income.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I guess the republicans were right after all about the economy and stimulus?

    remember they kept saying, "we dont need to spend 787 billion dollars to turn the economy around!"

    they were right, obamas admin has only spent 71 billion and most of that was infrastructure and the economy has started turning around, jobless rates this month were lower than expected and so on.

    You cant deny this, I have seen post after post bragging how the economy is turning round because of obama.

    well, looks like obama listened to the repubs, because he has hardly spent anything and the economy is turning around JUST like they said it would!

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do obama and biden want to give your money away when they dont donate less than 1% to charities?

    obama gives average 3500 a year when he is making 4 to 6 million a year

    Biden gives 369 dollars a year when they take in 360 thousand a year

    MCain gives 202 thousand a year when he makes 440 thousand a year.

    Cindy, who has nothing to do with this gives 10 to 20% of her income each and every year.

    below are the sources AND their tax returns.

    These figres are FROM their own tax returns.

    So, if its partiotic to pay taxes, wouldnt it be MORE patriotic to give to charites?

    seems the dems have NO problem spending YOUR money, but do NOT touch theirs!!!

    Biden and his wife, Jill, earned $319,853 in adjusted gross income and paid $72,787 in federal taxes last year, including $2,721 in alternative minimum taxes. They claimed $995 in deductions for charitable giving, about triple what they deducted in any of the nine previous years. Over the past decade they reported giving an average of $369 to charity.

    Sen. Barack Obama released seven years of prior tax return documents on Tuesday. And a review of the records reveals several newsworthy, albeit minor, disclosures.

    Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama's family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations -- about 1 percent of their annual earnings.

    there only 2 charities were Rev Wright and the United N E G R O S fund.

    Mccain on the other hand donates 1/4th of his income and Cindy donates 10 to 20 % of her income.

    John McCain reported giving more than $202,000 — a quarter of his income — to charity in 2006 and 2007, the only years for which his campaign released his tax returns. His campaign didn't release information about his wife's charitable contributions, however. In 2006, her total itemized tax deductions, a category which includes charitable contributions and other deductible items such as mortgage interest, was $569,737, or 9.3% of her income.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago