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If God exists, why does Atheism even occur?

Just curious. From a religious (or perhaps what i am looking for is the Christian explanation) perspective, if God exists, how come so many people are Atheists? You think God would be working his *** off to convert those heathens. No offense intended, again just curious.

32 Answers

  • dave-o
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing, all-powerful God, who creates faulty humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think this question is better suited for an atheist really. But being someone who believes in God, why should God work really hard to convert those "heathens?" He has already given signs in quantum physics and string theory (even the universe was said to be possibly created out of nothing, but then the whole white hole theory came up and destroyed the possibility of this universe or many universes coming from purely nothing; there had to be a source) and the rest of the known world as proof of a Higher Divine Being.

    And a response to the atheist that ask why does God let Satan run around? Well, does anyone ever see that from evil can be good and that from good there can be evil. Now for this idea to work you have to have two complete and pure concepts of evil and good. God being good and Satan being evil from the Abrahamic perspective. When a person, let's say murders someone or rapes someone, and suffers many years of guilt and depression. Is there not a chance of that person turning a new leaf and committing their life to stopping such acts of violence and thus putting a grain of rice on the scale of good? But in order to see how terrible the immoral act was, the man/woman had to experience it to see it's horror. But let's say a person (and atheists, I hope you love this example), becomes extremely passionate about their faith and decide that anyone against it is a complete moron and deserves to die immediately (now I'm Muslim and I have seen this a tiny bit around the world); so they begin to kill gentiles, pagans, infidels, whatever you want to call them ranging from children to the elderly. Yet they started with good intentions, which were to allow people to believe and see "the truth." But they became so engulfed in obsession that they lost sight of the true ideals that came with their initial intentions. So good went to evil. The goal of Satan is to manipulate the good to evil no matter how pure it is, but we tend to forget how much of a psychological mastermind Satan really is and even if you were to see satan as a mythological being, the way such feats are achieved are quite a bit of psychologically maniacal genius and I use that as a warning and not as a compliment.

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheists are for the most part like anti-fans of sports, you know the "My favorite team is whoever is playing Team X" types, mostly opposed to Christianity, and their basis for "God doesn't exist" is by pointing out things in the Bible that are contradictory. I actually agree with the common claim that a lot of the Bible contradicts itself, the Bible is mostly a book of parables with the occasional kernel of history of questionable accuracy, but it doesn't disprove God, only the concept that the "book religions" hold of God. Ultimately, I don't think the Creator really cares what religion we follow, or if we follow one at all, or if people think that He/She/It doesn't exist, or compares He/She/It to a flying spaghetti monster, or believes the idea that the world was created in a human measure of time, things are as they are no matter what we think.

    You're probably not getting the answer from the perspective that you want, but this is my answer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Old Corpse, there is no such thing as "free will" if in the end it is your god's will that must be done or it's to hell you go. Can you wrap this logic around your tiny little brain?

    By all measures Christianity is losing adherents, and more and more free-thinkers are coming out to lambast the virulent stupidity that is organized religion. I predict that in a generation or two "first world" civilizations will be top-heavy with atheists, agnostics, and secular humanists who elevate the dignity of humanity above the humiliation of prostration before a non-existent god.

    Organized religion is a chronic pus-filled boil on secular humanity's rear end. We are much more likely to have been created by time-travelling celestial aliens who then left us to our own devices. This certainly makes more sense than all the nonsense in the Bible and the Koran.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Im not Christian, but to answer your question (if there is a god):

    What would be the point of being Christian, if people are automatically converted into it? I think the whole point is that the option is there so people can choose a side, bad or good. That way they can be judged. Remember, the whole religion focuses around judgements and faith.

    Again, Im not Christian, I believe the bible is lies. Im a "I dont knower". Its stupid for Christians to say there is a god, with no proof, and its stupid for atheists to say there isnt a god, with no proof. Everybody should be I don't knowers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Simple you either believe God exists or he doesn't I think you can blame all these so called christen relgions for screwing peoples heads up. Like it or not there is a 50/50 chance that death ends it all, no heaven, no hell, no nothing. Use some common sense and logic and think about it.not what some phony prophet says it is. If God said on this rock I will build my church, my church refers to one, there are now 38,000 all claiming to be the one and only, So angel 37,999 are blowing hot air. Have fun.

    Source(s): Let me add this can all this chaos be from eating one lousy apple?
  • 1 decade ago

    God was able to give humans free will because, before He ever created the universe, He foresaw everything that could possibly happen and what its effect would be on subsequent events. This way, He is able to give man free rein, yet maintain control. Every one of us has a divine purpose, but if you do not fulfill yours, He has backup resources to use towards the eventual fulfillment of His will. God desires a relationship with each one of us, but He will not force it. Which would have more meaning to you - the words "I love you" from a person who truly felt that way about you, or the same words from the same person at the point of a gun?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Evolution does not disprove the existence of God, even though it does, in certainty, disprove a literal interpretation of the Bible. We understand now via biology and geology and all way of historic sciences (no longer in basic terms evolution), plenty approximately our previous, the background in the international and understand now how ridiculously unhistorical the Bible is. The Biblical account of ways issues began isn't something greater suitable than fantasy, and that all of us understand for a scientific certainty. In different words, it rather debunks a fundamentalist interpretation of the bible, and undermines the full message in the back of 'salvation' and different dogma.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok First off I'm -not- going to say which side of the fence I am on, to avoid potential bias on both sides of the equation.

    IMO, basically, if God exists, then the reason that so many people are atheists are

    a) God is a 'hands off' kinda guy

    b) The devil is trying to divert you from 'the one true path'


    Guessed whether I'm religious or not?

    You're probably wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because God gave us free will.

    The ability to not be robots and to make our own decisions.

    Unfortunatly people are dumb enough to ingor Gods signs, and they get sucked into the devils crap.

    I used to be an atheist until I opened up my eyes and tried to understand Christianity.

    Now I completly get it, and have seen many signs that God does exist.

    People just need to open their eyes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well either god exists or he's a complete asshole that sees belief in him as being more important than nice deeds, knowledge and understanding on the natural world.

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