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Lv 6
CrG asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

Can dopamine be purchased over the counter?

Produced by the brain, it occurs naturally in the young and decreases with age causing Parkinson's disease and other nervous system diseases. Generic prescriptions cost $.25 a pill. Can it be purchased for less? I am taking it for Restless Leg Syndrome which usually begins in the early evening every day.

5 Answers

  • Mags
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What mgs are in whatever med you are taking? We are all assuming that you take Requip but that may not be the case. We can't guess the mgs of the pill, however.

    Requip (ropinirole) is a dopamine agonist which is not the same thing as taking "dopamine". A dopamine agonist works by activating the dopamine receptor pathways by binding to the DA receptors but it is not converted to dopamine. Which DA receptor a product will bind to depends upon the medication.

    Requip is a non-ergot derived drug (this is probably a good thing) which you can take with the dopaminergics (L-dopas) which do cross the blood brain barrier and are converted to the neurotransmitter dopamine which cannot itself cross the BBB.

    Here's a site which claims not to require a prescription but the cost is high and if you actually buy from them or any other site which does not require a prescription, you will have no idea of the safety of the pills you buy.

    Not knowing the dosage you take, I have no idea if this would be considered a bargain - looks expensive to me.

    If you want a less expensive way of stimulating dopamine, why not learn to cook with fava beans (velvet beans, mucuna puriens) a natural source of levadopa and a part of ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. You're going to have to read all of the recipes and learn to do it properly because there is far less control here than just taking a pill but in the end you can probably bring the price down to a reasonable figure although I'm not sure it would be less than $0.25 a pill.

    You can buy mucuna puriens in capsule form but I have no idea how much of the plant you are actually getting this way, whether it is actually effective in this form, nor the dosage you would need.

    You're not going to find meds for RLS on the discount generic list.

    Have you added strong antioxidants to your regimen to help? Certainly another area to explore. And in terms of alternative or complementary medicine/treatments, take a look at this entire set of Yahoo answers on a similar RLS topic:

    Make no mistake, children as young as 2 years old have been diagnosed with PD or Parkinsonism. There are other reasons for the degeneration of dopamine production in the brain. Oddly enough some of the things which delay onset of Parkinson's can be triggers in RLS.

    Have you been diagnosed with an iron deficiency? Often correcting that can result in symptom relief if you are anemic.

    Take a look at this site as well:

    Lastly, since you know the mgs of what you take and we don't, why not run it through this price checker:

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    First and foremost, you should check with a doctor if you're always tired.... that's not normal and could indicate a serious health problem. If everything is okay and you're just not producing enough energy, there are various options available. There are a lot of natural supplements that provide energy that most people don't have side effects from. There's ATP (the source of cellular energy in the body), CoQ10 (which is used to produce ATP), L-Carnitine (an amino acid that converts fat into energy), Royal Jelly, B-vitamins, GABA, NADH (boosts brain transmitters dopamine and norepinephrine so it helps to fight fatigue), Ginseng, Eleuthero Root, and Guarana. Boy, that's a lot when I write them all out. LOL! Those are the most popular items that our customers purchase for energy, so pretty much any of those should be a good boost of energy... however, different people respond differently to different supplements, so you might not get as much energy on some of the items as someone else, and you might get more energy than other people might from some items. All that being said, if you have some moderate exercise on a regular basis, your body should give you all the energy you need. Regular exercise actually helps to create energy, not to mention all the other health benefits.

  • sutra
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I assume you are taking generic requip which is a dopamine-agonist. And no, they are not available over the counter. But if your income is low you may be able to get Requip free from Glaxo SmithKline who makes them. They offer a program that helps people without insurance get their medications. Check out their website or ask your doctor. They usually have the necessary forms.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    That's a good question and I hope you find valuable answers

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  • 1 decade ago

    no it is by prescription only

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