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CLOMID experiences please?

Can i hear others experiences and success with clomid please

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have my prescription ready and waiting for next cycle. I decided to try Soy Isoflavones this cycle first.

    I would like to comment momentarily about the previous posters, From the research I have done I was under the impression that Clomid is one of those drugs that lingers. Like the second month you have a higher amount in your system from the some prescription amount because of some of the residual from the months before. (I could be wrong on this one, but because of some studies I read I believed it to be true). So, even though you stopped taking it you could have had some build up to work off?

    I have also ready that a lot of woman who weren't able to conceive while on it actually got pregnant within 6 months on naturally ovulating cycles that they believe only had ovulation because the kick started their cycles with a couple of rounds of clomid.

    Source(s): Cannot remember, could almost be wrong.
  • 1 decade ago

    i recently have done 2 cycles of clomid, both were 50mg and ovulated both times. the second month i ovulated a few days later then the first. i did not get pregnant from either cycle probably because our timing was off. its been 36 days since my last period from the clomid and i just ovulated 3 days ago on my own! even though it was late ovulation, i am still very happy as i did not regularly ovulate before clomid. we had sex 3 of my fertile days(not knowing it) but we used the pull-out method each time so i doubt ill become pregnant.

    goodluck with clomid, i was very pleased with my experience with it, i still have more pills! lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im on my first round of clomid 50mg... had a scan done on day 12 of my cycle and doc saw 2 eggs one was very large the other was 2 small and he said that would most probably not be released. but told us to do our homework for the next 3 days and to come back in on the 18th for a blood test.... so we baby danced and hopefully this is it for me. but i had and still am having bloating, blurr vision and hot flashes. if it doesnt work this time round i will do it again until it does. im not gonna give up...

  • Haylee
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Do you ovulate on your own?

    If you do then the clomid is not going to help you at all.

    I took clomid for 6 months and never got pregnant on it, two months after stopping clomid I got pregnant on my own.

    If you do not ovulate then it could help you alot.

    Some side effects you can expect are hot flashes, dizzy spells, slight cramping, and blurry vision. (I only got cramping and hot flashes)

    add: I didn't kick start anything I ovulated before it, after it, and during it. My doctor even explained after I stopped that if I ovulated on my own clomid wasn't going to do anything for me.

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  • mcdow
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i've got been employing clomid for a pair of cycles. The element effects that I experienced have been temper swings, average bleeding and bloating, extraordinarily whilst ovulation time is close to. I had undesirable gasoline, frequently at night. did no longer make me nauseous in spite of the undeniable fact that

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunatly clomid didnt work for me. After six months and lots of tests, i never ovulated even once.Shortly after that i lost my insurance at work. BUT, i do now have a step son that i love dearly!

  • 1 decade ago

    I was on clomid for 2 months and then got my bfp after ttc for 6 months. good luck and baby dust hope this is your month

    Source(s): 32 weeks preggo
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