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6 Weeks pregnant and constant nausea?
Hey all. I am 6 weeks pregnant today and for the last several days I have been experiencing nausea off and on all day, no vomiting though. I heard it is a good sign. But can any of you guys give me any suggestions on things today to help with the nausea. I tried soda crackers and sprite/ginger ale today but the salty cracker are really to much for me. Thanks in advance for your answers! :)
6 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago5 weeks pregnant very light spotting after sex! Answers please :)?
Hey ladies 5 weeks pregnant and me and my husband had sex yesterday, not rough very gentle, (tmi I know :)) anyway 10min after sex i went to use the restroom and their was very light speck of blood when i wiped. went back 10 minutes later then there it was again when i wiped. AFter the last time there was nothing more and I havent seen any blood or anything since. I read that this was normal due to increase sensitivity of cervix and increased blood flow. But I'm just so nervous. any other women ever experience this.
5 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years agoAnxious.. Scared. Who else seen nothing on ultra sound at 5 weeks? Answers needed for comfort!?
Went in for my pregnancy confirmation on yesterday. I have taken a total of 9 pregnancy test (two being at the doctor's office) all positive. :) I am 5 weeks. Did an ultrasound yesterday didn't see anything but he could tell that my uterus lining was thickening, which he says is what happens when body is preparing for baby. DR says it is because you can't really see anything until at least 6 weeks so I go back next week for another ultra sound. He was very cool about is says that this is normal I am just so nervous because this is our first child and we have been trying for several years to get pregnant. Had anyone else experience this.
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years agoHas anyone else been told that 5 weeks is to early to really see anything on the ultrasound! Answer Please!!?
Went to the doctor today for my pregnancy confirmation after 6 positive pregnancy test. He did another one, which was also positive. He went ahead and did an ultrasound just to see what he could see. He said that my uterus lining and everything was thickening as it should in preparation for a baby but there was no sack yet. Per him, it is to early to see the sac or anything else becaue I am only 5weeks and 4days. He did blood work to that will be back Monday (gosh thats a long wait blah) Has anyone else heard this before. I guess I am just a little nervous with this being my first baby and my husband and I have been trying for several years.
7 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago6 Positive Pregnancy Test but, Still Skeptical!! Please Help!!?
My husband and I have been trying to concieve for a while now. I have PCOS so that makes it a little more difficult for me. I have tried clomid, been on Metaphornin, lost 30+ pounds the whole shabang. TIme and time no positive pregnancy test. We are in the process of adoting a baby and have become a little more relaxed and not really thinking about getting pregnant because of it. We were scheduled to do the artificial insemination at the start of my next cycle. My cycles have been pretty regular since weight loss and my tubes were flushed out around the end of March beginning of April. Well I am now two weeks late for my cycle but i have been having cramps as if its coming but there is no signs of her. I took 4 home pregnancy test last night and one this morning they were all POSITIVE :). I went to the nearby urgent care clinic just a little while ago because I was so eager and it was also POSITIVE! I am scheduled to see my gynecologist tomorrow for confirmation appointment but, I am so so nervous. Do you guys think that there is a possibility that I could not be pregnant even though I have had a total of 6 positive test!!
Praying very dilligently that this is now our time!!! Thanks in advance for your responses.
6 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years agoDifficulty concieving and had HSG test on 03/29?
Been trying to concieve for over a year now and had an HSG test on last Monday, 03/29. My husband and I had sex on 03/31, 04/01, and earlier today. Had some pain in my lower right abdomen near my ovaries early this morning and about 30 minutes after sex. About an hour after my last pains I went to the restroom and noticed some spotting when I wiped (tmi) Sorry. Has anyone had the HSG test done before and experience the same thing afterwards? Any possible answers or suggestions are welcomed.
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoTrying to conceive with PCOS?
My husband and I are desperately trying to conceive. I found out a little over a year ago that I have PCOD and I having taking clomid, provera, and metaformin to help in our desperation to conceive. I have also lost about 45 pounds in the last couple of months as suggested by the doctor, but still no luck. Can anyone else out her give me any encouragement or anything that they have use to help them with their issues when it came to trying to conceive? Anybody!
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade agotaste aversions during pregnancy...?
Has anyone ever seem to develop taste aversions to alomst every other thing that they eat during pregnancy. I think that I may be preggers this time and I am experience several symtptoms, i.e. i think i may have had implantation bleeding, heartburn after almost everything, i eat, slight naucious, and now these taste aversions. Experiences and serious answers please.. Thanks in advance
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoPregnancy symptoms and clomid.... Experiences please all good answers welcomed?
So I took a pregnancy test, tuesday but it was negative... My dr says it could have been to early and he ordered me not to take my clomid this month. Well Wednesday morning I woke up nauseated and began vomiting everywhere and had diarrehea once. Went to urgent clinic they ddnt do a prego test, but they tested me for al kinds of illnesses and said it must be just a stomach virus.. well i got to feeling better that afternoon... this morning I woke up again a bit naucious but not vomiting... not to mention that for almost 3 weeks now I have horrible heartburn, which i don't usual have after I eat anything... I also have my period on the first of the month through the 5th faitfully since I've been on clomid and the last month it came on those days then came again on the 22ndthrough 25, but was lighter than usually.. anyone else every experience anything similar to this... please help
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoPregnancy test today pray for me!!?
So guys I have PCOS and I am trying conceive. So I have been taking Metaforim and Clomid for the past three months with no luck :(. But the plus side is that since i have been taking the medicine my period has come on the first of the month like clock work. Well last month, October, I got my period as always and it lasted the 1st through the 5th with me taking clomid the 5th through the ninth day of my cycle. Well on the 22nd of October I got my period again, but it was lighter than usual and it only lasted 3 days instead of the usual 5. And now today is the 2nd of November and there are no signs of my period. I know that Implantation bleeding can last 1 to 3 days so I am praying that maybe that is just what that was and I am going to take the pregnancy test this afternoon. Anybody else every experience anything like this.Any suggestions or words of wisdom and encouragement. Please pray for me ladies that I get positive results. Thanks and GOD bless.
9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoImplantation bleeding or period?
So I have PCOS and i am currently taking clomida and metaforim to try and concieve for the last 3 months. Since I have been taking these meds I get my period on exactly the 1st of each month and it ends on th 5th and this month was no different, but on Oct. 22 I woke up and went to use the restroom and there was some light bleed like a light period and it lasted for ab.out 3 days and then it ended. Could I be prego and this just be implantation bleeding or was this just a second period for this month.. somebody give me ur suggestions please, personal experienes are more than welcomed....
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoDisappointment, Clomid, and Continous praying :(?
Guys can I please get some encouraging words or some uplifting success stories with clomid. I just started my 3rd round of clomid Monday. We are desperately trying to concieve. My doctor says it should be soon. Since the clomid is giving my a period, so therefore I am ovulating, but I guess I'm just so eager to get prego its just disappointing everytime I see aunt flo. Can I get some encouraging words or someones else's success after hard times with clomid.
Thanks ladies in advance
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoclomid and early ovulation question! Please help.?
I currently finished my second round of clomid on wed. I took it days 5-9 of my period. I have read about people ovlating early and late while taking clomid. On day 5 of clomid, which was also wed, i had thick and stretchy cm. Is it possible that I could have been ovulating from the clomid. We had sex just in case. Please answer!
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoClomid and Pregnancy!!! Pregnancy Symptom ?S! As many answers as possible please!?
I recently finished my first round of clomid and I am now nearing the end of my two week. For the last couple of weeks I have been having a lot of lower abdomen pain, which is very unusual for me, and now for the last couple of days my nipples have been really sore as well. Can anyone tell me if they had any symptoms like this in the early stages of pregnancy.
4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agowhat are some ovulation symptoms?
what are some symptoms of ovulation, other that the cm and elevated temperature.
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoClomid and Prometrium experiencers please help!?
Hey ladies so we're trying to concieve and I irregular periods due to pcosand I just finished my first round of clomid. The doctor has me taking metaforim daily, and prometrium days 15 through the 24th day of my period, then on the 5 th day of bleeding i am to take my clomid days 5 through 9. My question is after I have done this and I am waiting to see if I have concieved this cycle do i continue to take the prometrium on the 15 for the get my cycle or wait to see if i get it on my own.
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade agoCLOMID experiences please?
Can i hear others experiences and success with clomid please
7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoJust started clomid!?
Hey guys! I just started taking my first round of clomid yesterday(50mg)! I'm really excited and very prayerful! We are really praying that GOD will bless us on our first round. However I am a little nervous, I really don't even feel like i have taken the medicine I've read others clomid stories and seen and heard about all kinds of mood swings and hot flashes and the last 2 days i felt perfectly fine, other than feeling a little wierd the first 30 mins after. Can you guys tell me about side effects and experiences you had with Clomid.
6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoClomid questions! Please answer!?
I just recently found out i have pcos and am trying to conceive.... I am going to start my round of prometrium today and then after that I will start my first round of clomid... Is there anyone out there with experience with clomid? How well did your body react with it? How soon did you concieve? And was it a multiple or single pregnancy?
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoNegative pregnancy test and still pregnant.(Personal experiences please)?
Has anyone out there every took a pregnancy test and it said negative and then found out they really were prego after a blood test. I've taken 2 home pregnancy test and they both have said negative, but yet I have not had a period for two months and i have picked up a few pounds as well. I have schedule a dr's appt be would just like to hear personal stories plx (p.s i also had sex 3 days leading up to ovulation as well.
6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago