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Has anyone else been told that 5 weeks is to early to really see anything on the ultrasound! Answer Please!!?

Went to the doctor today for my pregnancy confirmation after 6 positive pregnancy test. He did another one, which was also positive. He went ahead and did an ultrasound just to see what he could see. He said that my uterus lining and everything was thickening as it should in preparation for a baby but there was no sack yet. Per him, it is to early to see the sac or anything else becaue I am only 5weeks and 4days. He did blood work to that will be back Monday (gosh thats a long wait blah) Has anyone else heard this before. I guess I am just a little nervous with this being my first baby and my husband and I have been trying for several years.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My docs wouldn't even do an ultrasound until 8 weeks and then it had to be internal to see much at all. I wouldn't be worried. I've heard the same things from doctors. :)

  • Jill P
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Yes, totally normal. There isn't much to see until 6 weeks, and even then it's just a small empty sac. Try to relax and stay positive -- unless you've had signs that there's trouble (bleeding, severe cramping), there is no reason to suspect that anything would be wrong. Congrats!

    Source(s): 2 IVF pregnancies with ultrasounds at 6 and 8 weeks -- there's really very little to see even at 6 weeks
  • 10 years ago

    Don't worry. My doctor waits until at least 8 weeks for the first appointment because she likes to confirm with an ultrasound and says you can't really see anything earlier than that. Relax and be happy that you're pregnant! Congratulations! :)

  • 5 years ago

    Its a sprint low, yet no longer something to be nervous approximately for now. the sturdy information is which you're close to to 30 weeks and the toddler has been achievable for weeks if born early. in the event that they think of there's a real threat, they are going to provide the toddler steroids to advance the lungs (think of it takes 40 8 hours), then bypass forward and set off you. The scientific expert will ensure your toddler is interior the main secure place available (in you or born), so please do no longer issue.

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  • 10 years ago

    Yes I think earliest they can see a heartbeat us like 6 or 7 weeks.

  • Nikki
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Yes even at 7 weeks you dont see much, just wait it out I'm sure everything is fine congrats!!

  • 10 years ago

    I got mine at 7 wks and it looked like a little rice grain.

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