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6 Weeks pregnant and constant nausea?

Hey all. I am 6 weeks pregnant today and for the last several days I have been experiencing nausea off and on all day, no vomiting though. I heard it is a good sign. But can any of you guys give me any suggestions on things today to help with the nausea. I tried soda crackers and sprite/ginger ale today but the salty cracker are really to much for me. Thanks in advance for your answers! :)

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ritz crackers and Preggie Pop Drops have been life savers for me!

    Source(s): 8 weeks pregnant
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Why do we get nauseated and vomit in pregnancy? Good question — with no definitive answer. There are no studies that can say what causes it. There are theories about hormonal changes and abnormal gastric motility as well as psychological factors.

    What can we do about it? If you know that there is a trigger for the nausea, such as the smell of fried food, avoid that. No trips through a drive-through window. Other triggers can be stuffy rooms, perfume and heat. Brushing your teeth can bring it on. Sometimes the iron in your supplements can cause gastric irritation. You could stop your prenatal and take a standard multivitamin or just take your folic acid supplements until after you are feeling better. Eat before or as soon as you feel hungry. An empty stomach can aggravate nausea. Eat frequent high-carbohydrate, low-fat meals. Powdered ginger (1 to 1.5 grams in divided doses over 24 hours) has a positive effect. Some women find lemon-drop candies help.

    Hope this helps. You can talk with your doctor if problems persist.. Good Luck

    Source(s): american pregnancy association
  • doesnt it just suck!!! im 9w3d and damn i feel like pukin all the time. theres these pretzels made but rold gold honey wheat sticks there not too salty nd have a slight sweet taste but not so much it makes you sick. sweets make me beyond nauseous right now. they have worked really well with me for the last few weeks and they taste good. little better than saltine crackers. i crave salt so the salt on those dont bother me but the pretzels arent that salty at all. also ibought a leomon ginger tea with a couple tsp of sugar in it that i drink in the am caffine free of course and it really settles my stomach. key is to not over fill your tummy and eat often. i do throw up so i need to be careful with what i eat and those two things help. take your prenatals at night for some people its too much for there stomach on an empty tummy so take them after dinner. just take it easy and try those few things they helped me :)

    Source(s): 9w3d preggers
  • DunDun
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    You can try some dry toast, but I heard that there is nothing that can be done for morning sickness or nausea. Talk to your doctor and see what is suggested. Maybe it is your prenatals. I remember my sister had constant nausea and the doctor told her to get a gummy prenatal and that really helped her a lot. Apparently the regular prenatals were too strong for her tummy.

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  • 10 years ago

    Mints, dry toast, dry biscuits .. such as digestive

    I dont know of any others I didnt suffer with anything.

    Congratulations and good luck with everything :)

  • dry toast

    Source(s): 7wks and 4days with #1
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