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mama to baby boy 10/11/12

Favorite Answers22%
  • How to get my cycle back while breastfeeding?

    I'm currently nursing my 13 month old. I still don't have a period. My husband and I want to start ttc next month but I haven't had a period or any signs of ovulation! I don't want to have to wean but I'm not sure what else to do. My daughter is still nursing at night 2-3x per night and several times during the day. My son is 4 and I don't want a huge gap between the kids. So if anyone has experience with this please help.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Is this a good sign?

    So I am 7dpo ovulation. I have had dull cramping in one spot for the last 13 hours. I also had a temp dip this morning which for me has only happened in my charts where I was pregnant (3 charts) I have included my chart here to give you guys an idea and see what you think. I am hoping its a good sign!!!!!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive6 years ago
  • what does this cm mean?

    So my baby passed away when she was 16 days old but I am now 7/8 weeks post husband and I want to ttc another baby as soon as possible. We want something to be happy about again...for the last week I have had thin lotion like cm and for the last two days have had the lotion cm along with some mostly clear stretchy cm that stretches a couple inches but still negative opks. is my body trying to prepare for ovulation or is ovulation impending...and if so how much longer do you think until I obviate. My Dr gave me the ok to try and i have gotten pregnant all three times the first month trying...but just from others experience how long do you think I have until I actually ovulate...I also have between a 30-32 day cycle....if that help me out I want another baby more than anything

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive7 years ago
  • I caught my fiance emailing other women online and dating site continued...?

    I am absolutely devistated. I am 14wks pregnant and we have a one year old together. He says he never actually cheated but he sent pictures of his penis to these girls and said some things that hurt me so bad. I feel like he cheated and I feel betrayed and decieved...I want to leave big I also don't cuz of the kids....we have been together five yrs. ....I'm so hurt :(....

    Origanal post above...

    This is the first time I ever caught him but it didn't supposedly stop til he got caught and I had to find out the truth by digging and getting phone records.....he wants to try to work it out but in my eyes once u lie to the mother of your child and the womam u supposedly love and talk and send pics to other womem.....that's wrong.....I can't do it. I need out....I just don't have the strength :'(

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I caught my fiance emailing other women online and dating sites. help me?

    I am absolutely devistated. I am 14wks pregnant and we have a one year old together. He says he never actually cheated but he sent pictures of his penis to these girls and said some things that hurt me so bad. I feel like he cheated and I feel betrayed and decieved...I want to leave but I also don't cuz of the kids....we have been together five yrs. ....I'm so hurt :(

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • My 1 year old has started yelling as loud as he can, make it stop!!?

    hes turning 1 in 8 days and has started yelling, i am 10wks pregnant saturday and have the worst headaches as it is and his yelling and screeching isnt helping. if he was older id do time out, but hes not so i am at a loss of what to do and i dont spank for stuff like that only stuff that could seriously hurt or kill him. i just dont know what to do with him on this cuz its really obnoxious sometimes. also i have another question, he is always sticking his feet into my belly or accidently kicking me when we are going to sleep at do i stop this, he understands no he just chooses when to listen, nd i cant really say no when hes falling asleep, i just dont want him to hurt the baby. Also when hes been getting mad he starts flailing his arms and legs biting me and throwing temper tantrums, this child is getting terrible twos a year early i swear -_- how can i correct all of this, cuz hes usually a good boy, just sometimes he drives me up the wall with the screaming and tantrums if he doesnt get his way but im the parent hes not going to get his way all the time, doesnt work like that in our house. so how can i get these behaviors to stop or atleast discipline him for it, cuz hes really starting to test me i know it. I have a feeling its gonna be even worse when the new baby comes, cuz hes such a mamas boy and obviously doesnt know whats going on and wont understand why all attention isnt on how do u really prepare a one yr old (he will be 18m when the baby is born) for a new sibling??? sorry i have sooo many questions but this whole toddler area is new for me and how to correct them.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • 9wks4d pregnant bought a fetal doppler :D?

    i bought a doppler yesterday and i heard my wittle beans HB it was was the most amazing sound i have heard in a while...i have had on and off spotting so its nice to be able to hear my Baby's HB as i need to.....i really reccommend to anyone whos had any issues during pregnancy to get really gives u a piece of mind....i dont have a question, i am just so excited that i found his or her HB and its nice and strong :) Congrats to all the newly pregnant april&may mamas!!

    **Due May 4th 2014 with baby #2**

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • 7+4wks pregnant with period like cramping...?

    this is my 2nd pregnancy and i already feel like i am getting round ligament pain...and i also get period like cramping every morning for about 15 minutes and then its gone...the only spotting i have had was implantation spotting and i have had an ultrasound and everything was fine :) i just want to know if its normal to have cramping the same time everyday...i also have been constipated(tmi i kno sorry) so maybe that has something to do with it...but the pain is along my bikini line both sides and sometimes it radiates into my thigh....the cramping is just like period cramps but i only get them in the morning for a lil bit...then they go away....i have terrible all day sickness so its hard for me to stay hydrated...could that cause cramping as well as everything is growing and stretching....i can barely remember my pregnancy with my son even though he will be a year oct mommy/pregnancy brain....any advice would be nice :)

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • 7wks4d pregnant waking up with terrible back pain!?

    so if i sleep on my sides my hips will hurt all day....if i sleep on my back on either side of my spine right above my butt it HURTS almost like pressure on that one spot...i dont know if its the matress or what...but its very there any type of matress toppers to help fix it??? cuz i have a 1yr old and i cant keep waking up in pain all the time like this....and what do you think could be causing matress is only 3yrs old! and its a sertapedic pillow top mattress so its a good mattress...maybe its just me....

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Pregnant and i have horrible constipation...tmi i kno but this sucks!!?

    so i will be on this pain medication for the rest of my life for RA and i do not have a choice of stopping it without being in severe pain. so i am on a narcotic pain killer that would be strong for most people but b.c i have been on it for 5 years i have a high tolerance...I am almost 24 years old and i am 7wks3d pregnant....a side effect of my medication is constipation...but it has seem to have gotten 100x worse where i MIGHT go once a very tired of this already and i just want to know is there anything safe that i can take.....and please dont lecture me about my medication, my son was born while i was on it and was perfectly fine and came home after a week. i have to take this medication or i would not be able to move because the pain is so please dont judge me. i am a great mom who just has a very painful disease.

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • I am 6wks5d pregnant is this normal?

    My baby's HB was 124bpm the ultrasound tech said it was normal but I feel like it's my baby's HB normal?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • What should i expect to see on an ultrasound at 7weeks?

    im getting an ultrasound next friday and i will be 7wks1d i only had an ultrasound at 9,12,20 wks with my son never this early...what can i expect to see...they suspect twins thats why im getting an early scan

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • 6wks1d pregnant and i had some light spotting yesterday?

    so yesterday i had some reddish brown spotting in the am..that tapered off into a light brown discharge, and today its just a tiny bit of brown. only when i wipe..not even everytime...i had spotting like this with my son and obviously was fine...but has anyone had this too and had a healthy pregnancy....also what could this be...could it just be some type of break thru bleeding?? i did have it with my son at exactly the same time..pretty much the same spotting...when i miscarried it was bright red from the start and it never went away til i passed everything a week later. im going to my drs office now...i would just like some reassurance.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Names for a late spring baby girl?

    so im due end of on the list for girls names...My sons name is Conlan Roger..

    i would like some cute, UNCOMMON, names for spring/summer do NOT suggest the name rayne...i hate it.

    15 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Im pregnant and parents hate my

    so im 24 in a month and i have a husband and an 11month old son. I am also almost 6 weeks pregnant. but heres the problem, my parents dont like my hubby, the even said i should of gotten an abortion when i told them i was pregnant with my first. im so scared of telling my parents im pregnant b.c of how they may react. we are GREAT PARENTS! but both my parents are drs and have money, and my hubby works in construction and brings home 1200 a week but to them it isnt good enough. they always say he should get a second job and he doesnt take good enough care of me, which he does...just last spring we fell on hard times while i was pregnant. so how do i tell them, we are really happy about this pregnancy and glad we got pregnant first month trying. im still breastfeeding my first so i didnt think itd happen so fast. but i have serious anxiety about telling them...and i dont know how to...please i need advice..and my hubby is a good man and an amazing father and partner! he treats me great and works hard so i can stay home with our baby, but my parents still think hes not good enough b.c he doesnt come from money like i do and isnt loaded like they are....please help

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Is this normal for 5wks4d...2nd pregnancy?

    i am 5wks4d pregnant with my 2nd baby...i dont see the ob till sept 23rd...but i can already feel the top of my uterus right above my pubic bone...could it be possible there is twins and thats why my uterus is bigger or is it just b.c i had a baby 10 months ago and its just getting bigger faster than the first time?? i didnt feel my uterus until almost 11wks with my 3 days away from 6 weeks now...i just find it kind of odd

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • 5 weeks pregnant is this normal?

    everytime i stand up or get out of the truck i get wicked lightheaded and dizzy where i have to put my head down...i hate it...and if it is normal what can i do to help it???

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Is it normal not to have nausea at 4 weeks pregnant?

    i will be 4 weeks tomorrow..i only have tiredness/lightheadedness /peeing /dull cramping on and off and tmi i kno but more this all normal for 4 wks i dont feel that pregnant.

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Im barley 4 weeks pregnant with dull cramping...?

    im acctually 10dpo i have had 6 BFP's so im def pregnant..todays tests are darker too...but im having some on and off dull mild cramping...i dont remember having this with my son until 8wks or this normal??? i barely have any symptoms...a tad bit fuller boobs...bloated...lightheaded.. and that normal...people that arent even pg seem to have more "symptoms" then i do...whats the deal???

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Whats a good way to announce my pregnancy on sunday?

    my SO and I want to announce my pregnancy sunday..what are some fun ways to announce our 2nd pregnancy

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago