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Im pregnant and parents hate my

so im 24 in a month and i have a husband and an 11month old son. I am also almost 6 weeks pregnant. but heres the problem, my parents dont like my hubby, the even said i should of gotten an abortion when i told them i was pregnant with my first. im so scared of telling my parents im pregnant b.c of how they may react. we are GREAT PARENTS! but both my parents are drs and have money, and my hubby works in construction and brings home 1200 a week but to them it isnt good enough. they always say he should get a second job and he doesnt take good enough care of me, which he does...just last spring we fell on hard times while i was pregnant. so how do i tell them, we are really happy about this pregnancy and glad we got pregnant first month trying. im still breastfeeding my first so i didnt think itd happen so fast. but i have serious anxiety about telling them...and i dont know how to...please i need advice..and my hubby is a good man and an amazing father and partner! he treats me great and works hard so i can stay home with our baby, but my parents still think hes not good enough b.c he doesnt come from money like i do and isnt loaded like they are....please help

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    What a horrid situation to be in! From what you've said about your hubby it seems like they are missing out by not having a relationship with him. Do they have a relationship with your son? Tell them that you simply can't have him being around such unwarranted criticism of his father and that they either put their snobbish feelings aside and accept the choice you have made, or they won't get to see either of their grandchildren anymore.

    He sounds like a top bloke, and they seem pretty shallow. I know that most kids would rather be a bit skint and have time with their parents than never see their parents but have all the latest gear. No one lies on their deathbed wishing they had worked more. Sounds like you two have a great relationship, so don't let this come between you.

    Write t them if you think it will be easier - but make it clear they accept your choices in life, or you have nothing more to do with them. It is about your family now, your husband and children, and if they want to be a part of that then they will have to change, because you are happy as you are.

    good luck and congrats xx

  • Jcs
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    your parents are snobs and its a horrible way to be. but u are not them and u don't have to answer to them.. u are a grown up now and they have no say its your family so make sure y stand up for it. your husband sounds lovely and he works hard. most girls would kill for that so hang on to him and forget what they say.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    your parents sound awful. its your life, its not their concern.. I wouldn't bother telling them if they're just gonna complain and lecture

  • 8 years ago

    Just ignore your parents and move on.

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