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My 1 year old has started yelling as loud as he can, make it stop!!?

hes turning 1 in 8 days and has started yelling, i am 10wks pregnant saturday and have the worst headaches as it is and his yelling and screeching isnt helping. if he was older id do time out, but hes not so i am at a loss of what to do and i dont spank for stuff like that only stuff that could seriously hurt or kill him. i just dont know what to do with him on this cuz its really obnoxious sometimes. also i have another question, he is always sticking his feet into my belly or accidently kicking me when we are going to sleep at do i stop this, he understands no he just chooses when to listen, nd i cant really say no when hes falling asleep, i just dont want him to hurt the baby. Also when hes been getting mad he starts flailing his arms and legs biting me and throwing temper tantrums, this child is getting terrible twos a year early i swear -_- how can i correct all of this, cuz hes usually a good boy, just sometimes he drives me up the wall with the screaming and tantrums if he doesnt get his way but im the parent hes not going to get his way all the time, doesnt work like that in our house. so how can i get these behaviors to stop or atleast discipline him for it, cuz hes really starting to test me i know it. I have a feeling its gonna be even worse when the new baby comes, cuz hes such a mamas boy and obviously doesnt know whats going on and wont understand why all attention isnt on how do u really prepare a one yr old (he will be 18m when the baby is born) for a new sibling??? sorry i have sooo many questions but this whole toddler area is new for me and how to correct them.

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago

    When he starts up a tantrum or starts yelling, tell him he can scream and throw fits all he wants, but it hurts Mommy's ears so he has to do it in his room, and when he is all done and is ready to be nice then he can come out. At that point if he doesn't go in his room willingly, you put him in there and close the door. If he already knows how to open doors then put a sock around the knob on the inside and secure it there with a rubber band, or just use one of those childproof knobs if you have them. This will prevent him from being able to open the door. Then sit by the door, put a rolled-up towel under the door to muffle the noise, put in earplugs, and read a book or fold laundry or something.

    Periodically when you can hear him calming down, praise him through the door for calming down, and if he doesn't start up again, then open the door and ask him if he is ready to come out and be nice. If he comes out but then starts up the tantrum again, just put him back in his room again and tell him again that he can throw a fit but he needs to do it in his room because it hurts your ears.

    And obviously don't give him his way after a tantrum, but I assume you already know that part.

    As far as the new baby, you might have success practicing with a baby doll and pretending it is a new baby.... doing all the things with the doll that you would with a real baby. That worked for my sister and her daughter who was going to get a new baby brother.

    About the falling asleep kicking you, it would be a good idea to start training him to fall asleep in his own crib at night, rather than falling asleep with you all the time... if not because he's already 1 year old, then because you aren't going to be able to do it when you have to be holding the baby. If you don't know how to train him to fall asleep in his own crib, you could ask another Y!A question, or you could just look up techniques online or in books at the library... there is plenty of advice out there on this subject.

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