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6 Positive Pregnancy Test but, Still Skeptical!! Please Help!!?

My husband and I have been trying to concieve for a while now. I have PCOS so that makes it a little more difficult for me. I have tried clomid, been on Metaphornin, lost 30+ pounds the whole shabang. TIme and time no positive pregnancy test. We are in the process of adoting a baby and have become a little more relaxed and not really thinking about getting pregnant because of it. We were scheduled to do the artificial insemination at the start of my next cycle. My cycles have been pretty regular since weight loss and my tubes were flushed out around the end of March beginning of April. Well I am now two weeks late for my cycle but i have been having cramps as if its coming but there is no signs of her. I took 4 home pregnancy test last night and one this morning they were all POSITIVE :). I went to the nearby urgent care clinic just a little while ago because I was so eager and it was also POSITIVE! I am scheduled to see my gynecologist tomorrow for confirmation appointment but, I am so so nervous. Do you guys think that there is a possibility that I could not be pregnant even though I have had a total of 6 positive test!!

Praying very dilligently that this is now our time!!! Thanks in advance for your responses.

6 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know what, my friend Kerry was adopted, and in the middle of her adoption process, her parents conceived her sister (who is like 7 months younger than her)…just because they weren't as worried about it because they were finishing up the adoption of Kerry.

  • 10 years ago

    i wouldnt doubt 6 tests that agree lol congrats! there are lots of stories about women who cant get pregnant and, during the adoption process, conceive. its amazing how stress can effect fertility!

  • 10 years ago

    You are definitely pregnant! Its probably the fact you've seen so many negative test and you the positive put you in shock. This is your time. Congratulations!!!!!!

  • 10 years ago

    GIRL you are pregnant!!! Congrats!!! 5 tests don't lie. Send some of that baby dust this way....

    Source(s): Sidney's mommy TTC#2
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think ur pregnant . congrats =] have the sam thing and im takin the same pills so that gives me hope lol

  • Nikki
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    YES your pregnant, im so jealous of you as i've been TTC for a year now and im so happy for you too

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