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Implantation bleeding or period?

So I have PCOS and i am currently taking clomida and metaforim to try and concieve for the last 3 months. Since I have been taking these meds I get my period on exactly the 1st of each month and it ends on th 5th and this month was no different, but on Oct. 22 I woke up and went to use the restroom and there was some light bleed like a light period and it lasted for ab.out 3 days and then it ended. Could I be prego and this just be implantation bleeding or was this just a second period for this month.. somebody give me ur suggestions please, personal experienes are more than welcomed....

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am on the exact same boat as u.. I am on clomid and this is my second month taking it, i was supposed to get my period next Friday but this Friday I got light bleeding and i still have... I also am having sharp stabbing pain on my lower back and i NEVER EVER got that until now. I dont know whats going on I dont know of it could be implantation bleeding or my period but why would it be early... i am so lost and I jst want to test so badly so I am waiting to test tomorrow morning with FMU its 4 days before my supposed period so i guess it should be accurate. I hope we're both having implantation bleeding and we get our bfp SOON! Good luck and lots of baby dust!

    Source(s): TTC#1-2nd. round of clomid
  • 1 decade ago

    It could be implantation bleeding, but if it lasted for 3 days it was probably just a light period. It is really hard to tell right now. You could be pregnant, but you are on a couple of medications so it is hard to tell.

  • 1 decade ago

    It can be implantation bleeding, especially if your periods are like clockwork. You can probably test soon to find out good luck.

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