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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Have you ever gotten harrassed by another user (not a troll) in this section?

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this because I just got a message from a regular user of Y!A (particularly the pregnancy and parenting section) and I can't stop laughing. This person is a MOTHER for goodness sake and she's sending me rude messages full of insults and poor grammar. LOL It's amazing to me that there are women like this out there masquerading as ADULTS who are actually responsible for someone other than themselves. God help their poor children.

So does anyone else have an "enemy" on here and how do you get them to leave you alone? I blocked this user but it said that would only keep them from adding me to their contacts and viewing my network information, which is private anyways. Will blocking them keep them from sending me messages? Because I don't want to disable the e-mail feature because there are people I actually LIKE to hear from, but I also don't want to deal with this idiot anymore. Is there a way to report them?


I *want* to report her, but I don't know how. I don't care enough to stalk her and report some of her answers and she actually contributes so that would be nearly impossible anyways, and I looked on the e-mail she sent me (through the "e-mail this user" feature of Y!A) and there is nothing anywhere about being able to report her message...

Update 2:

arm - Yeah, she asked a question about weight loss after delivery and I answered, basically saying that there are no set in stone parameters for how much you WON'T be able to lose (because she was saying that she knows for a fact that you will retain 10 lbs per pregnancy no matter what, which is just stupid) and so she got mad and was all "I don't need people who are pregnant with their first baby answering my questions, CAN YOU READ?!" LOL I don't know why it upset her so much, but I definitely hit a nerve...

And the "09" in my name is for the year 2009. =/ My due date is actually the 22nd, so I am jealous of you. LOL And if I were you, I'd definitely be pulling for a late September baby!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh my god, I know what you mean

    My yahoo doesn't give me notices anymore when I get mail, so when I do filter threw it all eventually, I'll find a bunch of old messaged from other users

    And they are RIDICULOUS!

    Most of them are uneducated, ranting about personal opinions, or trying to give me **** for lying on yahoo.

    Well, we all have a right to personal opinions. I wouldn't say false crap to fellow mothers just for the sake of misleading them. And I would not ever harass another person to try and feel big.

    Some of these people just have some serious growing up to do.

    You can report them, copy and paste their yahoo name and the message even. Im sure if you look in the community guidelines they would have a reporting option. I've done it before, but im not to sure how do it anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    Something like that happened. I had posted a question and there was a person who was continually in the pregnancy/ttc/and newborn section answering pregnancy questions, and the main advice was to young pregnant girls to have an abortion.

    Well, I'm a military wife and in this particular question I'd asked for advice from MOMMIES on what they realized they didn't need things they wish they'd gotten etc. She answered by posting every website that we get when we go to our first prenatal appointment. I was like, really? (She's Airforce, so I figure, wait, you should know this already...that I already have these sites)

    So I looked at her profile which states she has "better priorities" than children. So, why are you in the pregnancy section posting answers to pregnant women if you don't have kids and don't want them???

    And I said something about it in the additional details. Got reamed in messages by her and this other girl as well. Because I was "rude" to her. No, I wasn't I was stating a fact.

    Either way, people are always gonna be like that. I don't message other users unless I have something nice to say. I don't stalk other users. If you are gonna use this as a forum for your ideas and your stance on abortion or whatever, you need to get out to start with, not be harrassing other users who are here for help. :D

    Sorry you had a bad experience. I think if you block the user, they can't message you anymore!!

    Source(s): 20 weeks 6 days with #1
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I had someone with a very high score and a top contributer in parenting get very nasty to not only me based on my reply, but she accused the person asking the question of breaking HIPAA laws and trying to gather info for a lawsuit. Then she made fun of the person because she was wanting to publish her info in a journal for midwives and childbirth educators, saying that a "medical" journal would laugh at her. She then said she was an RN and a psychologist with OB experience. Anyone with that "knowledge" would have known there are a dozen journals out there for childbirth "junkies" that are NOT geared towards physicians. It's amazing how hateful this person was. OF COURSE, I got my reply removed when I responded to her, but she changed her RANT before a best answer (thus "sealing" the question) could be given. That's my experience with it.

  • arm
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't know if you can report her, but just ignore her. Chances are you said something that really hit her close to home and she just can't deal with the truth. Maybe what ever you said will sink in and she will realize it and learn something from you.

    By the way, I noticed our due dates are the same day! Are you hoping for a September 31st baby too?? I can't wait till be done and October 9th is still so far away in my tired of being pregnant mind.

    Source(s): Well if you retain 10 lbs with every pregnancy then why was I back down to a size 4 before my current 4th pregnancy, and I was a size six the baby before that. Some people.
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  • Vicky
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I had something similar in the TTC section -- they would go through and put thumbs down on every answer I gave, never mind the other stuff. In other works, I knew they had nothing better to do than give me trouble. I can't think of a way to stop getting the e-mails. I basically cut off the e-mail function and when I want to write to my lovely pregnant Y!A friends, I give them my regular e-mail account info.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you put your mouse over the icon of the person, it gives you the option to completly block that person from your questions and info. there should also be a report abuse button if you go to there profile

  • 1 decade ago

    no not really tho there is a poster i think called Charl who iratates me because she keeps saying shes in the medical field and i must be wrong when i say how soon you find out you can get pregnant she says it takes 4 weeks to find out after having intercourse to get a posative pregnancy test my reason for knowing shes a fake is because i found out i was pregnant 11dpo and its the same with all surros they find out there pregnant 2 weeks or less after doing insems. i dont claim to know everything but thats the only thing i do know information about

    Source(s): 22 weeks preg with lil girl EDD 12/12
  • 1 decade ago

    i dont have enemies per say.. but there are regulars.. over in newborn and baby section that really erk my nerves. im sure im not their favorite person either but words have never been exchanged

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, i had someone tell me i am pro war and im a george bush lover just because my husband is military. She literately went to every answer that i had posted on and wrote that below it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its probably somone that knows you

    or some reatred that has nutting to do but harras people online

    just ignore he and report her. thats all =)

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