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mick t
Lv 5
mick t asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Is the media trying to provoke a civil war?

Have you ever noticed that government protesters are always labeled by the media as extremists? Bush protesters were left-wing extremists, Obama protesters are right-wing extremists. If you're against the government in any way, you must be an extremist. One of the defining characteristics of America is that we have very few extremists compared to other countries, yet now the media is labeling all opposition to the government as right wing extremism, or racism. Either they're focusing on very small groups of real extremists, or they're lying. I tend to believe the latter. I sincerely believe Americans on both sides of any argument are still good people, they just disagree. We rant and rave, and at the end of the day we go home peacefully to our homes to be with our families. Is the media purposely trying to rile people up enough to take up arms. It angers me that I'm being called a racist when I disagree with the president. The media called me unpatriotic when I disagreed with Bush. I'm tempted to become an extremist, though I don't know if I'm a left-wing or right wing extremist, I just know I disagree with what the government's been doing during my lifetime.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If so, I wouldn't be surprised.

    check out the obama deception for free on

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Naaah, a civil war would be bad for profits. They're just doing that to keep up the facade that everything is still working fine and nobody needs to wonder about what the federal government is doing. It's a corporate media heavily invested in preserving the status quo. Check out Dan Rather's op-ed piece from the other day:

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    One reason a lot of media supported Obama was that Obama sold more newspapers then his opponents

    and also air time? Obama spent a baby fortune on his running for president and the press were all given their 30 pieces of silver and they

    sill get the juice..

    if their is a civil war (and Charles Manson predicted this!) then it will

    be a nasty one~~as those southern gentlemen are just waiting to have

    another Bull Run or Gettysburg~~the South may rise again? but maybe not~~~~

    Source(s): The Second American Civil War was a war fought between conservative expansionist forces of America, who christened themselves the Empire of the American States, and secessionist liberals who formed the Democratic States of America in what used to be called the United States of America during the beginning of the 21st century. This war is generally considered the most destructive war in American history with higher military casualties than all previous American wars combined, and with civilian casualties exceeding that of the Second World War. This civil war was closely tied to the War of American Expansion which was fought prior and during the Civil War. [Outcome of war not yet determined] Chronology of events in the War of American Expansion and those leading up to the Second American Civil War: January 20, 2005: George W. Bush inaugurated for his second term in office October 25, 2005: Iraqi constitution draft approved by popular vote, turning the nation into the 52nd US state (Israel became the 51st in 2004). June 13, 2006: Saddam Hussein executed September 20, 2006: U.S. renounces membership to the UN April 26, 2007: U.S. forces simultaneously invade Syria and Iran October 9, 2007: Syria falls, in Iran situation worsens, with no clear victory in sight October 10, 2007: Arab-led coalition declares war on the U.S., Israel, and Iraq October 13, 2007: Sensing US military weakness, North Korea invades South Korea. October 15, 2007: The People’s Republic of China invades the Republic of China October 27, 2007: Congress grant George W. Bush emergency wartime powers for a period of three months October 28, 2007: Taiwan captured by the PRC November 16, 2007: Defeated US forces in South Korea retreat to Pusan November 19, 2007: US forces capture Beirut November 21, 2007: Civil war in Iraq ends with the overthrow of the American-installed regime November 22, 2007: Iraq joins the Arab coalition December 7, 2007: Syria recaptured by Arab coalition January 27, 2008: George W. Bush’s emergency wartime powers are indefinitely extended. February 11, 2008: US forces recapture Seoul March 24, 2008: George W Bush announces the existence a shocking conspiracy within the ranks of Congress. Calls for an emergency restructuring of the nation. With the support of the Republicans, George W. Bush declares the U.S. the Empire of American States (EAS) abolishes Congress, indefinitely postpones the November elections, and institutes a draft. March 27, 2008: Democrat states secede from the EAS to form the Democratic States of America (DSA) Democratic Presidential Candidate Barrack Obama is elected President of the Democratic States of America. March 29, 2008: EAS embargoes DSA but could not take military action due to the thinness of its forces spread across the world. Chronology of events in the war: July 29, 2008: EAS conscripts invade Maryland. July 30, 2008: EAS invade Illinois August 8, 2008: Maryland falls to Republican forces September 15, 2008: Democrat forces retreat from Pennsylvania September 16, 2008: DSA forces overrun Nevada September 17, 2008: Chicago falls to Republicans September 21, 2008: Michigan militia captures Indianapolis October 3, 2008: New Jersey falls to Republicans, Chicago recaptured October 4, 2008: New York City besieged by EAS troops December 25, 2008: New York City falls to EAS forces January 19, 2009: France declares war on EAS January 29, 2009: French troops besiege New York City February 4, 2009: New York City taken by French at a a heavy cost of casualties. EAS casulaties minimal. February 7, 2009: Battle of Cheakespeake Bay: A large division of French troops ambushed by a EAS company on the east bank of the Cheakespeake while awaiting transport ships. Rescue fleet annihilated by a squadron of EAS heicopters. Last-minute assistance from a DSA platoon resulted in a joint DSA-French victory. February 16, 2009: Empire of American States orders the construction of the Death SARS, a massive mobile biological weapon capable of spreading an improved version of the deadly disease it secretly planted in Guandong, China in 2002. The 2002 operation, which was intended to cut down the Chinese overpopulation, failed miserably. The EAS hoped this slightly improved version of the virus would be more successful. March 5, 2009: Death SARS is declared a failure as both sides fall victim to the virus. President Bush gives the order for the immediate innoculation of EAS citizens. The DSA is left to suffer with the disease. President Bush begins his plans to build a wall to split the affected areas from the "clean" states. [Remainder of War not yet determined] Retrieved from "
  • 1 decade ago

    the media is always rying to provoke a civil war because it sells newspapers

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