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Why do people use town hall meetings to carry out their hatred of our President instead of...?

..what it was intended?

Town Hall meetings, I thought, were to discuss concerns/views on certain topics to the politicians in their area. Instead, these meetings are being used to degrade/defame the current administration. Nothing is being discussed, just lots of anger and hate.

Why are people using these venues for avenues for which they aren't intended?


To booze: If you recall, Dan Rooney is a HUGE Obama supporter. Obama appointed Mr. Rooney as U.S. Ambassador to Ireland.

So, I guess that blows your theory of me being a 'disgrace to all Steelers fans'

Do some research before slamming me ok?

21 Answers

  • eagle
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People only raise their voices when they are not heard. Perhaps, it would be a good idea if the elected officials would LISTEN to the people.

    The people are saying, We don't want the government in out lives. The elected officals are trying to find new ways to be MORE in the lives of the people.


  • 5 years ago

    I don't think they are. I believe that people are polite when dealing with the president ( for the most part). I think it's the office that commands the respect regardless of who holds it. I was not a Bush fan but had I ever had an opportunity to ask him about a few things I would have felt privileged to do so. Senators and Congressmen should be addressed in a polite civil way but there position just doesn't command the respect that the Presidents does.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are frustrated and afraid.. and they have no where to turn. They see this president and his hired thugs just taking the country away from them.. putting up new rules, changing things that most Americans do not even understand.

    Obama said one thing while campaigning and is doing a whole lot of other things. he cannot give any good explanations for most of his plots and programs.. just wants us to trust him.

    Ha? Trust a liar.. I don't' think so. so that is why people get angry and a little wild at some of these meetings.. it is because they are faced with such stupidity. I have yet to watch one of these town hall things that any real honest to God answers were given.... No wonder people want their reps heads on a stick.

    Listening to some of the political speeches makes me wonder how any of these fools ever got to Washington.. oh yeah.. money and influence.. and not a damn thing to do with actually helping the people.

    Time to throw them all out and start over.

  • Lee B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Whoa, hold on there big guy. I see lots of people attacking the govt.'s attempt to monopolize health care and getting in the face of their respective representatives. Does that mean those people hate Obama? Attacking a bill (or bills) is not hating the president. Disagreeing with and questioning Obama is not hatred. Yes, there are people out there who hate the man because he simply is, but over-generalizing all dissent as hate is way too cheap and emotional. Lots of folks need to get over their Obama crush. I don't trust the guy, but I don't hate him. I think a lot of people feel about the same... both towards Obama and most politicians.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I watched the Arlen Specter town hall meeting and it seemed there was plenty of discussion. People expressed their concerns and asked the Senator to take their concerns to the rest of the Senate. No one was degraded or defamed but some people call the truth hate because they hate the truth.


  • 1 decade ago

    Health Care is one of those topics.

    IT'S NOT JUST REPUBLICANS hating the president, it's a lot of different people. People are generally just stupid. As Spock and his elf buddies have said (I don't watch star trek....) "Anger is the most pointless emotion" If McCAin was president, the same exact thing would be happening to him.

    It's all in the media, people wanna watch people argue and yell instead of hearing a well mannered and educated debate. Because people are generally ignorant and really don't care about government. Otherwise they would make educated statements about health care reform.

  • Sara T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    When you contact your political representative to voice your concerns and they shut you down (only wanting your vote, not your opinion) then you get them when they are in public and hold their feet to the fire. I seem to recall that to questions ones government as being very American. They are after all only there to govern, not control. Guess maybe you were out protesting that day they taught it in class.

    When the people fear their government there is tyranny,

    But when the government fears the people you have liberty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hatred for the president?

    You have been wearing those rose colored glasses too long!

    They are not showing hate toward the president only expressing their distrust for his health care plan. They are telling their congress people to READ the bill instead of trying to shove it down every ones throat!

    If there is any hate that is being shown it is from many of the Democrats in high office saying that it is only those who want to or are being nazi's about this plan!

    Please try thinking for yourself for once instead of spouting the MSNBC dribble!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Town Hall meetings, I thought, were to discuss concerns/views on certain topics to the politicians in their area".

    This is all I've seen at the Town halls is people who are expressing their concerns about Government intruding in another part of their lives. Political dissent is nothing new in this country and is 150% American.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Its a matter of mind over matter~~if the Democrats don't get reelected

    then Obama does not matter~~he will be a lame Duck president

    Clinton a Democrat had a Republican congress

    Bush Jr. lost out and became a lame duck president in his terms in office

    now it looks like Obama will follow his predecessor and be lame duck

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