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why is the protest from the right "bad" and from the left "good"? maybe some videos to reference would help?

small vocal angry mob? is it the right?

why does the left say protest is essential for them. but it's un- american for the right?

remember when dissent was patriotic? look here!

oh, and this is the way the left allows "civil and open debate"

why is bush = hitler ok? but obama = hitler bad?

here is a protester that has nazi refrences to bush

last we have an angry mob, complete with arrests and taunting of the police. was it at a "tea party"?

10 Answers

  • Rob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The right: is usually defined as conservatism.. Also known as traditionalist or those who hold on and continue to pass on traditional values on all levels. These people treasure majestic materials, both tangible and intangible items throughout the generations. Also consist of sound background. The majority is based off of early true Christian tracks. Unlike the modern or contemporary lifestyle in the United States, the right uses logic and actual intellect to approve/ disprove understanding in political science based off morals. These group(s) of people are more reluctant to accept change; thus favor of preserving the status quo and traditional values and customs, and reject abrupt changes / or behaviors.

    The left: Usually defined as blue dogs or liberals for far left; pro-activists. The majority has strong traditional values and morals reflecting open culture, excluding early American ties. Their beliefs are taylored to tolerance and gradual reform in their morals, religious views, and/ or political matters. Liberal theory surrounding politics stresses individualism. Their ideology eminates rejection upon authoritarian government and defends liberal-based, freedom of speech, association, and religion. Most modern-day leftists consist of minority descent. However, this statement is not a set structure, merely a recognition.

    I know those two can be swiped and send off tumultuous arguments on both sides, but lets review your first clause:

    Why are conservatives considered angry mobs? Because they do NOT want wide, abrupt change. Why not? Because it is socialism, thus will destroy this nations soveriegnty.

    They are called mobs, because it is what it is. I don't condone the word, "mob." What I do agree with that phraseology, once HR3200 passes without a blue dog democrat reading or beginning to comprehend it's specificality, conservatives will rally a mob.

    The mob, I refer to is the down-right ignorance the left portrays. The media-- also left-wing funded, praises everything against the right. What they don't understand, is that our current President, Barrack Obama will soon rid free journalism and filter everything against him out, so as to obtain no criticism.

    Technically, that's stomping over the U.S. Constitution, which still exists. If you love this country and what it stands for, you should be widely insulted for the lefts ignorance.

    Secondly: Palosi said herself in Spring of '06 that she admires protesters, that they are disruptors, and feels that these "disruptors" are taking advantage of their freedoms of speech.

    However, the other day, she spoke on behalf of Congress, stating she made a mistake in '06; that these current protesters want nothing but violence, apologizing to the left for the current circumstances of "mobs" taking on acts throughout the country's town hall events.

    Hypocrisy? Lets put it this way, and then I will close. Liberals want to tax everyone but themselves. When they support higher taxes, that is, they want to see their coworkers taxed, their neighbors taxed, their oponents taxed. But when they are taxed, it becomes an issue. All of sudden, something went wrong somewhere. They point fingers, throw outstanding accusations and produce slander to promote themselves as individuals.

    It's a double-standard to be exact, also falls under the above one-worded question.

    Basically, it is all this because it's what the media says it is. Public facilities, including public school districts, minority clubs, and the like are left-wing biased because they are held up by left-wing finance. It's all business. Dirty business, but yet that's what liberals stand for. Everything having to do with their agenda is praised. Everything against it is evil and must be dealt with to the fullest extent; even if it's considered unconstitutional.

    Liberals are supposedly against discrimination... But, the true patriots of the country have been discriminated against. Have you seen the libs apologize for this?

    ....I don't think you will.

    --Rob USMC

  • Dear sporty, that's cos there is no right per se, only conservative and libertarian. Authentic conservatives R by default about freedom. Conservatism is a set of 4 proven principles. Respect 4 the Constitution, respect 4 life, limited govt & personal responsibility. The left is Marxist product sodden & has 3 fashionable mindsets they base everything on. Expansion of the welfare state/govt/tax/power etc, identity politics & abortion et al. Thus the left liberals essentially power, control, money and morally vanity driven, logical fallacy prone, collectivist/socialist [for you not them] and phony. There is no logical end to leftism and thus any dissent from a diversity of their opinions only, must be destroyed by any means. Thus the MSM, govt, education, entertainment etc is dominated by the left. No really. They scream fascist and racist cos gee, they are racist and fascist. This is why the lefts a bedfellow of anti Semites and Islamofascists. They both have rather similar goals.

    Source(s): Read ANY P.J O'Rourke, Mark Steyn America Alone, marksteyn com, Diana West The Death of the Grown Up , Jonah Golberg's [Left] Liberal Fascism, Cultuer of Corruption Michelle Malkin, The Capitalist Manifesto A. Bernstein, Liberty & Tyranny M.Levin, Green Hell, Dead Aid etc. Visit hotair com, zombietime com, thepeoplescube com, drsanity blogspot com, dissectleft blogspot com, eco imperialism com, lookingattheleft com, or me at colonelrobertneville blogspot com etc.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Angry mobs are not American protesters. They are angry, disruptive mobs that instigate hatred and fear mongering... that is what is unAmerican. The republican party is unamerkan. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of 1% of the population gaining 2/3 of the economic growth from 2002 to 2007, and the pursuit of wars that profit that 1%, which consists of weapons manufacturers, insurance companies, private "security forces" (run by Dick Cheney) and the pursuit of working 50% of the population for the top 20% to gain 80% of the profit. Yay Republican Amerka.

  • 1 decade ago

    Media is ran by the left. Simple as that.


    I am signing my life away to the US Military here soon, and I am a paleoconservative. The WBBC deserves to burn in hell for the atrocities of protesting at soldiers funerals and the "soldiers are fags" signs.

    So don't you even call them CONSERVATIVES they are Christian Extremists if you would actually read anything about them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The major difference as I see it is that the right wing kooks are motivated from the center of their movement, and from big media figures feeding them lies and misinformation purposely. The left has lots of kooks too, but I don't see a big talk radio outlet or media outlet manufacturing sheer nonsense like the right does.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think protests are bad no matter what side they're from if all they boil down to is a shouting contest. They should convey actual points.

  • 1 decade ago

    The hypocrisy exists on both sides.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    is there one conservative that knows the difference between extremists and the mainstream?



    why do you cons protest soldiers funerals for God?


  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe because the "right" don't tell anything approaching the truth and progressives have the facts on their side.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cuz we are "better".

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