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I'm really just getting tired of this...need some encouragement!?

My husband and I have been TTC since last October with no luck yet. I've tried ovulation testing and have not had a positive in the three months I've been doing it. I have talked to my doctor, but she doesn't want me to come in for testing until I've passed the one year mark, even with no positive on ovulation.

I'm just a little down. It seems like everyone around me is getting pregnant without even trying. I really don't have much of a question. My husband and I try not to think about this while having sex since we don't want to make it feel like work, but it's always in the back of my mind. How do all of you who have been TTC for awhile keep upbeat and positive???

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I really think you should start charting your BBT (basal body temps). By charting, you can see if you definitely ovulate. I thought i wasn't ovulating every month and it was really starting to worry me, so i started charting. I found out that i do ovulate every month...i've been charting 4 months now, and have ovulated each month. Takes a lot stress off your mind just knowing you do ovulate. You can use fertility friend to's really easy.

    You could just be missing your LH surge with the OPK's.

    Once you find out if you're ovulating or not, you'll know what step to take next. Also just will happen! If you get to that year mark and still haven't conceived then go see your doctor again, but in the meantime just chart your temps and don't stress :)

    Hope this helps!!

    Source(s): TTC baby #1
  • 1 decade ago

    Have you started taking your BBT??

    That should really help you to determine if you actually are ovulating.

    When are you taking the opks? It's usually best to take at least 2 a day b/c LH surges could only last for a few hours so it would be very easy to miss it.

    I would definitely start charting your BBT though. And if your temps don't show that you are ovulating, then show that to your current doc, or find a new one that will help.

    We also started TTC last Oct, and my own doctor has helped me a great deal. Doing bloodwork to make sure things are ok, and giving me clomid for next cycle when I told her about my charting and how I didn't ovulate until cd33.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi i really feel for you. I understand and feel your frustration. I'm sure alot of couples out there ttc are having the same problem. My hubby and I have been ttc for 3 mths now with no luck. It's so true what you seems like everyone in the world is pregnant and not me or you =(. Everywhere i go or everything i see is about pregnancy. I feel so upset and down at times that i just shut myself out from everyone. My mom tells me that pregnancy just doesn't happen when we want it to. it takes time and lots of patience. I am trying my best not to think of it when we have intercourse but i can't help it also. It gets so stressing at times that we even stop trying for weeks. I really hope you and I and everyone out there TTC get blessed with that gift of parenthood soon. Just know also that you are not alone! Lots of luck to you and lots of baby dust =D.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are stressing to much! You need to relax to get your body to work properly. Instead of focusing on conceiving, try thinking of new ways to make love. If you are relaxed about having sex, the getting knocked up part will come a lot easier. If you really want the testing done, see another doctor. Tell them you want the testing bc you have had negative ovulation and wanted to make sure all was well. Good luck!

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  • Everybody's advice on here is great! chill out a bit, but I do recommend you change doctors. If you are not ovulating, you can't conceive, forget the one year mark thing. You need to be put on some meds that help you ovulate,or this will be a never ending circle!!! Good luck and BABY DUST!!!

    Source(s): ttc
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know if this will pick you up or not, but it sure ended nicely for me. My wife and I spent 4 years trying to conceive. After fertility drugs, a failed In-Vitro, and $14k, we decided to accept our fate, and adopt. He was 2 when we got him, and he's been a blessing. At nearly eight years old now, he's a happy, well adjusted boy who wants to play catch 24/7 and just adores his baby sister. Well, at three, she 's hardly a baby, more of a handful. But she IS looking forward to meeting her new baby brother in October. You know how they say "the quickest way to conceive is to adopt?" Well I'm living proof. Twice.

    Source(s): Been there, done that
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just chill. theres always something you can do, even if it comes to the extent where you have to remove an egg and his sperm and put it in someone esle. But either way, you will have a baby, whether it adoption, or if one day you do conceive.

    I say that you AND your husband chill out. Set up a romantic night with candles, lingerie, music, chcolate strawberries and such and just enjoy having sex. Maybe if you chill out and dont concentrate on it as much as you usually do then it will happen.

    The same thing happens with your period. If your scared your pregnant your period wont come for months. Your body is against you sometimes, so its possible that by putting so much pressure its just not happening.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok well i never had this (im only 13) but my step aunt did. and she just keep thinking of what it would be like to have a baby which made her happy and kept her waiting then she got some shot to put somethin in her body so she culd have a kid

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Heather ignore the night...idiots answer. He is jealous he doesn't have a girlfriend, or wife and by the looks of it never will.

    You are just going to have to be patient, soooo many of my girlfriends gave up and about this time...guess what?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    cheat on your husband.

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