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Anonymous asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 1 decade ago

If 100 gun owners had carried their AR-15's at the Obama Convention in public?

Would it be good or bad publicity for all gun owners and the 2nd Amendment? I mean like actually open carried them, just like that guy who carried his in public not long ago at the Obama protest/rally.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. I am an AR owner. We live in a pracarious time as it stands.. I don't think it a wise idea to do anything that would draw attention to weaponry with a fascist in the Whitehouse. We've never sat so close to a Con-Con as we do now. While I don't think there would be 3/4 vote to eliminate the 22nd amendment and crown him glorious leader it is stupid to press the point.

    We remain a civil society, "peaceful" dissent in my view DOES NOT mean carry a weapon to a Obama rally/protest. I may defer this for a later time and say otherwise, but so long as we have a 1st amendment there is no reason to stir the turds by making a statement with the 2nd.. The 2nd amendment WILL protect the 1st amendment if the 1st fails based on some untold action..

  • 1 decade ago

    One ar is bad publicity. 80 million gun owners in this country. 240 that are not. I mean even some gun owners think it may have been boneheaded. But the guy was black which probably enraged the media because they couldn't call him a rascist. They tried anyway but it didn't really work. My mom actually called that guy a black on black rascist because he spoke like any patriot would. No, I'm not making that up. But in this day and age:

    Conservative, republican, gun owner, NRA memeber, patriot, any of the above=terrorist.

    But nothing happened did it? Doesn't matter. The media won't talk about how he didn't go on a rampage, hurts their agenda. This has the ability to turn the gun issue into a liberal/conservative issue and bring it to the front. The general population who don't own guns still find it normal but this can bug them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its so hard to say, you would either get the point across, or make the situation much much worse, I think its a huge gamble and not worth it.

    The benefits are people would realize how many people actually own these "Assault weapons" and if there were no problems great they have shown that they can peaceably assemble.

    On the other hand, there could be a huge backlash. You've seen how the media twists what happens. Imagine "Rebel army assembles outside Obama Rally wielding assault weapons" It could completly destroy all the progress thats been made over the past 5 years. We could end up like Britain. And even though obamas not my best friend he hasn't merited showing up with an army.

  • 1 decade ago

    Open display of firearms at a public gathering even though legal, can cause problems. Some individuals are offended and afraid when they observe someone displaying a weapon with no obvious reason . Uniform police officers display their weapons for obvious reasons but many non uniform officers cover their weapons from view and avoid confrontations.

    I feel that the man at President Obamas Convention displayed poor judgement in displaying a firearm, as to if it was good or bad for gun owners will be played out in the media, but you can bet that he was watched by the Secret Service and will be for a long time there after.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, they didn't. So any speculation on what the response would be would depend on the views of the person doing the speculating.

    Some would be good, some bad, and some indifferent.The only difference would be instead of the mainstream media covering for a day they would cover it for 2 days.

    The focus right now is on health care, not gun Rights.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the Nimrod that brought the gun to protest rally never came near the president, so the authorities left him alone, except the cop that told him to move away from the school zone (which he did). AZ law does not allow open carry on school grounds.


    I noticed that the only one suggesting anything about killing is you. The guy carrying the gun wanted to make a point, he did. And he did so without threatening anyone or suggesting that they kill themselves. He never approached the president and respectfully followed the police officer's request to move further away from the school grounds. I may not agree with his particular method but I sure would not suggest he kill himself or anyone else. Why is it that so called peace lovers like you always are the first to demand that anyone who disagrees with them should die?

  • 1 decade ago

    What I would like to imagine is 100 gun owners with AR-15s at one of George W. Bush's carefully screened events. The guy at the Obama event don't even get arrested; someone trying that at a Bush rally wouldn't have even gotten close.

    As far as a group of 100 with AR-15s, I am not too sure that would work out well. The media would jump on it like they were members of some fringe radical group like the one Timothy McVeigh joined. The image that has to be projected to dispel that is of normal, everyday people who own guns and are opposed to limitations on their constitutional rights. I would almost think 100 people with flintlock rifles, channeling the spirit of the Founding Fathers, would be more effective. Or a group of reasonably dressed gun owners with a variety of sporting and self-defense firearms. Makes things less militant and gives the ant-gun crowd less of a target. And the bigger the cross-section, the better; make it all white, conservative male Republicans and you have created a stereotype. Mix in some women, other ethnic backgrounds and political affiliations and you have a cross-section of America that's much more difficult to attack.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely Yes it would be a very, very Good thing.* Why should any American Citizen Apologize, pause, or hesitate, to Exercise any of their Constitutional Rights, or feel that it is Wrong to do so, or feel Guilty, Backward,or Intimidated by others for doing so?*... " Try Living Free in America Without Your Guns and Your Ammo; I Dare You."... " Only a Criminal, Tyrant, or a Tyrannical Government is Afraid of the Armed American Citizen."...The Police are under No Obligation or Law to Protect and Defend you under any circumstances.*.. Only you can Protect and Defend Yourself Against Criminals, Tyrants, or a Tyrannical Government in the real World in which we live.*..." Free Men Do Not Need to Ask Permission to Bear Arms."...

    Source(s): * Run like a Deer.*................Fly like an Eagle.*~~
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bad idea, real bad idea. Gun owners get enough bad press as it is. Right now if you disagree with Obama in the slightest on anything you will automatically be branded as a racist, fascist, homophobe or whatever outrageous thing they can think of. Why would we want to ad to that..?

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't know what it would do for publicity, but the security there would be the best of anywhere around.

    Since the media controls the public perception of what is right and wrong, it would probably be bad.

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