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Do you support public education?

And doesn't this make you a socialist if you do?

Defend, attack but either way explain please.

21 Answers

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, because without it we would have a situation like in 3rd World countries where education is largely privatized and only those who can afford to send their children get to go. Having public education is really the only way poor people have a chance of becoming successful in their lives. Yes, there are examples of school dropouts becoming successful but they are few and far between.

    I have nothing against private schools. In fact, countries that have a socialistic form of government have them. I just have a problem with those who want to use taxpayer dollars to send their children to private schools. For one thing, most private schools don't want them. They want to retain the option of being able to pick and choose which students they will accept. By accepting public money, they essentially are being turned into public schools and they don't want that.

  • Jimbo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, I do not. Home schooled kids do better than publicly educated kids on a larger scale. Privately schooled kids do also. Our public education system operates at higher costs with higher drop out rates and lower SAT's than private and home schooling. The cost and the results alone should be an example of government failure to accomplish the intended goal. The same thing will happen with government mandated health care. By the way, public education is not in the United States Constitution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good point. Conservatives like to pick and choose what they considered to be socialist. If public education is socialist, so is public fire protection and public highway construction. In fact, ask Republican senior citizens who receive Medicare if they think Medicare is socialist and most will say no. Ask any Republican who graduates from a public university on a government grant if they accepted a socialist education, they will say no.

    Republicans often justify government involvement in something as necessary for the "Greater Good". This what our Founding Father's believed. Well, is not affordable health care for all, something for the "Greater Good"? Why isn't equal opportunity at a decent education for the greater good?

  • 1 decade ago

    Only because I own a house, and my property taxes go towards "supporting" public education.

    I don't support the Federal Government having anything to do with public education. It is a matter for State and Local governments. Same with the fire department, police, library, and all the other institutions that libs like to call "socialist" in an attempt to make conservatives look like hypocrites.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a real problem with that question.

    I consider myself a 'victim' of the Boston Public Schools. I always say that I was wrongfully incarcerated for twelve years in the Boston Public Schools. My experience with that one single school system has burned me for life, and I despise mandatory public education which I consider legal kidnapping.

    But yet I've heard that other public schools in different cities and states aren't that bad. I've heard you can get a pretty decent education in some other public schools. This puzzles me.

    So it all depends upon the public school you're forced to attend.

  • 1 decade ago

    no and it does make you a socialist in 1804 horace mann started public education for only white children the republican did not want public schools because thy believe people should have to pay for their own children and not let some poor man and wife with no children pay that why the roman Catholic church started their so the government could not interfere

  • I support public education because I pay for it with my taxes and I have a say in how it is run. In a SOCIALIST Society, like you and other idiot loons want, you would have to accept it however the GOVT wants it and tough luck to your complaints. Now, put down the kool aid and save what is left of your brain cells.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We pour more money than most of the world into our public education and where does it get us? With some of the worst education in the world. Educating your young is a responsibility, The libs have taken over our system and it is corrupt from within. With idiots teaching, how can we expect the kids not to be stupid?

  • 1 decade ago

    Private schools usually give a better education. Public schools are run by the government and usually fail miserably.

  • 1 decade ago

    well .. the truth is it would be very difficult, wait no, basically impossible to turn the US into a socialist county at this point ... so its just a silly argument made by right wing conspiracy theorists

    yes .. I whole heartedly support public education ... and I wish teachers were more appreciated for the sacrifices they make

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