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Jeff N
Lv 6
Jeff N asked in SportsFootball (American) · 1 decade ago

Who has a solid, sensible reason why Brett Favre should have stayed retired?

I say that if he is still able to and wants to, he should be allowed to play. If you disagree, tell me why. Don't rant and rave. Give a well thought-out answer, please.


EDIT: 12 answers and still not a good reason. viphockey4, I asked that you not rant. You gave a long string of misinformation and opinion.

Just for the record, Brett has the blessing of Deanna and the girls. I have no idea who Brett Favre Jr is!

Update 2:

Brett didn't "unretire" THIS off-season until Monday of this week. He was recuperating from surgery. He's not "holding hostage" any team. For the record: The Vikings called him. Not the other way around.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well said Jeff. A man should be able to do what he wants to do as long as it isn't illegal or causes any direct harm to anyone. Nobody should dictate what a man should and should not do. Nobody likes to be told what to do especially if it has to do with their own life. Brett favre is going to do what Brett Favre thinks is best for him. His decisions directly affect his friends and family and all of them have been supportive.

    Thumbs up to those who agree.

    Brandon - The media is giving him the attention. Besides, who cares if he changes his mind. It is still his life. Don't get me wrong. I am one who makes decisions and sticks with it, but I am guilty of changing my mind from time to time. Who hasn't.

    Dallas Cowboys Fan Forever - If Brett Favre really cared if it was going to tarnish his reputation or "legacy", as some like to say, do you think he would really be going out of his way to this circus? He wouldn't. His reputation or legacy is more important to others than himself. He is playing for himself and that is all that matters to him. It is not for the fans.

    Flicker1 - 1) He has accomplished, but it might not necessarily be enough for him. 2) EVERY PLAYER runs risk to their health on the field. 3) Most players have families too. Favre is not the only one. So what makes Favre the exception of the rule?

    vipjockey4 - So does that mean that anyone who changes their mind is a liar? Remember, the Vikings pursued Favre and not the other way around. The media is taking the initiative to cover the story. He is not going out of his way to talk to him. They come to him. Besides that, who cares. Why should his decisions bother anyone. It is his life and does not affect your own. Is Brett Favre taking the same approach I would? No, but everyone is different and not everyone thinks the same. It is much easier to accept Brett favre for being Brett Favre. It is his life to live and let him be the ringmaster of his own fate. There are worse players to criticise in the league than this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have no problem with anyone playing....if they are among the 53 best players on any given team then they deserve to be part of that team regardless of age or anything else. My issue with Favre is his monster ego that leads to him flat out lying to the public just to keep his name in the media. On July 28th he flat out said he was chance he would come back (this after at least 4 other interviews where he continually said his tiem had passed and lied about even having the shoulder surgery or any conversations with the Vikings). Just tell the truth for Gods sake and let the ego rest....nobody craves being "the story" quite like Brett. He is far from the first to "un-retire" but nobody has continually stirred up more BS and lies that Favre. The media loves the guy and that is fine....but why sit down and say (on July 28th) that you are absolutely done when it is now obvious he intended to sign and the Vikings just happened to leave a convenient salary slot open for him. And funny how nobody has picked up on his return. 90 minutes to land in the jet to ending up on the field (which cant be done until the contract is signed and approved by the league). So obviously the deal was in place before yesterday because the league and legal counsil would never fast track any deal for obvious legal reasons. And he somehow got a physical taken, passed and approved by the league, got full equipment and all this in 90 minutes. Only a fool believes this wasnt done a couple weeks ago....having played football myself it amazed me they had a perfect fitting helmet complete with Favre approved fit and feel, the Favre facemask, his number already embossed on the helmet in such quick time. That is my problem with him....just tell the truth.....oh yea. and the completely ignorant and slap in the face comment he made about Packer fans "true Packer fans understand". Yes they do Brett, they understand you are a lying pile of dog droppings and have no respect for the "real Packer fans" (which by the way I am not....not even close). And dont forget what his former Jet teammates said about is all about Brett and nothing else as he has proven how many times in the past 3 or 4 offseasons of retirement garbage. is a wonderful thing.....if he is the best QB for the Vikings then so be it and I am completely fine with it but stop the BS already (be prepared Viking fans for another offseason of "will he or wont he" and expect the story to change at least 3 or 4 times all the while holding Viking management hostage to his little games).

    Source(s): misinformation?....really? Was it the part about him being Hall of Fame material? Because pretty much the rest pretty well documented unless you live under a rock. Tell me when a guy just shows up and gets the legalities done and a unifrom fitted in less than 90 minutes (the NFLPA agreement makes it fact that you can NOT enter the playing field AT ALL until you ....A. sign a deal and have it approved but the NFL offices AND the NFLPA. And while it is true that rookies sign and enter the field quickly they fly into town usually AFTER the deal is signed and approved and they are given a physical and are fitted for uniforms within a couple days of the draft....simple facts that are easily enough looked up. And by the way....I never did disagree that he should be allowed to play....I simply said be honest with the fans for a change.
  • 1 decade ago

    If he wants to play, he can play. That's his decision, and nobody should really have a problem with that.

    What I DO have a problem with is the constant strain he puts on the players and coaches of the teams he plays this little game with. He "retired" and came back TWICE in just this one off-season. If you don't think there are some major pissed off players in the locker room right now, you're delusional. The guy has such a huge ego it's ridiculous. He acts like his presence in the NFL is a gift from god, when in reality, aside from his stellar '07 campaign, he has been a decidedly mediocre QB for a while now.

    If he wants to play, good for him, nobody can tell him to quit, but he needs to understand that the football world does not revolve around him, that by holding teams hostage, he is not doing anyone any damn good at all.

  • The first half of last season with the Jets he was excellent.

    The second half he was sub-par as his body began to break down.

    Basically, he's running the risk of tarnishing his reputation. His skills are no longer what they once were.

    Once in a while the "classic" Brett Favre will show up. But will he be able to play that well on a consistent basis? I'm not so sure.

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  • 1 decade ago

    When and If Favre Dies or Gets Murdered Or Passes Away Or you get the point.....

    In 2020 that's if the world doesn't come to an end, Brett will get inducted into the hall of fame. It will be Brett Favre JR. who inducts him in and when he gives his speech what the H-E double hockey sticks would he say...

    "He will always be remembered as a Packer", ummm Major Fail.

    I remember about one year ago when redskins wide reciever Art Monk went to the hall of fame he said "I will Always Be Know AS A Redskin."

    That made everyone get up on their seats and yelling and cheering for him. When Brett Favre JR. says that yeah not so good lookin for a used to be known Packer In Favre.

    His Son.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let him play. Isn't like he isn't 'experienced' or realizes what could happen to him, such as a career-ending injury. I think he just made the upcoming Season a LOT more interesting. No rants/raves from me.

    Source(s): GO NFL
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look what happened last year. At his age injuries and fatigue are more likely.

    Instead of going out with a decent game still he is going to play til nobody else will sign him. Why ruin the legacy like that?

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm all for the guy playing football. I'm all for him being in Minn. but....not starting. He is still hurt and you have a healthy Sage Rosenfels who I think right now gives you the best chance to win.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in Minnesota, and when they play the Packers they are going to kill him. But they will sell a lot of tickets.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'm actually glad that he came back.

    Go Vikings, just like I said Go Jets last year, lol

    check this out:

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