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Lv 5
leigha asked in Home & GardenGarden & Landscape · 1 decade ago

Totally kill Weeds & moss forever?

I need a total weed & moss killer to go on block paving, I have a very large drive & patio, and do not want anything ever to grow on it again, its impossible to keep up with they weeding. Ive tried most of the bbq type superstore products, but weeds & moss are back within weeks


and where can i buy it from ??

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if there are spaces between your blocks, then weed seeds are blowing in and getting caught there and rooting..... and you can't stop that.... pull up what's growing or whatever, but then get some Preen down in those cracks to stop seeds from sprouting....

    and, with Nature in control, NOTHING lasts FOREVER... you have to apply and yank over and over again.... or get a solid concrete driveway!....

    here's info and names on the Sodium Chlorate..

    and like was said, be really careful with it..... really careful.... it 'has a soil sterilizer effect'.....and it's explosive in the dry state.....

  • 1 decade ago

    You can use a type of soil sterilant that will kill everything for up to a year. You have to be careful of any run off as it will kill and prevent any growth from occurring for a year.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's not the herbicide but the kind of underlay you use under the block paving (it prevents the shoots from coming up from the ground)

  • 1 decade ago

    Sodium chlorate ,,, but don't let it near anything you do want to grow ,,, It tends to creep .

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