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Sara T
Lv 4
Sara T asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Why is Obama giving 10 Billion to Brazil for them to drill?

when we should be using that money here.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama invested in Brazil:

    "The Obama administration has committed $2 billion in loans to exploit offshore oil resources in hopes of extracting a major new source of petroleum. Despite the White House pursuit of a cap-and-trade scheme to limit the use of fossil fuels, the new field could help bring lower energy prices, and their support of this exploration of American resources shows their flexibility on energy policy."

    When it didn't make sense:

    "This seems odd in several ways. For this particular administration to offer billions in loans to a foreign oil company makes a mockery of a number of Obama talking points. First, why does Petrobas need loan guarantees to pursue its exploration? As the WSJ notes, it is a very large corporation, which should have the resources to get to the oil on its own. Obama, who has ripped American corporations for their supposed subsidies in American tax policy, now wants to use an empty Treasury to give cash to a Brazilian oil company.

    Next, Obama keeps insisting that we cut back on our use of fossil fuels. He and his allies in Congress have blocked exploration of American oil fields off both shores for decades, and Obama insists that we would only keep enabling our oil addiction if we started drilling off of our own coasts. Yet he has no trouble committing $2,000,000,000 of our money for Brazil to drill off its own coast."

    B/c George Soros is invested there...

    "Is it a coincidence that Obama backer George Soros repositioned himself in Petrobras to get dividends just a few days before Obama committed $2 billion in loans and guarantees for Petrobras’ offshore operations?"

    and he (Soros) got Obama elected....

    "He also gave at least $150,000 to ACORN"

    "Soros pledged $10 million to ACT, which has since been fined $775,000 for illegally funneling $70 million set aside for voter registrations to Democratic candidates"

    "Two groups — Americans Coming Together and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — were sanctioned recently by the Federal Election Commission for fraud"

    About Soros:

    "He calls himself a philanthropist and has given away $5 billion of his now $8.5 billion fortune through his principal vehicle, the Open Society Institute. The institute, in turn, has passed cash on to far more radical groups, such as"

    His past:

    "To read Soros' own spun story, he's a Jewish survivor of Nazi-occupied Hungary who pulled himself up by his bootstraps, studied economics in England, became a U.S. citizen in 1961 and made a multibillion-dollar fortune as a financier who pioneered hedge funds."

    He fought to bring down Bush:

    ", a previously small fringe-left group to which Soros has given $5 million since 2004. Bulked up by cash, the group now uses professional public relations tactics to undercut the Iraq War effort, with its latest a full-page New York Times ad that branded Gen. Petraeus "General Betray Us."

    It ran Sept. 10 in the New York Times, the same day Petraeus delivered his progress report on the surge in Iraq. previously put out ads depicting Bush as a Nazi, something that certainly echoes Soros' sentiment."

    He is funding voter fraud, indirectly:

    "Soros pledged $10 million to ACT, which has since been fined $775,000 for illegally funneling $70 million set aside for voter registrations to Democratic candidates"

    "He also gave at least $150,000 to ACORN, the left-wing group best known for pushing minimum-wage hikes, marching for illegal-immigrant amnesty and harassing Wal-Mart. ACORN has been accused of voter fraud in 13 states since 2004 and was convicted of falsifying signatures in a voter registration drive last July, drawing a fine of $25,000 in Washington state."

    Not-So-US-Friendly Connections:

    "Soros' Open Society Institute gave $20,000 for the legal defense of radical attorney Lynne Stewart. She was convicted in 2002 of abetting jailed terrorists after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing."

    "On the international front, Soros-backed groups have undercut important U.S. allies, including Israel and Colombia, which have aligned with the U.S. rather than the U.N"

    Wants a 1 world Government:

    "Soros additionally finances groups supporting the interests of one-world government. While he has criticized the United Nations occasionally, he favors U.N. dominance in world affairs, sees the European Union as a model for "open society" and has called for a global central bank."

    Hope this Helps :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Brazil is ahead of the rest with getting off oil due to their sugar cane crops to make ethanol. The economic hit men don`t like that so they made Brazil drill oil to sell to the U.S. Brazil should be mad because we are taking their safety net. When are you guys going to realize that if you are not a company will you get me a cup of tea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    George Soros (Obama's puppet master) has invested $800 million in Petrobras, the Brazilian company that's doing the drilling. It's just a political payoff. There's absolutely no reason to drill down there. We could drill right here in America and keep the money here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Double standard right here. Liberals don't want to drill in America.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because Brazil is a state run gas and oil outfit...Obama is all about communism and socialism.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stupid idea, but it will probably happen. As a taxpayer, I better be getting the freakin gas for free at the pump as I and the rest of us will be paying for the rigs.

  • thats not a smooth move on obamas part. if he does that brazil will turn into a country of necessities depleting the rainforrest so they can join they we value stuff more than culture tradition and respecting there environemnt.

  • 1 decade ago

    If anyone has a rational answer to this I will be VERY surprised!

    This makes NO sense whatsoever!

  • 1 decade ago

    LUCKY1 answered your question. nuff said.

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont agree with it

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