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CAN obama reduce costs with health care?

i think he will. he's going to whack as many of the seniors he can and that will save a fortune on social security!

why else have end of life counseling for seniors and vets?

18 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    You are entirely correct, sport. The only way to reduce govt Medicare costs is to restrict service and treatment and they will..and do. The major Obama creeps concerned have written how this is exactly what they will do. Controlling health, life and death is THE major step to totalitarianism, after disarmament, ending free speech, free movement and the confiscation of property and thus the economic freedom of the people is the target.

    In Britain, using the NHS increases the chances of death by four times. The NHS denies treatment to dementia patients. Why? To save money and because they CAN do anything to the weak, powerless, unarmed, voiceless, poor and anonymous.

    Investigate the words of Dr Zeke Emanuel on YouTube, PJTV, marksteyn com, Hotair com and michellemalkin com etc. Investigate the words of Obamessiah's Science Czar and elitist eugenicist Marxist fascist circus geek author John Holdren, at zombietime com. You WILL puke.

    And dig Van the self confessed Commie man, Obama's hideous green czar and the other 32 utterly unaccountable czars.

    They are all statist big government high tax control freak elitist socialism for you, but carpet bagging for them liars, cheats, criminals and phonies. They have a negative side too. Boom tish. Read Michelle Malkin's Culture of Corruption all about Obama the Chicago criminal and his criminal pals.

    A further note is that Hitler first introduced killing the deformed, retarded, and unwanted via massive abortion, sterilisation and euthanasia legally and they were all accepted as “reasonable" and entirely "progressive." It was a simple step then to the mass murder of the Holocaust, something I think about everyday. Don't you?

    From one of my last posts:

    "Capitalism does NOT redistribute wealth it creates it - money is merely the means to keep track of it."

    Colonel Neville: The trouble with government healthcare is that there is no health in it and the government doesn’t care.

    In fact, take out the phrase healthcare and you are left with government and that's ALL government healthcare is: more government. It doesn't create a single Doctor, advancement or service. Just more government between you and your health, life and rather more unpleasant death.

    Hey, but if you enjoy dealing with Social Security, the tax office, public transport, motor vehicles registry and any other government entity and politicians etc, then you'll LOVE government healthcare, especially as the private sector healthcare inevitably collapses to the level of only for the rich.

    One should only join Obamacare et al, right after Michelle Obama and her kids do."

    Ps. Without power, guns, money, lawyers, publicity and a VERY powerful voice we are doomed. Even with these things, we probably still are. Most people are in a clueless incurious fearful little distracted dream. Our leaders are dim fake and lying to us about the leftism in the very air we breathe and especially Islamofascism. We must all worship and bow down to the false god of multiculti PC Marxist critical theory, kids. We are being ripped off and murdered in slow motion. No really. Angry? You bet, sports. Your TRUTH SPEAKING and fearless friend. Colonel Neville. Sempre fidelis.

    Ps. ANY P.J O'Rourke, Jonah Goldberg, Diana West, Robert Spencer, Bat Ye'or, Mark Steyn, PJTV, Michelle Malkin, Bruce Bawer, Walid Shoebat etc.

    Source(s): ANY P.J O'Rourke, Michelle Malkin Culture of Corruption, Jonah Goldberg [left] Liberal Fascism, Diana West The Death of the Grown-Up, Robert Spencer Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam etc, Bat Ye'or Eurabia, Mark Steyn AMerica Alone and Lights Out, PJTV, Bruce Bawer While Europe Slept, Walid Shoebat com zombietime com, lookingattheleft com, drsanity blogspot com, atlasshrugs wordpress com, thepeoplescube com etc.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure.. and exlax is a cure for dysentery.

    Libs keep screaming that it doesn't say that the Gov will reduce treatments available to the "unproductive" ones ...But it is there that they totally miss the point.

    The bill does not say that they won't !

    Social Security and Medicare are heading for insolvency, and the CBO says this plan would only make it worse !

    Interesting sidenote: The Sunday after the CBO report came out, President Obama summoned the head of that office to the White House. I can imagine the "chicago" style intimidation that happened that day

    Source(s): Steven: How can costs come down due to competition, when there will be NO competition FACT: Employers who provide ins for their workers= pay 8% tax Employers who provide NO insurance = 2% tax. Which one do you think your boss will do ???? ALL of us will end up on the Government plantation
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There is more than just one feature of health care cost reduction, as scored by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in the proposals being reconciled into one bill. The regulations being placed on billionaire greed-driven for-profit insurance companies is one cost-cutting method. Having coverage for the millions (30-35 million) of Americans currently without insurance will enable hospitals to be paid, which means no more having all these uninsured people make use of the Emergency Rooms for nonemergency conditions and have hospital administrators pass these costs onto insurance companies by charging more, and the health insurers then raise consumer premiums while cutting services, passing those costs unfairly on down to the premium-paying consumers and their families. Remember, health insurance premiums rose EACH YEAR (cumulatively) at between 3X-7X the rate of inflation, cutting into net income levels for working people who kept getting less but paying more. There will be a few tweaks and wiggles needed to make the legislation closer to perfect, but for now this is an historic event---passage of a NATIONAL health care and insurance reform plan! Consumer-friendly insurance regulations...WOW! The "tort reform" Republicans keep trying to slip in even though they continued to say "no" to positive changes is a Trojan Horse that works against protecting consumers and is PRO hospital administrators in case of malpractice, so I do hope that Republican-suggested provision is not in the final version because you just KNOW this would favor the wrong-doing wealthy doctor or for-profit medical facility and rip off the injured consumer. Other than this, I think this is going to make a wonderful difference for our economy, for American families, and for businesses. I'm proud of my Democrats---they finally got themselves some BACKBONE!

  • Ingrid
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    End of Life counseling has been practiced for a long time and I underwrite it.

    Health Care Cost could be greatly reduced by putting caps on Malpractice Suits. In most developed countries you cannot even

    sue a Physician. Perhaps that is a little unfair but it sure beats the

    nonsense taking place here.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are only a couple of ways he can reduce health care costs and both require a reduction in what health care is provided and to whom. If he can reduce health care costs, why doesn't he start with Medicare and Medicaid, neither of them is working properly nor being run efficiently. That ought to tell you something.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. There is no choice about that. It will be almost impossible for two thirds of the public to pay their own health care and pay the health care of the other third. They could not possibly also pay the horrendous expenses incurred by a huge number of old farts like me requiring extraordinary care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    glad you see through his plan. he as much as says this but the sheep keep on saying no that;s not what he said. spare me. i heard his little speech and that;s what he meant, and i have to laugh at all these postings when they say and we are going to be able to keep our insurance and our drs and everything is working out so well. sheep. you will not keep your dr or your private insurance after this bomb passes , maybe a little while until he manages to run the out of business.when he starts talking I will put a top on what they they can charge, i will determine the treatments there goes the drs. and the insurance. i will make them pay for this or that so goes the insurance companies. He want control of all. there is where the dictatorship starts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely! When you kill everyone in a wheelchair, mentally impaired,elderly and abort all fetuses that may posses a birth defect it only leaves hang nails to be covered by health care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Three things I have not seen in 57 years one is any government program cost estimate to be correct the other's is to be on time or end

  • J&J
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Even with rationing and unethical cuts in care, he will not reduce costs.

    And don't forget all the premature babies that won't make it either.

    Google Ezekiel Emanuel for details on the real plan.

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