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Jess asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Need a gud diet plan!age 16, nothngs workd so far?

I'm 16 and I go 2 the gym almost everyday and I dance a ton..I dnt know ymy weight wnt drop! I want 2 b a doctr one day nd I know everythng ther is 2 know about the human body but everythig iv tried hasn't workd..wat shud I do?!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are eating below your matinence level of calories, it is impossible to not lose weight.

    Just take your ideal bodyweight in lbs and multiply that by 10. That is how many calories you should eat per day. Eat a high protein, medium carb, medium fat diet of all healthy foods and keep going to the gym.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would like to recommend you my weight loss program that works fast. I get right weight loss program and applied the program, then I lost weight fast. You should have the program that works. You can get the best program weight loss that worked for me and lost 10 pounds after 3 weeks. You can get more information here

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