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R&Sers, why do we seem to favor confrontational questions? Is this something most of us have in common?

despite our different religious viewpoints?

It seems the confrontational questions generate many more answers than some other genuine, honest (because someone really wants to know, not to fight/debate/preach) questions.

Could it be that we're *gasp* all human and it's part of our nature? Pagans, Christians, atheists, and the rest alike?

Are we really so different?


generic - not taking anything personally dear, just more of a curious observation.

17 Answers

  • Rai A
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well said.

    I always suspect the perceived conflict is a little more closer to home.

    A good (neutral) example is looking at Yanks living in here in Oz. Because we (technically) speak the same language, many Yanks will occasionally forget that we are a different culture - and while MANY differences are subtle, it's the VERY nature of the subtly that makes people feel uncomfortable. Ongoing discomfort can escalate to other problems.

    I suspect the same applies to religions and many other communities like politics and sport. Especially to the "inter-sect" conflicts where to an outsider you really need score cards to tell one sect from another, but dare to mention this to people from either group & be prepared to duck.

    It is our nature to want to help others, it's unfortunately a total lack of cultural understanding that causes misunderstandings on both sides.

    I think the only 'cure' is education. Even simple things like how each individual represents their culture/gender/faith/etc & how they need to be aware of other's culture/gender/faith/etc. Simple things like understanding Ramadan & why many Muslims prefer to be discrete about their fasting, or why some Buddhist Sects cannot take a purely vegetarian diet.


    Source(s): Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
  • 1 decade ago

    I think we're all basically the same when it comes down to human nature. Even the basics of our spiritual paths are similar. I can't say why WE favor confrontational questions, but I can say that when I scan through the questions and I see a confrontational question I think "What the hell is this about?" and I click on it. Most often I don't answer cuz I just see it as a pointless debate, but I do often click on it.

  • DK52
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because being right makes some feel in control and or have some balance within their own minds. As for me, I'm not about to get drawn into a long and heated debate. I will speak my peace then head on out and find better things to do.

    If I helped great, if not then it wasn't meant to be. No skin off my knee.

    Yes,..there is always going to be trouble makers in every religious and nonreligious background so the best thing to do is conduct ones own self as best as possible.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Yeah, generally now not for snarkiness, however simply on account that I learned I did not have the sort of well reply within the first situation. Oh, sure, and for individuals who do not suppose that snarky *is* a truly phrase: :) Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary~ Main Entry: snarky Pronunciation: ?snär-k? Function: adjective Etymology: dialect snark to irritate, probably alteration of nark to annoy Date: 1906 one million : crotchety, snappish two : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or method <snarky lyrics> — snark·i·ly -k?-l? adverb

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, we're not different at all! So why are you getting all in my face about confrontational?! Huh? Jeez. Calm down and back off!!!!!

    (just kidding; I'm with you on this one. But you might try focusing on the thoughtful, nonconfrontational questions that do exist here, and just ignore the rest. Sadly, as with media headlines, the sensationalized, the screaming, the in your face stuff gets "higher ratings")

  • 1 decade ago

    we are not different we are the same when the rubber meets the road we no what is right and what is wrong the question are you brave enough to stand against a bully that might kill you

    i am but i have a unfair advantage i walk with god and he fights for me

    and God and i hate bullies

    i love the open forum on yahoo

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm more confrontational to others who claim to follow Christ when they behave in ways which go directly against what he taught. Otherwise, my questions have no religious aspect to them. I'm more interested in what everyone has to offer for insight.

    And, yes, I think it is a part of our nature. No, we aren't all that different.

    Source(s): Non Mainstream Christian
  • Cassa
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    While the confrontational questions may get more answers, I don't believe that they are favoured.

    I believe that it is more like you see something that really hits one of your hot buttons & you can't NOT answer or rebut.

    Source(s): Strictly opinion
  • Skippy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Its hard to have a resolution without a conflict.

    Also, I think confrontational questions can be useful for those brave enough to criticize themselves and their own beliefs. They are shocking enough to make you think about your own ideas in a different way, and that can only be a good thing.

    Edit: Your rebuttal to generic is so ironic!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is part of our human aggression that wants us to debate in the internet(especially since no one can do anything to you).

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