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Lv 6
ArRo asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do Republicans understand this conundrum?

They are using Medicare (socialistic public health care) to argue against a socialistic public health care reform bill. They "say" they are trying to protect seniors against cuts to their program. Do they recognize the irony? Or, is this too much to absorb?


Head Up His *** I have read it. You like having insurance companies dictate to the doctors, as they are doing now? In denying care, HMOs are the worst! Private insurance will soon be too expensive for anyone but the rich. People are finding the only way out is to file bankruptcy over exhorbatant health care expenses.

Update 2:

Elway: Thanks for the assistance, but they still don't get it. I am on Medicare and Social Security and I pay over $300.00 per month just for supplemental insurance...add that to what I pay out of SS. I can afford it, but I know many who cannot, and they need help! Still, these obstructionists support insurance lobbyists, instead of those who need help. Go figure!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I asked a question very much like this one a week ago. The answers were incredible. Even while trying to answer the question they just couldn't bring themselves to admit that Medicare and Social Security are socialized programs. Or rather than admit they were, they were just smart azzes and said get rid of it all. I don't even know if they have the brain power to recognize irony.


    Paul: Now come on. Tell me how it's not ironic that a woman at a town hall said in the same breath "This is socialism! They better not touch my Medicare!"



    There is nothing, zero, zip, nada - in any of the proposed bills about illegal aliens being covered. In fact, there is language specifically pointing out that illegal aliens will NOT be covered.

    You are part of the problem, not the solution. Please stop spreading misinformation.



    More misinformation. Medicare is not failing because it doesn't work properly. Medicare actually does a pretty good job serving patients and getting the paperwork done. The reason Medicare is in so much trouble is because the government has gotten itself in trouble in other areas and has borrowed from the Medicare program time and again, always promising it would pay back into it later. Later has not happened. So now Medicare can't do what it needs to do and cover its patients 100%. Instead, seniors have to pay incredible premiums for health insurance that will cover what Medicare doesn't.

    And of course it isn't going to be completely free. But the ways they have found to pay for 2/3's of it so far is not through raising our taxes. So far this year if you are single and working, you have already paid more than $350 in taxes to pay people's bills who have no insurance. If you are married, it's over $1100. I'd much rather not have to pay that, and pay for insurance for those who can't afford it. It's coming out one way or another.



    They don't get it because they don't want to get it, it's that simple. My mother is on a fixed income and a good portion of that goes to pay her supplemental insurance from BCBS. It's one of the main reasons she can't afford to live on her own so she lives with us. These people are infuriatingly and deliberately obtuse.

    Source(s): Paying attention
  • 1 decade ago

    Republicans, and anyone else with a brain, use Medicare to argue against the health care reform bill because it only validates their argument that getting the government involved in health care is a huge mistake. Medicare, which is run by the government, is failing. The last thing we want to do is give the government more power to run our lives. They are completely incompetent and do not have to answer to us. When we have a Capitalistic society there are competing companies which try to service the customer and keep them happy so they can keep their business. The government doesn't care about you or me or keeping us happy. The less government involvement in our lives, the better. Plus, if you think this is gonna be 'free' think again. Nothing is free, especially where the government is concerned!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    LMAO ... Democrats would desire to grasp that by using fact the 73rd Congress in 1933, for a majority of THE final sixty 5 YEARS, Democratic homes of Representatives and Democratic Senates have controlled the country and the President. a entire of 38 instructions with Democrats on top of issues for 28 of those! we would desire to tell/tell our political representatives that we would desire to bypass a Constitutional modification for the line merchandise VETO. this might shop the particular pastime rubbish from being linked to effective law. If Congress needs to grant the president that ability, they are going to would desire to bypass a constitutional modification, ultimate Justice John Paul Stevens stated. "If there is to be a sparkling technique wherein the president will play a diverse function in determining the text textile of what would grow to be a regulation, such substitute would desire to come no longer by using law yet in the process the modification innovations set forth in Article V of the form," Stevens stated, on June twenty 5th, 1998. in the adventure that your particular pastime is SO effective, why do you will desire to disguise it in effective law? So, with them REFUSING to bypass the line merchandise Veto, rather, the domicile and Senate have rather been controlling the country!! AND, with the present Senate and Congress having the WORST approval score in historical past, optimistically we can see distinctive variations after the final elections. a modern Reuters pollis out and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have pulled an upset: they have controlled to make George Walker Bush two times as common as CONGRESS. those days - - basically 13% of in all probability voters now say the DEMOCRATICALLY controlled Congress is doing a good or magnificent job. a modern Rasmussen comments nationwide telephone survey stumbled on that 40 3% provide Congress a foul score. those effects characterize a average decrease from the previous month, while 15% gave Congress a good or magnificent score. Democrats oftentimes have self belief in heavy fines for straight forward artwork, at the same time as rewarding sloth and indulgence. Do you think of that individuals would desire to have the skill to do unquestionably no longer something effective and get government hand-outs for sloth and indulgence - healthcare, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, STDs, and so on. ?? do you prefer to have YOUR money TAKEN from YOU and your loved ones to FINANCE those people ??? .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's obvious really. Medicare is a broke, unsustainable socialist public health care program, as you call it. The federal government enacted it, and the federal government has completely screwed it up. Now, they want to cut funds from the program that they force America's seniors to enroll in. If the crap program had never been enacted, we'd all be better off. Medicare is a shining example of the federal government being completely inept at running anything involved with health care.

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  • 1 decade ago

    What is too much to absorb is the fact that Democrats are pushing a bill that not only focuses on the YOUTH, but on ILLEGAL ALIENS also, at the expense of taxpayers, who are not only the 1% wealthy in this nation, but the middle and blue collar classes who PAY FOR EVERTHING!!!

  • 1 decade ago


    Here is the argument(s).

    1) PROPONENTS of this bill continue to float the 45 million uninsured number... which INCLUDES 10 million ILLEGALS. But THEN they affirm that illegals WON'T BE INCLUDED. (why include them in your DOOM numbers???)

    2) This bill isn't about a "public option"... it is about the takeover of the insurance industry. Which does NOTHING to address the rising costs of health SERVICES (hint: you insurance company does NOT tell your doc how much to charge, it is the other way around)

    3) This bill FORCES INDIVIDUALS to carry a "qualified" plan under penalty of a 2.5% TAX on their income!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are the one who doesn't get it. No irony, it's apples and oranges.

    Govt pays doctors but doesn't tell the doctors what they can or cannot do in regards to the healthcare choices they make for their patients.

    You instill a govt run healthcare system and they will be telling the doctors what kind of care to withhold from seniors whom they deem not worthy of the expense. Yes, that is what will happen as the bill is written. READ IT and project if you can manage it.

  • Paul L
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Maybe they have the knowledge to see this for what it is. Why is it ironic to be against it? They may not want their children to have to rely on the government for health care like they did, it's called life experience.

  • 1 decade ago

    What part of Medicare being VOLUNTARY and people do not have to participate....can your "intellect" not understand....IT is NOT a "socialistic" program.......and it is FAILING to how is it good??

    Sept is almost here now you can go back to attention...and hopefully Learn something about REALITY

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no way to compare Medicare to a Full-blown takeover of our health care system, where the government dictates what the people receive, and infringe on every aspect of our personal lives.

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