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Chuck N asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

I believe that all racists are both Unamerican and Unchristian. Any disagreement?

For example, several answers to my recent question concerning Bush v Obama were, in my opinion racist -- such as referring to our President as a mulatto. (Factual but racist.)

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    read a book you idiot!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I thought we are ALL part of the human race!! Let's discuss the Islamics! Aren't THEY racists too!? THEY call anyone who does not follow their religion, an Infidel!! A NONbeliever!!! But, I think you are actually referring to Americans, right? So, suppose, if I didn't like a black person, for whatever reason, that would make me a racist and an unAmerican AND and an UNchristian! I would still be an American, no matter what, but as far as being an UNChristian! I just may NOT BE a Christian to start off with! I could be a Muslim, Hindu or even an Atheist! Racism is all in the eyes of the beholder my friend! And what is wrong with calling someone a Mulatto? A person of mixed blood! If you think a minute, there are NOT too many people in this world who are absolutely thoroughbreeds!! I am considered white, but have several Black relatives in my family tree! Quit thinking in color, and look for what's inside the person instead. And most of all, quit judging people by their religion! THAT is a person's individuals right to believe in what he will! THAT is what makes us Americans! The freedom to choose and worship or not!

  • MI
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is not unAmerican to be a racist. It is probably not very christian like but not unAmerican. In our country we have the right to our own opinions, others may not agree with or like that opinion but we have the right to it. Being a racist makes that person look tiny and small, no law has been broken until they act on that racism in such a way that violates another persons rights.

    Yes referring to Obama as mulatto is not only racist but ignorant. It is not factual. Mulatto is a demeaning term that is used along the lines as n*gger or cracker. It is not a factual term.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



    But the real racists are always trying to cloud the waters by screaming every else is racist - so good luck getting through to those retards..... This was LACK of Future's post, since he is soooo liberal and sensitive and cares about everyone he call other RETARD and last time I checked that was a DEROGATORY term for a mentally challenged person which is not very liberal or PC of his hypocritical who do you now condemn....

    Source(s): Ohh and by the way African tribes started slavery amoungst themselves in they owe themselves reperations...and the Native American tribes that also made war with other tribes and took women and children into slavery and raped them etc etc they also owe each other reperations...shall I go on...PCism hippie bs needs to go...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe that racists are all over the world, plenty consider themselves as christian and there are those that don't. What I will say is this, a belief in God does not constitute goodness any more than calling yourself a christian predisposes you to decency, or exempts you from being a racist either.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah but if it is a fact its not racist. It is definitely against Christianity because god says to love everyone equally. And unamerican because the country was built on equal rights.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unchristian yes. Unamerican? This country was taken from native americans (racism) and built by slaves (racism), supported Jim Crowe as recently as 50 years ago (racism).

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. It's unChristian but not particulary unAmerican. Racism is natural. People, and most other animals are inclined to associate with others like themselves. They are also inclined to favor relatives to people who aren't very closely related.

    Of course it wasn't very "politically correct" to recognize that, was it?

    Source(s): decades studying philosophies, cultures, and social institutionss
  • 1 decade ago

    Dude, this over political correctness is just ridiculous, sure he's mulatto, the fact that you make a deal about it just aknowledges that you see a divide between races.

    I'll ignore the massive hypocrasy of your statement and skip to the point

    American Christian rascists, lets see, the Klan, Black Panthers (1960's and 1970's). And how about the overly insane rednecks?

    Source(s): Common sense
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    got no problem with racists (black, white, brown, yellow, or red) being americans provided they live in peace and don't expect me to listen to their drivel

    likewise the communists

    facts are facts, if you condemn someone for accurately stating a fact

    then i am far less interested in listening to you

    if a fact offends you, then what good is your opinion?

    for what it is worth i am mostly celtic mutt with a little amerind

  • 5 years ago

    i do no longer think of so. God created the universe and each little thing in it. Nowhere is it pronounced that he did no longer create existence someplace else, fantastic? it is likewise no longer pronounced that that's a sin to have faith in such. i think of that's a danger.

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