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BB-11 Do you think Jeff's Veto will hurt him in the end?

9 Answers

  • Nicole
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely. He went from 3 people in his alliance...down to 1. And as nice as Jordan is, as a player... she can't compete. So we can all look forward to Jeff going up on the block next nominations. He better hope he wins that POV competition.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, but the game is at a place now where NO move is a safe one. Jeff and Russell are the only real threats in the house and no matter what was going to come down to those two in the end. Russell's past behavior pretty much sealed his fate, as far as Jeff's decision goes. Even though he's my choice to win...Jeff has always been the biggest threat in my opinion...and I'm actually surprised he's still there.

    Plus...with Russell gone...there's no competition for him. Even if he gets put up on the block he's got the ability to win POV over all the other contestants...that's what's going to take him right to the end....GO JEFF!

  • 1 decade ago

    Most definitely, even though it was very entertaining to watch. I mean, so far in jury house, Jeff sent home Jessie. Then Jordan (via Jeff) sent home Lydia. Now Jeff is sending home Russell. That's a 3 for 3.

    Even though Jeff flew under the radar during the first half of the show, he's making enemies with all the people inthe jury house.

  • 1 decade ago

    Possibly not and b/c he has played the game. He took what he was given by America in the Coup d'Etat and changed the game. Had that not happened...b/c that whole other side, Jesse, Natalie, Lydia, Chima etc...they would NOT have used to power b/c the wanted Russell out so badly....

    Jeff changed the game...he(s) PLAYED the game and he has made strategic moves to further himself in the game....thats what its all about...

    Usually the people that get sent to the jury house are still pi&&ed once they get there, but after they see the DVDs and think about things, ask their questions at the very end...they usually choose the person that played the best game...i.e. Evel Dick :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    yes. as much as i ADORE jeff i think for the first time in the game he made the wrong descion. Russell and Michele probably would have kept the final 4 deal cause they really had no choice. now jeff is the strongest player in the house and the biggest target. unless jordan can pull out a win for HOH (which isn't likely) Jeff will go up cause now he made Michele mad and Kevin and Natalie already want to stab him in the back

    oh well he played a good game

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i do no longer think of they're going to because of the fact incredibly much no actuality television showmances final even those that certainly get married. Did every physique word how annoyed Jeff might get with Jordan in the direction of the top. She stored saying on the stay feed how advise he grow to be being to her. i think of they even have much less in straightforward then human beings gazing think of. There from distinctive planets fairly. yet i think you in no way understand...

  • Koko Y
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, Yes, Yes,

    Gnatalie and Kevin plan on stabbing him in the back as soon as they can.

    In addition, if he goes to the end (which I don't beleive he can do now) almost the entire jury will be made up of the other alliance.

    He needed to wait one more week to oust Russel.

    To bad, because Jeff is my favorite and I wanted him to win.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes because he needs to be up against Russell or Michelle in the end to win it all. If he goes up against Kevin or Natalie in the house (assuming he makes it to the end) Jesse, Lydia, will definitely vote against him and Russell and Michelle might vote against him for going against their alliance.

  • 1 decade ago

    no, he is playing the game...

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