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M asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Is it to much to expect even the simplest form of honesty from our new president?

This has got to be a joke between the closest pals in the new administration. Kind of like playing the "Meow Game" they played in Super Troopers....same kind of mentality...would be funny if it weren't so serious maybe...nah...wouldn't be funny ever. These people are playing with our lives and it is beyond insulting at this point.


And yet they do what they want. It does not matter to HS & the new administration whether or not we find this type of stuff out AFTER the fact....then it is too late. How much more of this are we expected to tolerate?

Update 2:

I find this particular phrasing to be especially disturbing.

"That's the process the Obama administration described in a news release announcing $720 million in stimulus money for borders. But it didn't say that officials can choose projects out of order for many reasons."

Update 3:

No, I did not expect it to be good, which is one of the reasons I didn't vote for him. What is it going to take to get through to the American people that still cling to this BS?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For some reason i don't understand, this time around people expect politicians to keep campaign promises and be honest with the public. Why we would imagine this should be the case is a mystery because it never happened before. Who was the last politician who put his cards on the table?

    Even my Hero, Ronald "Victor! of the Cold War" Reagan, couldn't really get on TV and explain "Well, many are criticizing my rather large budget deficits, but you have to understand; I am playing a huge game of chicken with the Soviets. They can't match us economically so if we make them try to keep up with our military advances, they will go broke and their evil empire will crumble." He couldn't say that, so we had to endure bitching about the fantastic levels of spending by this "warmonger".

    In today's case it seems pretty clear that we are in the midst of a communist takeover from within. But clearly the Obama Administration is following the dictates of the International Bankers. What's THEIR game plan? What are THEY trying to achieve? Probably not the simple bankrupting of USA, what would they gain by destroying the engine of world advancement? If we could penetrate their designs, if we knew what is really going on, we would know if we should sharpen our pitchforks or if it is already too late.

    Personally I think we will have no choice in how things develop because the science of manipulating events by crisis has been perfected. People are too easily stampeded in direction the herders desire. People are accustomed to REACTING to external motivation and most have never learned to be self-actualized.

    Therefore while it is important to participate in our representative democratic process, the answers really do not lie there under these circumstances. Until more Americans wake up, we are outvoted so I do not think we should focus on large systems but on the individual. That is where our hope lies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The article is very disturbing, and shows why we can't trust the administration to handle money wisely.

    So, the sleepy Montana checkpoint along the Canadian border that sees about three travelers a day will get $15 million.

    Since the government admits to 8,200 daily, but the figure is estimated to be 10,000 daily, that means that based on this one checkpoint's budget of $5 million per person, the total amount budgeted would have to be $50 billion, not $720 million.

    The Montana propject is pure pork-barrel politics.

    It appears that Congress ordered Homeland Security to create a list, updated annually, of the most important repairs at checkpoints nationwide. But the Obama administration is not setting priorities by that list.

    A checkpoint in Laredo, Texas, which serves more than 55,000 travelers and 4,200 trucks a day, is rated among the government's highest priorities but was passed over for stimulus money. It got nothing.

    Even Congressman are not getting answers about why large important crossings are being skipped for small unimportant ones. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, said he has yet to hear a good explanation about why highly ranked projects such as Laredo were snubbed.

    Whitetail, Mont., an unincorporated town with a population of 71, saw only about $63,000 in freight cross its border last year.

    In comparison, more than $116 billion in freight passed through Laredo last year, according to the Transportation Department. It is one of the busiest border stations in the country.

    There's a certain level of trust here," said Robert Jacksta, a deputy customs commissioner.

    Wrong. We have a whole lot of distrust, and deservedly so.

  • sinic
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well ......don't expect anything that resembles honesty or integrity to come from

    The White House or Congress ....... and don't expect anything to change until the

    American voter takes enough interest to pay attention and add things up and REMEMBER what the hell has happened ... and not listen to the Obama news cronies "explain" how it is ...... "who is #1" has it right ......

    I would like, very much, to see President Obama do the right thing .....

    however, I honestly do not believe he intends to do what is right for America ......

  • 1 decade ago

    As seen from beyond the pond??

    So far as I know there was Bush the great and after a while everyone hated Bush, then guess what, he got re-elected.

    Now there is Obama who just like Bush, WON the elections with the MAJORITY of votes.

    Now we are in the "after a while" stage and guess what, every one is starting to hate the guy.

    Want me to tell you what's gonna happen next? Nah, it's just too boring.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes its too much to expect.

    If Obama had told the truth, any truth! He would not be president right now.

    Thats what politicians do. They lie and they are good at it. They will sniff you out to see what you might need, they spout empty promises.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Obama said he was going to redistribute the wealth, hope and change, and change the country. Did you expect that it was going to be in a good way? I didn't.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's told the truth. He said he'd change everything. He just never said for the better or worse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OBVIOUSLY it is....when has he gone one day without a lie?

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