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Is the Geological Society of America a partisan liberal organization?

It would appear to be so according to its latest official position statement on global warming. Below are some excerpts (taken from

Global climate has warmed by ~0.7 °C since the middle to late 1800s, and human activities (mainly greenhouse-gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s. If current trends continue, the projected increase in global temperature by the end of the twenty-first century will result in large negative impacts on humans and other life forms. Addressing the challenges posed by future anthropogenic warming will require a combination of national and international emissions reductions and adaptations to those changes that occur.

GSA members are encouraged to take an active part in outreach activities to educate the public at all levels (local, regional, and national) about the science of global warming and the importance of geological research in framing policy development. Such activities can include organizing and participating in community school activities; leading discussion groups in churches or other civic organizations; meeting with local and state community leaders and congressional staffs; participating in GSA’s Congressional Visits Day; writing opinion pieces and letters to the editor for local and regional newspapers; contributing to online forums; and volunteering for organizations that support efforts to effectively mitigate and adapt to global climate change.

GSA members are encouraged to discuss with businesses and policymakers the science of global warming, as well as the opportunities for transitioning from our predominant dependence on fossil fuels to greater use of low-carbon energies and energy efficiencies.

GSA should actively engage and collaborate with other earth-science organizations in recommending and formulating national and international strategies to address impending impacts of anthropogenic climate change.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nope, it's a mainstream scientific organization.

    It's funny, a certain self-proclaimed geologist denier on this site loves to claim that most geologists believe AGW is wrong. Yet the Geological Society of America clearly states that AGW is correct.

    "The Geological Society's growing membership unites thousands of earth scientists from every corner of the globe in a common purpose to study the mysteries of our planet and share scientific findings."

    The reality is that Conservative is exactly wrong. Geologists who go into the private sectors usually only have a BS in the subject and become very specialized. I was talking to my supervisor yesterday (very smart geologist) who was commenting that in order to pass the exams to get her Professional Geologist certification, she'd have to go back and study her textbooks from cover to cover. The reality is that once you leave academia, you don't retain a lot of your education. Same for me - my physics is rusty these days.

    On the other hand, those geologists and other scientists who remain in academia and go into research use the information they learned during their education on a daily basis. They're much more in tune with the more advanced and up-to-date state of the science. This is why the GSA realizes AGW is correct.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is true that the average climate has warmed a meager 7-10hs of one degree from the bottom of the wimpy Dalton solar minimum until 1998. But the known to be abnormal 1998 high was still more than half a degree colder than the climate average of the 13,000 year long holocene interglacial period. It is very well documented that ai the height of the holocene climate optimum 6,000 years ago it was close to 2 degrees Farenheit hotter than 1998. So why should we get in an uproar over a weak and wimpy climate optimum That even now is fizzling out into a 30 to 80 year long solar minimum that might get rather cool at the bottom if this last years is any indication of what is coming to waste resources fighting a non existent problem.

    It would be money better spent investing in nuclear power plants and orbital solar power plants that will produce power 24 hrs a day instead of feel good politically correct garbage solutions that end up costing a thousand times more than a more practical solution that will deliver instead of being broken all the time like the politically correct will be.

    Some scientific information revealing the truth about global warming, when it happened and what probably caused it.

    Where the heat came from and why it was abnormally cold previously

  • poop
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Presumably anyone who disagrees with you is a bleeding heart liberal?

    Have you considered that maybe they're RIGHT? I'm guessing you have no climate science education whatsoever, what makes you think you know more about climate science than climate scientists?

    There isn't a single scientific organization that disagrees with AGW, not even the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (who stand to bear a large financial loss if AGW is true).

    I'm guessing you believe any biologist who says evolution is real is a fringe leftist too?

    Source(s): This is why I'm not a republican. They're too anti-science and anti-fact.
  • Ben O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like something a political group dominated by academics would produce. Geologists as a group are highly skeptical of AGW.

    If your asking if proponents of AGW usually have left wing political ideas, well that's like asking if the Pope is a Catholic.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i agree ecological damage is done by bourgeoning population . American govt must do some thing to reduce humans breeding like rabits

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The GSA consists of the losers who can't make it in the private sector so they hang out at universities and dispense drivel.

    Those geologist who are good at their science are in the private sector getting rich finding minerals and oil. They are too busy to waste their time with liberal pablum.

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