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What is more a more arrogant position?

A) Out of all the religions in the world, I can tell which one is true and which ones are false.


B) I have no way of knowing which religion is true or false, therefore I reject them all.


For those of you who answered B, I still can't udnerstand how it is more arrogant to say "i don't know which one is right" than to say "I have special knowledge regarding the ultimate truth of the universe"

Update 2:

THEO H: That analagy was horrible.

Update 3:

Justin: Atheists are criticized constantly for being arrogant. I was merely pointing out that the opposite could be considered true, from a different point of view. Also, your example of assumption of friends isn't quite the same thing, is it?

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Any claim made with no evidence is arrogant.

    Religions basically have no real evidence to support them. In fact, there is a lot of evidence to support them being myth and superstition.

    Rejecting a claim for lack of evidence is not arrogant. It is reasonable.

  • 1 decade ago

    This question is pointless and borderline trolling.

    There's no arrogance in B. Stubborn ignorance's simply shallow logic. It's the same as "I don't know which people around me are nice, and which are jerks, so I won't talk to any of them."

    And despite what most of you think (and usually because of a pre-existing bias), position A isn't really that arrogant (depending on the context of the speaker's knowledge). There's nothing inherently arrogant about looking at options and making an educated choice/opinion. And thinking your choice is right while others are wrong is not arrogant either. That's what an opinion is. If that's all it took to be arrogant, then every opinion in history would be arrogant.

    What would be arrogant is thinking you're the better person for having that opinion.

  • steve
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I say A is more arrogant. By telling believers of other religions that their is false then that is pure arrogant. Where as me rejecting all religions is my own doing and only affecting me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Clearly the second anser is foolishness. Supoze thare ar 2 sets of directions given to a certan city, & they ar only partially in agreement; on sum points they contradict each other. Do u reject boath, simply becaus they dont agree? No, first u look for the respects in wich they du agree, & acsept that as a start. Then u may toss a coin and try one, hoping to fynd out by experience wether it is or is not the rite way. Armd with yur fyndings u may go bak to the other rute, & eventualy decide between the 2.

    The first anser is one u ar likely to arive at after u hav investigated varius religions...wich is a good idea. Yur concluzion as to wich one has the moast truth wil be based partly on actual rezults and partly on wich one feels rite. Moast of us feel free to reject sum of wot is preachd in the name of religion, regardless of wich religion is under consideration.

    Source(s): Man's Religions, by John Noss. I hav been an Anglican, a Christian Scientist, a Lutheran, hav Jewish, Catholic, Methodist, Buddhist, Hindu and Summit Lighthouse frends to whom I hav lissend. I hav lernd from all of them.
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  • A - mainly because they take no notice into the other religions. And it could just be arrogance telling him that he knows the "correct" religion because none of them can be proven!

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Neither and both.

    It depends on the way you look at it. I am Jewish. I think it is true for me and I follow it. Do I think everyone else is stupid or wrong? No. Do we have any concrete way of knowing which faith is correct, no. That is what faith is.

    I have known very arrogant religious people and very arrogant atheists. It all depends on how they really mean it.

  • 1 decade ago

    A...the position implies that you have some sort of supreme knowledge over others, which you don't.

    B...not a very open minded position, but it's kept personal to you and doesn't stand in the way of other people's beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    B - cos you can imagine the people who'd be actually saying these things and person A would be saying it because its from their heart and genuine beliefs where as person b would be saying it probably in an arrogant way because to say you reject all religions is more a negative thing towards religion than a positive thing to saying u just live by ure own self

  • 1 decade ago

    I think answer A is a more arrogant position. You THINK a relegion is true and then assume the rest is a load of crap ... pretty arrogant if you ask me :)

  • 1 decade ago

    The first one would not be arrogant if the person had evidence, but since that is not the case...

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