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why didn't "the lion" donate his money to the healthcare cause?

all that $$$ and the capitalist swine kept it! why don't the socialist underlings want to stick to the rich king "fat cat"?


tonalc2- i don't know how much his donations were. i do know that he doesn't need 75 million on earth- he is a "fat cat" by YOUR standards- and he definitely doesn't need money where he is now. so why didn't he donate to the "lil guy" since he was so worried about them? and "always fought for them"?

Update 2:

springday-even @ 75 mil.

that would cover a lot of chemo treatments for the kids he has been "worried about" since '73 huh?

Update 3:

comrade o-

please clean up the answer. i use y!a to teach my kids about our country. i'm sure others do to. thanks.

Update 4:

yutsnark- i have NOTHING against capitalism. "mr lion" and his socialist ilk do. therefore why didn't he put his money where his mouth is?

Update 5:

if he did donate it... it would of been international news. so we ALL know he didn't.

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hey, why would Ted the sea lion let her drown Kennedy, talk the phony talk, but not walk the walk and instead always waddle away like a freeloader at the approach of a waiter with the check?

    Ah, that’s because Marxist sodden left liberal elites [and even too many an over the aisle alleged conservative] and their narcissist socialist dreams only use other people’s money via un-Constitutional taxes. ALL their ideas mean ever bigger government and naturally higher taxes, just not for them. Obama relives the Cold War and switches sides..

    Their true face is made of lies, fraud, manipulation, privilege, treason and a uniform denial and ignorance of history and well, any other problematic facts. Read The Dark Side of Camelot by Seymour M. Hersh, for starters.About Ted's "amazing achievements.." Yes, how about them..

    All the best from Colonel Robert Neville blogspot com. Jason Mattera messes up Ted turd Kennedy on the Kennedy’s trust fund mega tax avoidance scams. Mark Steyn on the repellent world of the venal Ted Kennedy. One of Ted Kennedy’s favourite topics for humour was, wait for it…Chappaquiddick. No really.

    Ted the liberal sealion let the ***** drown Kennedy and his KGB Andropov Soviet gambit election strategy UBER-TREASON. Ted started his hangable offences in 1996 while trying to undermine Jimmy the Jew hating eunuch Carter.

    This incredible story was first reported in The London Times in 1992 and is being reported currently in Forbes Magazine.

    “On 9-10 May of this year,” the May 14 memorandum explained, “Sen. Edward Kennedy’s close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow.” (Tunney was Kennedy’s law school roommate and a former Democratic senator from California.) “The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.”

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Liberals are only "Generous" with other people's money.And I'm certain that his money is so well sheltered that nearly nothing will be paid in Inheritance Taxes,because if we have learned nothing else over the last year,we have at least learned that the reason Dems do not mind high tax rates is because they do not pay them( 0bama Cabinet)

    I laugh when I hear people talking about how Kennedy "Was working for the little guy"(Or Any Liberal for that matter) What they always seem to miss,is that every Law he and his ilk passed to "help the little guy" came with a cost,and they send us "little guys" the fukcing bill. But they never think about that,do they? Then one day you wake up,and your Country is 11 Trillion in Debt,and your idiot President is projected to create another 9 Trillion in Debt.And we can't even keep up with the cost now.How many of you can deal with a doubling of your Tax Burden in the foreseeablee future? But that's nearly what we are talking about,before we even add in Health Care.

    That is the true legacy of Kennedy and those like him on both sides of the aisle.$20,000,000,000,000 Get used to that number folks,it's all uphill from here.**** You Teddy!!

    Heil 0bama!!

  • 5 years ago

    In general, one should give about 10%, after you've paid your bills and taxes. So, 10% of what you would have for yourself. This is the amount suggested in the bible, but in general it isn't bad. Of course it depends on whether you consider that you have extra to give. If you live on the street you won't have much, so an act of kindness would no doubt be the equivalent. I think acts of kindness count, whether you have extra money or not. Giving money often makes up for that. When all is said and done though, I think it is important to remember that charity often does more for the giver than the reciever. Much of the money given goes to administration etc... It allows us not to feel guilty about what we have and makes us feel good. I suspect that real charity is that which is given when no-one else knows it has been given. Realistically, pretty much everything is an exchange, and the accepted exchange for most of us is to give money, not time, in exchange ofr a tax break or people getting to know how much we've given.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ted Kennedy was only interested in the "little guy" to the point that he could cajole a vote out of him. "Healthcare" is just a flag he waved to make the inintelligent think he has their best interest in mind. As I watch the ad nauseum praises heped upon him the past few days I wonder how the family of Mary Jo Kopechne would feel. The state of Massachusetts owes the rest of the country an apology.

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  • 1 decade ago

    When I see figures like $75 million and at most $175 million; Kennedy was not super rich. I wonder where he will place on Forbes's list.

  • 1 decade ago

    Liberals elevate their elitists that have them under their spell to a status of gods. Those gods are then allowed to play by a different set of rules.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd still like to know what he did to deserve a spot at Arlington and a twenty one gun salute ! He was a murdering , drunken crook !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm still waiting for people to tell me one of his MAJOR achievements that changed the nation for the better...

    So far i have heard NADA.

  • 1 decade ago

    How do you know what his charitable donations were? Your article only talks about his wealth.

    The only time his tax return was looked at was when he ran for President in the 70s.

  • 1 decade ago

    In true liberal fashion. Don't spend your own money, be generous with "theirs".

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