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If Hitler had never been born.?

On the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Poland, what would the world have been like if Hitler had never existed?

I imagine that the German Republic at the time would have become stronger and democracy would have had a chance to take hold. I think Europe would have moved closer to America. Poland perhaps would have joined Russia. Italy would not have gone to war so I think Mussolini would have turned to democracy after a number of years.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    lol, you really need to read up some, & consider the everyday situation at the time; & not assume WW2 came about solely b/c Adolf Hitler was born.

    1920s Germany was a mess. Inflation was running rampant so that the government was actually printing 1,000,000 Mark notes. If your country has denominations that high its b/c your money isn't worth much, & everyday goods are going for, literally, a million bucks. Imagine a loaf of bread for a million bucks! The country was politically teetering between the extreme left (i.e. the communists who wanted to create a German Soviet) & the extreme right (i.e. uber conservatives who were prepared to take everybody down in flames so as to prevent 'the commies' from taking down a once proud empire). Violence & corruption was rampant. It was a hellish existence for the orderly Germans. When Hitler came on the scene offering order thru strength, glory to replace defeat, many a German signed up to support him. Heck, ANYBODY offering what he offered would've been followed. After he began to successfully reassert German national rights, the majority couldn't see how supporting him could be wrong. After things began to go right for Germany, politically, the German wehrmacht was already planning for WW2, except they didn't figure they'd be ready until 1942. Unfortunately for them, Der Fuehrer had other plans.

    Assuming collective Europe would've wanted to have moved closer to America, America wanted to stay the <bleep> away from the Europeans! "Isolationism" became the key issue in American foreign policy. That's part of the reason the League of Nations failed. America had just lost several hundred thousands of young men in a European war. As far as the American public was concerned: "never again!". So they stayed out of the League & refused to offer morale & political/military support to it.

    The Poles most likely would NOT have joined Russia. They'd spent the previous centuries under German &/or Russian dominion. After finally achieving self-determination & self-rule, its highly unlikely they'd have chucked it all in willingly.

    Italy would NOT have gone democratic. Mussolini's Italy had its starry eyes set on creating a new Roman Empire. Thus why they sent troops overseas to attack African countries in the hopes of re-establishing the old Empire. Didn't quite work out that way, particularly when those countries beat the Italians in the field.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Hiler was never born, the German military would have remained weak after its horrible losses after The First Great War, and would most likely have been steam rolled by Russia, Stalin being the gready bastard that he was, wouldnt have missed that chance when everything else was thrown into confusion by the Japanese Invasion of Asia and the attack on Pearl Harbor, while the Holocaust never would have happened, there would most likely still be a Cold War because Germany not being in the war wouldnt have stopped the creation of the atomic bombs Fat Man and Little Boy. The two great powers would still exists, as Russia and the U.S. may still emerge as Superpowers at the end of the war, because i am sure that without the Threat of German forces the Japanese Army would have pushed farther inland so Russia may have been involved. With the Holocaust taken out of the picture, Israel as we know it would not be, and as for Germany, poverty ridden before the war with a severly reduced military, would fall into udder chaos and its existance would have probobly ceased, as for the cold war, I see it ending the same way, with the collapse of the C.C.C.P (USSR) and the arising of the United States as the Worlds First Hyperpower, however without the existance of Israel where most of the new U.S equipment is accually made, The U.S would probobly have less of advanced weaponry then it would otherwise. while Hitler being dead would have stopped the Holocaust, it would have put into motion all of the other events that could end up worse

  • I have digressed some from your world politics... as the initial question "IF HITLER HAD NEVER BEEN BORN"... has just so many many possibilities.....

    Now I am NOT saying it was good that he was born, but the differences.. even minor ones are just so numerous.......

    I was having a discussion with My husband the other day about an australian song writing team.. VANDER AND YOUNG.. if not for them there would have been no AC/DC... BUT if NOT for Hitler there would have been no Vander and Young ... as it would have been unlikely that Vander's parents wouldn't have migrated to Australia....

    If not for Hitler being born... they may have been no modern day State of Israel.

    I know i most likely wouldn't have been born as my parents met when my dad was based at an air base that the Americans built in WW2

    There would be no volkswagons ( which by a strange twist of fate apparently the serial killers car of choice)

    There may have been no cold war

    so take one man.. even one so evil and monsterous.. away from our history.. and imagine all the differences...millions upon millions of differences.

    ( have to appologise a bit .. I am NOT on drugs.. just tired and my brain is racing)

  • elsass
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Anton Drexler could have persevered to steer the Nazi get together to vigor, or the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) could have come to vigor, who additionally hired antisemitic rhetoric and could have resulted in an identical instances. However if the KPD got here into vigor, then they could have no longer handiest been a main chance to the Jewish neighborhood, however to Europe as a complete and the sector as a result of allying with the Soviet Union, who took the majority of the human price for the duration of World War II. With no anti-Communist stance there could were no ought to open up a battle entrance with Russia, and the invasion into Europe could were unstoppable. There additionally could were no Nazi persecution of teachers, beneath the Communists scientists won't have fled to America to flee persecution, and the USSR and Germany could have certainly end up the primary to create and use the atomic bomb. The irony is, the health care provider of Hitler's mom, was once actually Jewish, one in all few Jews that Hitler spared for the duration of the Nazi generation.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Cold War would have probably become hot. WW2 made the America Britain etc. allies with the Sowjet Union. If that wouldn't have happened they would have eventually started a war (WW2'). This war would have likely been atomic...and the world might not exist anymore...who knows...contrafactual speculation about history doesn't make too much sense since we can't travel through time ;-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We can't escape the human condition and humanity itself. Maybe some type of "hitler-like" dictator would have come later on in history. You just never know. Besides each country has its own agenda. You don't really know what might have happened if hitler had never existed. Maybe some other dictator would have risen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we should also ask what would have happened if the Rich hitler supporters of wall street and other US industrialist had not financed hitlers Rise to Chancellor

    If prescott Bush and Standard oil had not Given Hitler the plans to make Synthetic Oil Fuel and Rubber then the NAZIS would not have built Auschwitz Berkinau

    it was Originally built as a Chemical factory with paid employees later slave labour then expanded as a Murder camp

    all because of the Greed of Standard oil

    Please let us put the Blame for hitler's rise to power Squarely where it belongs on the USA

  • 1 decade ago

    Here, the butterfly effect comes into consideration: Your hypothetical 'imagination' of what could have happened if Hitler had never been born might as well be as absurd as what I will suggest now: The world imploded.

  • Sean
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I agree with nyx.

    If Hitler had never been born then some other dictator would have taken control even maybe of another country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Millions of lives would've been spared? There children children's would've been. And their children children children's would've been born.

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