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are bias and prejudice fueling opposition to Obama's health care?

or is it just a really bad idea?

According to Charles Rangel(chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee) prejudice and bias towards Obama are bringing opposition to his plan.

No prejudice or bias required. I just don't like the plans being proposed.

Instead of using a common sense approach of extending medicaid to the poor or putting cost reduction measures in place this administration has chosen to overhaul the whole system instead of correcting the problems.

The current plans being proposed will compete directly with private insurance. It will be sold at 10% less than private insurance according to Obama's estimates, it will be subsidized by tax dollars and it will hold private insurance companies to standards it doesn't have to follow. This will drive the affordable insurance companies out of business and put the majority of Americans on a sub-par government plan. The few remaining private companies will be extremely expensive and only the social elite will have good coverage.

Given the deals he cut with the drug companies, prescription prices will go up. Nothing proposed would help bring costs down. How are these plans still even on the table?

I have several other problems with the proposed legislation. None of them are race related.


dingding: I pointed at some of the obvious solutions that would work. Read the post. As for senior citizens giving up their social security and medicaid, it is just a matter of time. The government has squandered the money that they (and I) paid in to the system. By the admissions of the administrators the systems are bankrupt. What will we do then? They aren't going to stop deducting it from my pay. How about giving all of the seniors the money they paid in to the system, the money the company had to match and the interest. They would be WAY better off. Do the math.

24 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is really just a bad idea and an expensive mistake besides..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    According to Charles Rangel, bias and prejudice are at the heart of every issue in the WORLD! This guy doesn't give a whit about ideas, he just wants black people to think he's up there working for them, and so far it's been effective.

    Opposition to "Health Care Reform" or more speciffically(and this is an important distinction that many people fail to make) the health care reform bill that is before us,is based on it's government nanny role. My grandmother, for instance, would lose her advantage medicare insurance, but, we are told, it will be replaced by something just as good. She is 91 years old this the fourth or fifth time that there has been a major change in her coverage in the last ten years. Do you think she understands this AT ALL? She just wants to go to the doctor when she is sick.

    Health care reform is simple: OUTLAW HEALTH INSURANCE OF ANY KIND. Take all the money that is being chewed up on this BS issue and build public health system/safety net. And allow private doctors,hospitals, and test facilities to deal with PATIENTS instead of insurrance administrators and you would see a drastic drop in price. The problem is, contrary to what our congress seems to be saying, WE DON"T HAVE ANYTHING LIKE A FREE MARKET HEALTH CARE SYSTEM.

    There are thousands upon thousands of county, state, and federal regulations from litterally hundreds of different agencies regulating everthing from where they buy their drugs to how thet throw out their trash to how many forms must be used. It is a byzantine system that would make the French proud, and it's time to scrap the whole thing. Why not let people just pick their own doctors and hospitals, if they don't get proper service, don't pay'em. I think freedom scares the crap out of the AMA and a lot of other medical "establishments" because, so far, they've been able to jack cash out us wholesale with "the full faith and credit" of the government. How would we feel about grocery insurance for example? The insurance company would define the grocery stores in which we are allowed to shop and which foods and brands that are covered, I KNOW it sounds rediculous, but this is what we have with health care today.

    sorry for the rant but this "debate" is really ridiculous

  • jehen
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well it is not an overhaul of the whole system by any measure.

    1. it is not government run health care

    2. It is not government furnished insurance

    3. The funding model for health care does not change - It is still insurance premiums, medicare and government funded medicaid.

    4. The payer model for health care does not change - It is still insurance companies and the government

    5. Little or nothing changes for the people who have health care - Not seniors, not the poor on medicaid, not those with employer insurance or those with private insurance.

    What these proposal do is provide that everyone have health insurance or pay a fee if they choose to go with out.

    Mandate efficiencies in the operation of insurance and medical practitioners to lower costs.

    And one of the proposals has a government managed insurance program that the currently uninsured could use.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Charlie Rangel is a fool. This is a man who cannot figure out his own taxes or his personal net worth. So anything he says has to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt!

    The opposition has nothing to do with race, this is simply a bad bill. Do we have issues with our healthcare system? I think everyone agrees that we do.

    However it is not at a point where we need to scrap what we have and start over like the democrats have pointed out. Here are some facts democrats tend to overlook.

    Census Bureau report “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2005,” puts the initial number of uninsured people living in the country at 46.577 million.

    A closer look at that report reveals the Census data include 9.487 million people who are “not a citizen.” Subtracting the 10 million non-Americans, the number of uninsured Americans falls to roughly 37 million.

    But according to the same Census report, there are 8.3 million uninsured people who make between $50,000 and $74,999 per year and 8.74 million who make more than $75,000 a year. That’s roughly 17 million people who ought to be able to “afford” health insurance because they make substantially more than the median household income of $46,326.

    So that makes it only 20 million uninsured or about 7% of the population.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No. There are some bigots, as you reported, yet race does not force all of the contest to Obama. i understand that's a puzzling concept for diverse liberals to hold close yet character, judgment, and complication-loose experience, better than race, is what it incredibly is all approximately. Obama theory he could sell Chicago to the IOC in line together with his character on my own (incorrect); the cost of undertaking terrorist trials in NYC is prohibitive and the folk of NYC do no longer desire the media circus and the lingering threat of extra terrorist interest that could encompass the pains (Gitmo is the suited place for the terrorist and the pains yet no longer in the journey that your ego gets in the way); Sotomayor made racist statements and that has a tendency to weaken the credibility of a guy or woman who has to make judicial judgements base on regulation, no longer on race or gender; The stimulus invoice spending had diverse beef in it, too many puppy initiatives for too many politicians; the government shouldn't end stem cellular learn yet neither could they fund it except they get a return on the investment; have not heard too lots opposition to this Afghan conflict coverage -- that is fairly lots the comparable one which Bush had. As you will discover from my reaction, race became no longer reported as quickly as. that's a lame argument used by people who don't have a life like counter argument to offer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Democrats LOVE to play the race card with Obama. Disagree with something... oh, well you're a racist.

    It has nothing to do with prejudice at all. Republicans tend to made up of the working business class, while a majority of poorer people vote Democrat. I know it's a dangerous thing to "weigh the heads of the people who are giving their opinion," but the middle class is who they need to listen to. 60% of everyone don't want the reform, anyway, so you don't even have to "weigh heads" to come up with the conclusion to not push the reform.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're correct here:

    "No prejudice or bias required. I just don't like the plans being proposed."

    Isn't Rangel another legislative thief?

  • 1 decade ago

    So I have a question for you...what exactly do you think is the solution? Until we take profit motive out of the health care equation and regulate health care, the situation will continue to spiral out of control. Pharmaceutical companies will continue to raise prices on their drugs while selling them much cheaper in countries with national health care plans, insurance companies will continue to deny their customers service and coverage (happened to me twice this year), and corporations will continue to reduce their coverage for employees and force them to pay more out of pocket. My co-pays and deductibles have skyrocketed over the last 10 years, every single year.

    Ask any senior if they would give up their Medicare and they would say "HE*L NO". They love it, and it works very well despite some curable flaws in the system. Single payer is the way to go, but they are including some private insurers to pacify Republicans who panic at any suggestion of government-controlled health care.

    In short, bias and prejudice aren't fueling opposition to Obama's health care plan...greed and stupidity are.

  • Sara T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1) Charles Rangel is a joke and fraud hiding his millions and not reporting it to the IRS, hmmmm.....must be a liberal thing.

    2) The so-called health care, health reform, insurance doesn't matter what you call it...we cannot afford it, we don't want it and for those that believe it to be SO great, move......we will wave as you disembark to your health care adventures somewhere else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Charles Rangel is a typical racist, and tax cheater!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm so sick of these motherf*ckers and their insistence that everything is about their goddamn skin color. Yeah I'm pissed about it.

    Maybe one of these days they can get their big boy britches on and man up instead of thinking like a damn crayon.

    Tired of their sh*t.

    I don't agree with Thomas Sowell because he is black why would I disagree with Obama because he is?

    Wolf crying, bottom feeder pieces of sh*t.

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