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timothy p

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  • Acer aspire 6930 will not power on?

    My kids acer aspire... When you press the power button, lights will come on above the keyboard then nothing. It will cut back off after a few seconds. This belongs to an 11 year old so I have no idea what sort of torture it may have been subjected to. He did mention trying to plug his ipod into the USB port and it not working.

    Any ideas on what to look at first?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • if you don't call it a tax is it still a federal tax from our government?

    even if you call it a fine, it is still a tax that the IRS will collect. I don't buy the auto insurance argument. People chose to drive or not to drive. A lot of people don't drive. The only way that argument would be valid is if you required people who didn't own cars to buy auto insurance.

    I don't buy the argument that it will reduce unnecessary expense from our ER. Uninsured people who go to the ER who can afford to pay must pay. The hospitals can(and regularly do) sue those who can afford to pay. They always win and they always get their money through direct payment, garnishments, liens...

    Those who can't afford to pay in the ER are likely already covered by a government subsidy. The only loophole in the plan is illegal immigrants. No citizen to sue, no coverage under current federal plans. None of the proposed legislation will correct this.

    People will have to pay just because they live in this country?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • where are the centrist representatives in our government?

    where are the representatives(democrat and republican) who actually represent the people. Not just the far left and the far right. The closest I see are a few independents, blue dog democrats and moderate republicans. Why are we forced to pick the lesser evil instead of good leaders at each election?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • While I am not a fan of government interference in health care?

    While I don't approve of the government public "option" I find few flaws with the plan laid out here.

    Any thoughts? I can see the slippery slope to the public option and he admits this is just the beginning. Is this going to lead to socialized health care? Where are the more balanced plans? Where are the amendments to close the loopholes to people who don't contribute to the system(not just illegal immigrants but the dead beats as well)? While I understand why they want to fine those without insurance, what about the border line income that truly can't afford ANY option? Are they going to make them pay because they make a little to much? Some families are barely getting by now, why add a penalty to push them under?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • why does Obama keep using the 47 million statistic?

    Why does Obama keep using the statistic of 47 million uninsured that need his plan? People making a certain amount of money will not receive any aid under the proposed plans, illegals will not be covered(they actually will through loopholes built in to the plan) and that only leaves 7-9 million. Why doesn't he give an honest number instead of a sensationalist number.

    He claims 47 million need his insurance plan (inflate the number to make it appear urgent). In his speech last week he said only 5% of the population would sign up for the plan(deflate the number to make it appear affordable).

    Why not just tell the truth and give honest (or at least consistent) estimates?

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is Nancy Pelosi killing health care reform?

    Every time Obama gives hints of compromise on health care reform, Pelosi releases a statement saying it isn't true. Neither extreme left nor extreme right legislation truly represent the American people. Isn't compromise what we need that will actually mirror what American voters want?

    I don't like ANY of the current bills being proposed but I do agree we need some reform to control costs and make insurance more affordable. Pushing an extreme left or an extreme right agenda will not get us anything.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't Clinton begin her fight here?

    Hillary Clinton is focusing on the problem of human trafficking. The US is an excellent place to start. Given the open willingness of ACORN to provide aid and funding to people interested in trafficking underage girls into the US, shouldn't her first move be to cut funding to that organization? She has a lot of influence and it should be easy to pass the legislation(assuming those representatives voting aren't corrupt). The people in the videos looked very comfortable setting up these brothels ant there are several incidents with the organization. It is far from isolated. Shouldn't cutting our tax dollars to this organization be her first priority?

    3 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Did Obama criticize his own mouthpiece?

    I do agree, CNN is very bad about the lack of fact checking. Who still watches CNN as a source of real news anyway?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • why has mainstream media ignored ACORN corruption?

    The organization gets so many of our tax dollars. Is this how they spend it on organized crime?

    ACORN prostitution ring

    ACORN voter fraud

    7 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • if Paul Newman can support Obama why can't you?

    If you are not a fan of fox news you can wait a few days to see it on CNN.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • while I agree with Obama on the role of unions?

    I agree with Obama's statements on the role of unions in creating benefits we enjoy today. My question is, have the unions abused their power and caused companies to send jobs to other countries. The average wage of a union worker is much higher than those of non-union workers. It is easier to justify sending jobs over seas and then import the products. The larger corporations have become very good at opening "auxiliary" plants off shore then shifting production from US based plants to the newer and cheaper ones. Union demands have played a major role in the exodus of manufacturing from the US. Where is the balance between worker rights and the companies rights to have reasonable demands? Do the unions still serve a purpose or have they become a burden to the American work force?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • are bias and prejudice fueling opposition to Obama's health care?

    or is it just a really bad idea?

    According to Charles Rangel(chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee) prejudice and bias towards Obama are bringing opposition to his plan.

    No prejudice or bias required. I just don't like the plans being proposed.

    Instead of using a common sense approach of extending medicaid to the poor or putting cost reduction measures in place this administration has chosen to overhaul the whole system instead of correcting the problems.

    The current plans being proposed will compete directly with private insurance. It will be sold at 10% less than private insurance according to Obama's estimates, it will be subsidized by tax dollars and it will hold private insurance companies to standards it doesn't have to follow. This will drive the affordable insurance companies out of business and put the majority of Americans on a sub-par government plan. The few remaining private companies will be extremely expensive and only the social elite will have good coverage.

    Given the deals he cut with the drug companies, prescription prices will go up. Nothing proposed would help bring costs down. How are these plans still even on the table?

    I have several other problems with the proposed legislation. None of them are race related.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • do liberals really believe?

    That Rush L. is the leader and voice of conservatives in America? What is the reasoning behind this? He has a talk radio show? The only people who claim that are left wing extremists and politicians trying to deflect attention from themselves. Is it because they know they are in trouble come election time?

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • public option out now what about helpful reform?

    I have been against government run public heath care since the beginning. During the debate I did see some interesting ideas. Not for profit insurance companies, cost control measures, expanding medicaid to the poor, reasonable tort reform...

    How can we see that any of these options are followed up on?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • not a big Obama fan but I like this idea?

    I am a moderate republican and 100% oppose the public health care plans being floated now, but what about that one? It actually sounds like a good idea. My current insurer BCBS is a not for profit organization and they do a decent job. What would be wrong with this idea?

    I don't want government running my health care. I do want more affordable coverage. I do want controlled costs. What do others think of this idea?

    3 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • would you want Bush responsible for your health care?

    What if someone like Bush was running this country and in charge of the public health care? What happens if the representatives go against the will of the people and vote for this bill? They will be voted out and some FAR right people will be voted in. Do you really want people like that managing your health care?

    19 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Obama's health care can co-exist with private insurance?

    A recent study says the public health care plan can co-exist with private insurance because they estimate only 12 million people will sign up. The statistic that Obama used in his speech is that 40 million people are uninsured. If only 12 million sign up, what about the other 28 million? Does it have to pass to cover the 40 million? Is it OK for it to pass because only 12 million will use it? Are any of the projections accurate given the wide gap in numbers? Are they just making up numbers to fit present argument? It doesn't add up.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • healthcare overhaul needs GOP to pass?

    Doesn't it just need the Democratic party for it to pass? Is that a way of putting the blame on the GOP when their own party doesn't agree due to serious flaws?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Yamaha waverunner starter or relay?

    I have a first generation waverunner wr500. It runs great but has an intermittent problem starting. After riding a few hours(continuously cutting on and off) it will not turn over. press the button and nothing happens. No clicking, nothing. After sitting for about 30 mins or so, it will start right up and ride for a couple more hours. Does this sound like a starter problem, solenoid problem or something else? It seems to happen and random intervals and start working again with no action but letting it sit. Anyone else have any similar problems.

    1 AnswerBoats & Boating1 decade ago