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while I agree with Obama on the role of unions?

I agree with Obama's statements on the role of unions in creating benefits we enjoy today. My question is, have the unions abused their power and caused companies to send jobs to other countries. The average wage of a union worker is much higher than those of non-union workers. It is easier to justify sending jobs over seas and then import the products. The larger corporations have become very good at opening "auxiliary" plants off shore then shifting production from US based plants to the newer and cheaper ones. Union demands have played a major role in the exodus of manufacturing from the US. Where is the balance between worker rights and the companies rights to have reasonable demands? Do the unions still serve a purpose or have they become a burden to the American work force?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    While unions served a useful purpose when they began, now they are a bunch of thugs threatening to strike for all kinds of demands. Yes, they are the reason companies move out of the U.S. and then import the products back into the country to sell.

  • Deb M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The greatest generation had it right, buy American products and support your union. But people today have come complacent and lazy. Taking for granted the battles that have been won by the labor movement in this country. They say, we have laws now...we don't need unions! Not too smart considering Congress and the Anti-union pro-corporation republicans would love the opportunity to rescind those laws.

    Unions check the financial stability of companies before asking for raises. If anything the problem in this country is pure greed...and to a certain extent greed of the consumers who do not support the American companies. The power is with the consumer. I personally do not shop at Wal-Mart, the want products from manufacturers less that what it costs to make the product...and when the companies tell them that...they say cut the salaries of your workers. Sorry, my Dad and Mother taught to support the workers in this country!

    Unions establish the pattern for raises in a lot of the industries.

    I have worked in union and non-union places. Definitely you are treated better when you have a union. I was a manager for 10 years and I never once begrudged their important role.

    People today have had it too easy and they think the companies and corporations will treat them right...some might, but they would not think twice about firing someone...or cutting their salaries.

    It is hard to find US made products...but they are out there. All one has to do is look!

    People need to take pride in this country and the workers! We have lost that...not all people know the history of the Labor movement in this country! It is pretty amazing. Look to the European Union and see what we could be!

  • 1 decade ago

    Unions were good and had their place.. many years ago. Now unions are the reason most of our businesses are over seas and our people out of work.. except the union leaders that is.. they are living in mansions.

    Is something wrong with this picture.

    Obama however was busy pandering to unions today.. sucking up like he does so well.. saying all they wanted to hear. Wonder if he minds being a political whore?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not all unions are a burden on our workforce, but then again not all unions are as powerful as the UAW or Teamsters. Some unions like the two I just mentioned have far too much power while others do a fair job and actually with the CCW, non union shops and companies actually made more money than their union counter parts.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I took a class in labor law while in college and our instructor told us that unions don't care whether a company makes money or loses money just so long as the company pays the wages and gives the benefits the union feels is appropriate.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    instruct me any of those 10 that are actually not a hundred% good on the mark. Are you so blinded via the easy approach of patriotism which you won't be in a position to admit that as a rustic we've made many blunders alongside the way. we are in a position to alter right into a great extra suitable usa, a extra respected usa by way of the international via admitting we are actually not perfect.

  • eldude
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    the ony benefit is for those employees that work for a company that benefits more from dealing with unions than the prospect of leaving the USA. for whatever reason, say, subsidies, location, shelflife or product, etc, idk, anyway, for those in the manufacturing industry, unions do little more than force employment out of the country

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