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Is Nancy Pelosi killing health care reform?

Every time Obama gives hints of compromise on health care reform, Pelosi releases a statement saying it isn't true. Neither extreme left nor extreme right legislation truly represent the American people. Isn't compromise what we need that will actually mirror what American voters want?

I don't like ANY of the current bills being proposed but I do agree we need some reform to control costs and make insurance more affordable. Pushing an extreme left or an extreme right agenda will not get us anything.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pelosi is a left wing liberal socialist Democrat. She isn't going to bend on taking out that public option (healthcare policy from the government) because she knows it won't be long before the government puts all the insurance companies out of business. This is about socialism....not about how the government cares about you. They don't.

  • canam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    True reform would be to do something about the reasons health care is so expensive. We need tort reform to stop the frivilous law suits and cause doctors to practice defensive medicine-this adds enormously to the cost of health care. They need to require health insurance companies to cover those with pre-existing conditions and catostrophic illness. They need to allow people to purchase insurance across state lines to make it competetive. They need to give insurance to the working poor through medicaid. They make the income levels so low that these folks cannot get it. Its almost like encouraging people not to work. There are many ways they could reform health insurance without the radical gov. run plan. many people qualify for medicaid and for some reason do not apply for it but use costly emergency rooms for their health care. They dont pay the bills and in the end the tax payer does. If they would apply for medicaid they could go to a doctor which would be a fraction of what the emergency room costs. They need to force people to be responsible for themselves instead of encouraging them to depend on the government, which is what this administration seems to want them to do. The reality behind that is the more you are dependent on the government, the more votes you garner.

  • 1 decade ago

    If so, it is the first time I have ever heard her do ANYTHING good for the country.

    And NO the American voters OVERWHELMINGLY do not want the government option. I believe the last poll was over 80%.

    And the last poll also shows that over 65% do not want government involved at all.

    You want it is.

    1. Open up interstate insurance for health insurance like it is for other insurances.

    2. Tort reform.

    3. Educate the people on how to use a high-deductible insurance with a HSA (health savings account) to maximize their benefit. Anyone who is relatively healthy and not taking advantage of this is missing out. Email me for details. IF 50% of those who SHOULD be taking advantage of this and are not, all of a sudden did, we would see insurance rates drop overnight by around 60-75%. GUARANTEED! - AND IT COSTS THE FEDERAL BUDGET NOTHING!

    jefferson...the problem is that you think that there is room for compromise. WE DO NOT WANT THE GOVERNMENT INVOLVED IN HEALTH CARE! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DO NOT WANT GOVERNMENT INVOLVED IN HEALTH CARE! What part of that do you not understand? The fact is that NOTHING that has been put forth is good for the American people. You are damn right we will not compromise on a power and money grab with takes away freedoms. could not be more wrong.

    Radical conservatives do not want this

    Moderate conservatives do not want this

    Middle of the road do not want this.

    Moderate liberals are waking up to the reality and many do not want this.

    Radical liberal socialists want this and that is reason enough not to want this. OVER 65% want government to stay out of health care.

  • Rose
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The House Democrats have a majority of more than 12. Pelosi isn't talking about House Republicans, but about Senate Republicans who are trying to filibuster almost every single bill that the House has already passed, including several which call for the renaming of buildings for soldiers who died in Iraq or Afghanistan a bill calling for a pay raise for members of the US Armed Forces reserves.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    altho you're pretty close on this one, pelosi is a drunken whore so you really can't listen to her..

    and compromise isn't exactly it either. we need to start w/ things which will actually have an effect w/o destroying the whole system just to 'insure' 9 million people (the whole 39-47 million has been debunked by the way). things like removing government interference/regulations. this would reduce soooo many costs and restrictions which cause inflation and graft. then portability, then tort reform. then, when everything costs half as much as it does now, talk about 'fixing' the insurance for those who don't qualify (illegals) or don't want it (young kids who are healthy) or homeless/indigent, etc.

  • Bryan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The extremes on both sides do not want to compromise. The extreme left has an agenda they want passed in the form they desire. The extreme right resists simply because they see it as a left wing agenda. Meanwhile less extreme but still partisan elements on both sides seem to be willing to compromise because both agree that something needs to be done, even if they don't agree with what that should be. The extreme left is more damaging at this time. This is because they do indeed appear to be willing to destroy their own legislation in their zeal to have exactly what they want. This plays directly into the desires of the extreme right who want no legislation at all and are more than content to let the liberals implode over this. In short, the hardcore liberals are their own worst enemy in this fight.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Far Left in Congress will find a way to get enough Democrats in line to push through their health care bill one way or another.

    Then they will hope that most Americans will forgotten all about it by election time next year.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you completely, but I think that the radical left and the radical right are always more vocal than anyone in the middle.

    So, we have lots of people willing to compromise, but you never actually hear from them because the extreme right or left is always drowning them out.

  • JEFF S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think we need to let this one go and get serious about drilling for our own oil right at the moment because gas prices are starting to creep up there again while no one is looking and this will cause this recession to drag on and on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Looks like the Democratic Party is destroying itself.

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