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? asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

It's time to talk about your horse?

Haha well I did one of these a while ago and I thought it was fun.

We all love to talk about our horses or in my case and the horses we work and volunteer with. So, I love hearing about other peoples' horse stories.

Heres what to do:

Tell me and who ever reads this your horse story. This time it can be anything you want to talk about from buying a new horse to falling off a horse and anything you need to talk about.


Star Wisher, she is so cute! I love her big head!!!! What breed is she?

Update 2:

awww Misty looks like a horse you would see in a magazine! you are doing a great job!

Poppy sounds like am amazing horse! All the horses do, everyone is so lucky!

You should train Poppy to smile (i trained one of the mustangs at the barn and nobody can stop talking about is lol)

Everyone is doing such a great job with their horses and are so lucky. Keep up the good work and give your ponies some treats form me =D

Update 3:

Arabian lover, that is amazing that you got the chance to have your own barn! And that you rehabilitated 5 horses!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is my mare Misty. She's a 9 yr old TB and my first horse. I've ridden for 7 1/2 years and just got her last Christmas. I've been working really hard training Misty when i first started riding her in 2007 she was a rescue and hadn't been ridden in 2 years. Now we're showing 2'6'' and hopefully continuing work in dressage and hunters. She's doing sop well, I'm so proud of her!

  • 1 decade ago

    This is very cool..great question!!

    I guess I could start by saying ever since I was a little girl I've LOVED horses with a passion. When I was 10 I was finally able to start riding lessons and everything just increased from there.

    When I was 16 I finally was able to lease a horse and practice all I'd learned through all those lessons. I leased a beautiful Thoroughbred who was the most patient gentleman ever and really helped me sharpen my riding skills.

    By the time I was 17 we relocated to North Carolina. I started right away trying to find a horse to lease. I leased a wonderful paint gelding for a time but about 2 months later a large 14 stall facility came up for rent. My mom and I decide to take the plunge and rent the facility and board.

    There were 5 horses already on the farm. They were not being taken care of and we bought them all from the owner. After 3 months or so of rehabilitation and tender loving care we sold 3 to wonderful lifetime homes. We decided to keep the other is mine and the other is my moms.

    This is horse:

    Anyway, a year later after TONS of hard work and advertising we have a FULL barn!

    My mom and I love the farm life and though there are many ups and downs, highs and lows, it is a very rewarding thing and we try to enjoy every minute.

    Thank you for letting me share!

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh I love to talk about my horse. :) She is 16 months old now. I got to work off her purchase price by working with all the foals at the breeders so I have got to handle her from the day she was born. We have done tons of stuff together from walks (what feels like 1,000 miles), to ground manners, to putting towels on her back, to exposing her to everything I can think of, to ponying her this year. The waiting for her to turn 3 is really hard but it is fun watching her turn into a wonderful, well behaved horse. I look forward to spending a lifetime together, and have a lot of fun thinking of all the things we already do and will do in the future. Here is a picture of her. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not my horse but i looovvee her, and hope to lease her soon. She's a beautiful palomino mare, named Starlight. She bucks alot while cantering though everyone plans to fix that. Last week she just wanted me OFF her back, and I would not get off. She tried to run me into a fence, overjump by like 3 feet, buck like a bronco while cantering, and spooked 3 times. But I love her anyway. Sometimes she can be a complete sweetheart other times she has a big attitude.

    Two months ago she sprained/broke my finger. I was handwalking her and she spooked and reared up when she ready my finger was cought in the reins and she charged away. Luckly I cought her because the gate was wide open and she could've ran away. With a injured finger I had to continue handwalking her because she got really sweaty when she spooked. Then when I put her away she ran into her stall and pushed me againsted the door. oww

    I still love this horse more then anything though. =]

    If you click show all there is another pic of her.

    Also my grandparents own horses and this one is my favorite <3

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have one really memorable moment that happened when I was 11. We'd just gotten my first pony and she was only 2. Well on this particular day, I went down to the barns where we were boarding her so that I could clean the stalls and do chores and it was super muddy outside. I remember that we went out to get her to bring her in and I wanted to ride her bareback for a minute before we brought her in so I could show my mom because she'd come down that day. Mind you I'd already ridden Angel numerous times and I'd ridden her bareback already. We had her halter on her and I was going to use the rope to control her. I remember that I got on and was riding around fine until she just decided that she didn't want me on her anymore so she took off at a gallop and I slid right off her butt and into a huge puddle of mud and horse poop. But when I landed I was still moving forward so I left a skid mark and the mud went all up my pant legs. It was so funny that instead of being upset I got up and laughed and so did my parents. My dad even said that he wished that he'd had a camera. Angel just looked at us like we were crazy.

    We've had her 8 years now and we're the best of buddies. Since then I've had some bad falls in the past and everytime Angel has stopped and stood next to me like a guard, with her head down and her nose right next to me like she was checking to make sure that I was okay. I couldn't live without her. Everytime my parents talk about selling her I fight back. You see, I'll be leaving soon for the military. But when I can, I want to take her so they have to hang onto her for me until then. That and I am afraid to let her go to just anyone for fear that they won't give her the care that she deserves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Poppy is my 14.3hh, 6yr old (just turned) Standardbred mare and i love her so much!!! and i know she loves me too! I ride her Western but in an English saddle. I'm gonna buy a Western saddle for her. Even though she's a Standardbred she can do anything form jumping to barrelracing. In her previous life she was a rescue horse, and i find it amazing that she can put so much trust in me after that. She is gorgeous, and i have a great bond with her. I have trained her to bow and kiss me on command. I am gonna train her to shake hoofs, hug me nod yes/no etc. She learns very fast we are friends for life

    I love hearing about other peoples horses as well

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont have a horse. But i thought i should tell you about my horse life. let me start by saying horses have been my life since i was born. I started riding when i was 5. I totally loved it. I went on to my first horse show (leadline) where i got many ribbons including 1st place. One horse i remember the most is a retired race horse who was blind in one eye ..he was my first canter. When i was 11 i transferred to another stable because my other stables owners retired. At the new stable i did my first jumps on a pony named Josh. Who was stubborn but we had a strong bond. He taught me alot. Now at 13 I'm at a different stable riding a horse i absolutely adore named Breeze hes an appaloosa and im glad to say i now jump 2-3 feet! i love to jump and horses are my life. they are all i think and dream about and im just fine without owning a horse!

    Source(s): 8 years of riding!
  • SLA
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm working a young mule. I've worked a lot of horses, but this is my first mule. They truely are a different animal, but my tailor-the-training-to-the-individual-horse methods are working so far. Trying to stay one step ahead of her in the thinking process can be a challenge. And she's always looking for a new adventure, so she keeps me on my toes. That's her in my picture on the side, standing on her log showing off. If she keeps advancing at the current rate, we may be jumping through the fire hoop with the rest of the advanced riders in our riding club by spring.

  • 1 decade ago

    HI!! i have my own horses but my friends moms horse when im at their house and hes a morieson and hes 16.2 hands and hes 15 year old.

    i ride him from jumping to westren pleasure and dressage to barrel racing.

    he was a dressage horse in a school and he was sold to my friends mom.

    hes a blast to ride my friends dad says ive done EVERYTHING with this horse bc i ride him everytime i go over and hes a blast and my friends mom has been teaching me everything on him from english to dressage.

    i love this horse he loves me back and i will always love him even though he dosent always lison to me.

    i was ridding bareback after my friends mom had a dressage clinic and the trainer (and everyone else that came) was eatting in the lounge and they could see into the arena and i was cantering around bareback and Quincy did a dead stop and i almost flew off him as they watched me and i held on to his mane as i pulled my self up right.

    Source(s): me me me me me
  • 1 decade ago

    I just bought a new colt today; he is 2 years old; yes he's still a stud.

    Well he comes from wonderful racing lines. Matchlite is his sire and Bueno Blue is his dam. :).. he's my little prospect for barrel racing, pole bending, etc.. that's all i have to say for now.

    Source(s): exoeriance
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