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What is the greatest "life lesson" you have learned?


sorry for all the T/D...I have this nasty stalker...and they always do this to me...


30 Answers

  • Bonnie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have learned many lessons, but the one that stands out is that I learned to accept people for who they are, not by what they have. I can look at anyone now and see a human being equal to me. Some people have bad tempers, some are retarded, some are very ill, some have wealth, some are famous, some are religious, some are not religious. I accept them all and respect what they must deal with every day of their lives. The only exceptions to the rule are the criminals who never repent or feel remorse for their crimes. They have yet to learn their life lesson.

  • 5 years ago

    I disagree with a super form of the answerer's, a minimum of the only I examine. i think of that it does take existence experience to jot down an incredible novel. the 1st reason being that it makes the writing extra conceivable. If somebody has on no account been in love the emotions can't be precise invoked, or if the story is approximately drug use a guy or woman who has on no account used drugs gets some issues incorrect. the 2nd is that existence experience makes the story extra effective with the aid of fact the author has experianced what they're writing approximately. No volume of examine can precise describe the emotions of a rape victum etc. Now what i'm no longer asserting notwithstanding is that infants can't be super and noble authors. infants struggle by using extra right now then they have years contained in the previous. If the radical bargains with a topic count that the author has on no account experianced or witnessed first hand then it is going to likely be quite awkward. while coping with a confusing subject count the author would desire to have a minimum of a few experiance contained in the sphere, no count what the age. There are no longer any limitations on age in line with say only what the author has experianced and what they're attempting to place across of their writing.

  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What I have learned the hard way, is never to make a hasty decision

    regarding a life changing element. Always think things through, weigh-

    ing the pros' and cons' before making that decision. As often, once

    you have made up your mind too quickly, you can change the rest of

    your life, that you wouldn't have planned on, necessarily. Once you

    travel down that path you hastily chose, invariably, you regret it and

    can't turn around and take the other path. At least, without creating

    major chaos in your life, and others. So as they sang in that Disney,

    Davy Crockett song, "Be sure you're right, and then go ahead".

  • 1 decade ago

    The greatest Life Lesson i have learned that my dad was an alchoholic all of my life-i didn't speak to him for 10 years-he would call & i would hang up on him-Later in life he came to my home telling me he had 6 months to live-he had bone cancer-i made ammends with him those 6 months--he died 6 months to the day his doctors told us he would die-if i could see my dad now i wouldn't care if he was drunk as a skunk-i would just hug him & accept him for who he was-Life is too short-i wish i would have acepted him long ago-no one(including me)is perfect-now i judge NO ONE.

    Source(s): mY LIFE
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  • lora
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There is no foundation, no secure ground,

    upon which people may stand today if it isn't the family.

    It's become quite clear to me as I've been sick. If you don't

    have the support and love and caring and concern that you

    get from a family, you don't have much at all.

    Love is so supremely important.

    As our great poet Auden said, 'Love each other or perish.' "

  • 1 decade ago

    Self Reliance

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "when your 20 you worry about what people are thinking about you.

    at 40 you no longer care what other people think about you.

    by the time you get to 60, you realise that nobody was even thinking about you at all!!!"

    I love whoever posted this. I'm 19 years old and it's true that I care too much how I am perceived by others.



    best life lesson I've learned is to treat every single person with respect.

    Also, not to overestimate people. I used to depend so much on people, but I realize that only I can have the power to help myself.

    Source(s): BEST ADVICE? TAKE RISKS. Go get eat that last piece of pie. Ask that girl out. Tell that teacher that she's rude. Go pursue acting even if your parents want you to be a chemical engineer.
  • 1 decade ago

    That life really is to short to worry about every little thing. If something isn't going to matter in 100 years, it's not worth worrying about. Live each day as if it were your last.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I didn't learn it but I reflect back: If you spend 4 hours instead of all night in bars (etc.) you have money for the important things later. Upholding the traditions of US Navy can be bad for your liver.

    I did learn: One has to laugh daily to be healthy.


    Source(s): Retired US Navy - submariner. 1977-1997
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Time really does go by quicker the older you get, so make the most of everyday to avoid regrets later.

    Do not be afraid to take chances.

    Be forgiving of yourself, no one is perfect.

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