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When 2012 passes and the World does not end, what is the next date people will focus on as the end?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, in recent history it was 2000(Y2K), now its 2012. So people's predictions will be this, "Oh my god! In 2013 we will be teleported back in time to the year 666 A.D. where the Mayans will take our computers and put so much spam on the internet that it will explode causing a rip in the space-time continuum that will send us all to hell for all of eternity. Or something like that...

    Source(s): Crazy People
  • 1 decade ago

    They will just pick another date. As you said 2012 will be another year just like 2009.

    2012 is a complete 100% junk science internet hoax; usually believed by people who did poorly in their science classes!

    The planets NEVER ACTUALLY ALIGN. Their orbits prevent an actual straight line alignment.

    Planet X does not exist anywhere in the sky. No where on the internet can you find the sky coordinates for this fake planet. It is not hiding behind the sun (we orbit the sun ), it is NOT visible from the Southern Hemisphere. We can see in every direction with our telescopes.

    No near Earth objects are headed our way for a catastrophic impact in 2012.

    The Earth and sun "line-up" on the center of the galaxy every year on December 21st! We are actually 6 degrees away from the center MOVING AWAY!

    The whole thing is a complete hoax. Watch the famous astronomer Neil Tyson make fun of the 2012 hoax.

    and READ NASA's 2012 debunking web site:

    As for the Mayans; they believed that the Earth was flat and had 4 corners. They also believed that the sky was held up by 5 large trees each one a different color, and believed the Earth rested on the back of a giant crocodile! They worshiped the SUN god!

    Does this give you any confidence that they knew ANYTHING about the Earth or the universe!

    Good GRIEF!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    pay attention to me my buddy and no person else that asserts the top of the international will ensue December twenty first 2012. this is going to ensue the twenty third! Ha, ha i'm basically kidding. no person guy or woman knows of whilst this is going to ensue. i in my view think of that people will harm the international with all and sundry of those bombs and such. in any case, people think of this with the aid of fact the Mayan Calendar looks to easily "end" on December twenty first (some say December twenty third) 2012. It actual would not "end." in case you suspect the national Geographic prepare on 2012 then you relatively could understand a splash greater. yet on a form of dates, something to do with the alignment of the Earth and the middle of the galaxy and the solar. I forgot the way it is going. yet do no longer complication, people concept it may end interior the year 2000 too, besides the undeniable fact that it did no longer. Peace be upon you.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There will be no year 2012.





    ~~~~~TRUST THE BIBLE ABOUT 2011 THE END~~~~~

    "The Lord has opened up His people’s understanding to the

    “Biblical calendar” found on the pages of the Bible.

    The genealogies of the book of Genesis, primarily in

    chapters 5 and 11, can be shown to be a precise calendar

    of the history of mankind in this world. The Bible’s calendar

    of history is completely accurate and trustworthy.

    Since this Bible calendar is given by God in His Word,

    it can be trusted wholeheartedly."



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  • 1 decade ago

    99942 Apophis, a 400 meter asteroid, will fly by the Earth on April 13, 2029. Depending on how the Earth's gravitational pull effects the course of the asteroid, it's second fly-by sometime during March/April/May of 2036, there is a 1 in 45,000 chance that we may get hit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually according to Nostradamus...

    The world doesn't end in 2012, Mankind ends in 2012.

    The world is suppose to end sometime around 3036, or something like that. lol

    But yes, a comet or metor is scheduled to enter,

    Our atmosphere sometime soon after 2012.

    So we'll all probably start to prepare and focus on that more. =-]

    Source(s): Nostradamus Fanatic! =-D
  • 1 decade ago

    The world will not end on 2012. We don't know when it will, only God knows when.

    Source(s): The Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    I wish people would stop trying to predict things they have no control over. Do you really even want to know when the world is going to end? Imagine the chaos and fear. I would rather not know.

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably 2066. Or 2666. God knows humans want to think the world is ending every half century or so XD

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They're working on that now. Y2K was a big doomsday money maker, so they don't want to blow the 2012 cash potential..

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