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I have a question to all those "Tea Party Express" people. . .?

I just saw a commercial about the "Tea Party Express", and they state that they want to send a message to all of those "liberalists" that "we are going to vote you out of office". Who are they going to elect?

I mean, the GOP did the very same crap in 2000 and 2004, and they ran up a debt as well as the Democrats did in this administration. They have faulted the other way from the Democrats during their time in office, and they were voted out and replaced by Democratic candidates.

Who are these Tea Party Expressers going to replace Democrats with? Republicans? Doesn't this all become a viscous circle, and then in 2/4 years, we again go after those in office and replace them with someone from "the other party"?

Or are they looking to get "third party" candidates into the seats to see how they will do? Aren't we in a situation that there is no way to please everyone, and the squeaky wheel is looking to get greased? I mean, I also know that squeaky wheels don't always get greased - sometimes they also get replaced. That is what the Tea Party Expressers remind me of - they are being loud and voicing their opinions, which is their right to do so. But what do they propose be the "right alternative"? What would they say would be the right people for the government? I mean, I don't want to know generalities as in "someone that listens to the people" or "someone that does right by the country" - that is very vague and is a matter of opinion. I want specifics. What do you, the tea party express, want?

Sorry for the length of this question. I am a wordy person by nature, and I have many questions about all this. I am trying to be serious and not sarcastic, so please try to give me some answers so I can better understand the opposition. . .

Thanks in advance.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You make a good point.... I know I'll be laughing if the Republicrats get voted back in in 2010 / 2012 and do the same profligate spending that Comrade Bush did. Comrade Bush is part of the Comrade Obama problem, when a guy from the {don't laugh} "party of small government" spends domestically at a pace that would make Lyndon Johnson blush, it's no wonder that when a leftist like Obama gets the job he would just floor the accelerator of government goodies.

    Source(s): Blameless Libertarian
  • 1 decade ago

    The TPE (Tea Party Express). Hah, I call them SPLASH (Spewing Lying Arrogant Stupid Hasbins) because they are doing nothing but wasting their life protesting into voting out both Obama and the Democrats out of office. It's like this. The Democrats in office is being called socialists or communists from people who think the policies are violating our constitution. Who are the enemies? Conservatives. Conservatives, also Republicans, are not taking responsibilities of the worst mess in US history and we had many things that was forced in our face: war, don't ask don't tell, the patriot act, religion in office, etc. You got convo idiots like Limbaugh, Hannity, the traitor Beck, the Dick Morris, The washout Filipina Malkin, Rasmussen, etc, labeling Democrats enemies and doesn't believe in helping poor people just the rich snots. Libertarians are going to soon go on the attack on the RF (Republican Fascists) and possibly show respect and help out the Democrats. Right now I got a lot of prejudice people in San Antonio, especially School Districts. Thanks to the TPE, I am appalled. Maybe people need to learn the negatives of being a racist and prejudice. Period!

  • TJ9
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Libertarians would be better to replace the republicans with because they actually stand up for their ideals. They'll compromise with the other side and try to make a deal. Instead republicans make up false statements and try to sink dem ideas like pouting children.

  • 1 decade ago

    Split government. I will always vote against the party in the White House

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You shall come to a question for all your 'town hall

    shenanigans'...".Where did we go so wrong? " asPalin

    takes Oath of Office in Jabuary 2013 !

  • Alex C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Politics is cyclical by nature.

  • Man
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The tea baggers are just bitter.

    They're bitter they lost the election.

    They're bitter they lost to a black man.

    They're bitter we're spending money In America on US citizens.

    They're bitter we're trying to help the poor and underclasses.

    They're just downright miserable.

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