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Skaggmo asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

What will happen if Obama's approval rating keeps dropping?

We've see it drop fro 69% to 52%, and his disapproval ratings go from 10% to 41%. I did some projections on these numbers, and if this trend continues for another 14 months, his approval rating will be at 18% and disapproval at over 100%.

So my question is- if this trend continues, what do you think will happen?

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    lame duck three years.

    Loss of House majority

    Loss of Senate majority

  • 1 decade ago

    Poll numbers say little about the merits of the leader; they attest more to how absolutely fickle, superficial, forgetful, irresponsible, lazy and entitled the American constituency has become.

    What do I think will happen?

    Like American girls abroad, our voters are an easy lay.

    Based on how ignorant, gullible and uninformed the majority of this society is, voters will become impregnated with the ecstasy of his glitzy re-election campaign in '12, and orgasm on the eve of his victory while masturbating to some new mantra.

    The simple truth is that the candidate that wins the ad campaign, as a result of superior funding, wins the election.

    Image is everything.

    Source(s): Delegate at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver (I saw how full of shit we were then, and I see how full of shit we are now, Democrats and Republicans alike)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, don't be led to believe that he might not fall to the level of "W". Even if he does though, he will still be President. I think Truman's fell to 23% and he finished his term but didn't run for re-election. Short of an impeachment which takes dire and traitorous charges, and as much as I don't like the President's performance, I don't consider it traitorous, he will finish his term also. However, if things continue the way they are moving, Obama may not be re-elected in 2012. Of course, that would mean that the GOP or the DEMS have come up with a better candidate.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Leaders do no longer save digging while they understand their in a hollow. He instructed Lauer he substitute into disenchanted with the "stimulus" bill and it mandatory to be slimmed. It grew via 13.5 billion money from the abode (The 780 discern does not account for the amendments). he's going forward with the bill even however 60% of persons have faith it will make the financial gadget worse. His reaction -- "everybody thinks they are an economist". effective. This pig bill in basic terms defined his character and his authentic intentions...and via the way, I studied economics and that i will disprove the validity of this flow to everybody w/ a 6th grade analyzing point and a history e book. look no further than Hoover/FDR to verify how properly deficit-financed spending works. Lunacy. ______________________________________... TheMom: "Many individuals do no longer help all greater beneficial classes that are transforming into a bad rap interior the media." they did no longer get a "undesirable rap" interior the media. they are literally spending classes cloaked in "stimulus". while everybody is dropping their jobs and being devastated, Obama and enterprise found out that they had an threat to place any volume of spending interior the bill and bypass it rapidly w/o rivalry. They tried shotgunning it by Congress yet have been given caught with their pants down. human beings have examine it now and are disgusted w/ the outright deception and gull it would take to aim to slide that sh*t in under the radar. that's sickening and that's defining who this guy is. do no longer enable occasion loyalty get interior the way of purpose assessment. For shame. ;)

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is what all people should be concerned with~Our president is not

    listening to the American people~~sure I know Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid had to be force down congress throat to pass

    and a lot of other programs~but now is the time the American people are

    upset over President Barack Obama's agenda~~if he don't care about

    his approval ratings then neither should we~~I am sure he is taking the

    Higher road to somewhere but the average American does not want to

    go there~

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    His approval ratings are just fine. If he always had his eye on the polls instead of on the ball, this nation would be in big trouble. I always tell him to keep the attitude of a former leader: "Damn those torpedos; full steam ahead." He really wants the moderate Republicans to share in the successes, but they are so adamant about being stodgy and mean that this is one goal he may have to set aside for now. Those of us who KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that we picked the right man for the daunting tasks Bush/Cheney left behind have tremendous faith in President Obama and his wonderfully competent team, polls be damned!

    Source(s): "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy" by ex-conservative rightwing insider David Brock.
  • Beery
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Disapproval can't get over 100%, so in answer to your question, the trend can't continue for 14 more months.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why not give W a call and ask him? Don't worry- President Obama's approval rating will go up again. Just because 20% of the population despise him because of the color of his skin, thankfully their small numbers make then pretty insignificant

  • 1 decade ago wont affect anything until the next election. Even if it drops to 0, he's still going to be a president until his next term...

    Also, this sort of stuff is common to ALL politicians. Do you remember that many politicians in the past whose approval ratings actually increases?? This is a universal rule of all politicians that gets voted in, their approval ratings drops.

  • 1 decade ago

    How many more 18 year old American kids will have to die in Afghanistan before Obama learns a history lesson?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I see it keep happening

    I voted for him because I thought he would help with these problems like the public option is a good idea

    but he is A PUSSY he will not fight for things that we elected him for and like always the crazy nut jobs run the country

    he is playing nice in politics while there calling him Hitler WTF

    and I don't think anything is going to happen if nothing happened to bush nothing is going to happen to this guy

    "there were people who thought he would be better than jesus but those were ignorant and stupid ideas"

    basicly I don't like either dems or GOP because on one hand you have crazy nut jobs and religious freaks and war mongers

    dems you have ******* unwilling to fight hippies and high taxes

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