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31 Answers

  • :)
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God - energy being

    Jesus - physical manifestation of that energy

    Holy Spirit - the power of inspiration, communication of ideas, thoughts

    Person/body - physical being

    Soul - immortal energy

    Mind- the power of inspiration, communication of ideas, thoughts.

    What does that make you? What part are you missing?

    I have also noted that some muslims out here are giving talks about the Trinity when According to the Quran (Surah 5:116, 5:73-75) the Christians believe in "three Gods" - Father, Mother, and Son. Now this is a classic example of what is called rubbish and the sad part is that they are indoctrinated with this garbage.

    Regarding Shema Israel. God said that specifically at the time of Moses as it's during this time the Israelities were worshiping other gods like "The Golden Calf". Thus God made His stand . Christians do not believe in other gods like allah etc. They are thus in total compliance with the Commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me.".

    They do not call any god God like the muslims do. Yahweh is not allah, Yahweh and allah do not mix. Muslims are mixing a pagan moon god with the true God and are calling the pagan god as true. This is totally Satanic, blasphemy and goes against the Commandments of God.

    @ clan man: I don't think you know what 1x1x1=? Not aware of bodmas are you? The Christian concept of God is 1x1x1=1. I don't think you have an ounce of knowledge about simple math and you make claims that Christianity is a contradiction. First get your basic math right.

  • 1 decade ago

    A trinity is the soul,and body and spirit in a person.

    The New Church (Swedenborg)is sometimes called modalist (wrongly!), and

    we open ourselves to this when we say Father, Son and Holy

    Spirit are “three aspects” of God. Sometimes we are called

    modalist because they do not know what else to do with our

    denial of three distinct persons while we affirm Jesus’ full

    Divinity. Historically, only the modalists did that. Often

    Christians say, "three aspects” of God too, not realizing what it


    It is important that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are much more

    than three of God’s aspects, appearances or names. They are the

    three essentials of one Divine Human Being—soul, body, and

    activity/influence. No one—not even God—can be human

    without all three of these. Talking about the New Church trinity

    is a great opportunity to show how the New Church idea of God

    and His incarnation is new, yet Biblical, is simple, and makes


    “Father, all things of mine are yours, and all of yours are

    mine.” What does this mean, if not that the Father's Divine

    belongs to the Son's Human, and the Son's Human to the Father's

    Divine? Consequently in Christ God is man and man is God, and

    thus they make one as soul and body make one….It is plain from

    this that the Father's Divine is the Son's soul, and the Son's

    Human is the Father's body.


  • ELMO
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's a made-up concept.

    No record will you find that the New Testament Church ever believed or taught the doctrine of the Trinity!

    For the Scriptures prove that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are only manifestations (not three Persons) of the ONE GOD; and God is ONE IN PERSON. (See Job 13:8)

    In Creation God was manifested as the Father (Invisible Spirit - John 1:18, 4:24).

    In redemption God was manifested as the Son (Spirit in body - Col. 1: 13-15, 2:9).

    In emanation God was and is being manifested as the Holy Ghost (Spirit in believers - Acts 2:4, 17, Rom. 8:9, Eph. 4:6).

  • 1 decade ago

    The Trinity concept grew out of the Nicene Creed, which was an early attempt to provide a definition of God. It attempted to accommodate the apparent contradictions of the scriptures and only confused the issues, instead. It also ignores the rather plain explanations provided in the scriptures, such as that offered by Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor 8: 4-5). Instead it dropped an emphatic article out (the original language) of John 1:1 and based the belief on concepts that are just a little hard to grasp.

    Evidence against such a teaching, such as the baptism of Jesus, the vision experienced by Stephen as he was stoned to death, Jesus "Lord's Prayer" teaching us to pray to God, and so on, are all ignored in favor of a man-made dogma that pushes credibility.

    But, in defense of such, Judaism is a monotheistic religion that does not have room for a "Son of God" despite Old Testament testimonies by prophets like Isaiah. Likewise Islam is monotheistic and while accepting Jesus as a prophet, cannot view him as the Son of God for the same reason -- God has no equals and a Son grows to be a parent, so... you should catch the drift of the reasoning.

    So, where did that leave Christianity? In a pickle, except Paul understood it perfectly, when he said, "For us, there is _one_ God, the Eternal Father... and _one_ Lord, Jesus Christ." He not maintained the monotheistic one-God ideology, but he supported Jesus as Lord and as divine.

    This, of course, was just too easy (or so it seems to me) and so the creed was developed (the Apostles' Creed doesn't have the problem) which confused the nature of God and became the source for the Trinity concept and teachings.

    Some groups see the ruling body of Heaven as composed of three distinct personalities: God, the Father, Jesus Christ, his son, and the Holy Spirit (or Ghost). Each is endowed with God's authority by divine investiture and each has their own mission, separate from the Father, and yet they are all one in purpose, since both Jesus and the Holy Spirit do the Father's will.

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  • 1 decade ago

    God is a mystery that is difficult for the human mind to grasp. How can God be everywhere and be said to be in Heaven? God is separated into 3 persons because of the creation of the universe. Before the creation, the three were fully united. In the beginning, God spoke the Word, and the Spirit moved. The Holy Spirit is what binds the Father and Son together. How can a triangle have three sides and three corners and still be one shape? One God is composed of three aspects or three persons.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are several places in The Word that tell us of the Godhead, three in one, but I'm not going to go there tonight, I'm tired, but that is the way it is. The egg concept is about the easiest way to explain. The egg does indeed, have three parts, which, if you remove any of them, you would no longer have an egg. What good is the shell, if ya sucked out the white? or the yoke? And, how do you hold the white, and yoke safely, without the shell?how do you protect the yoke to develop, without the white? impossible to do. God The Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one, yet three different jobs, but they are NEVER out of order, or agreement, they are continually one. Hope that helps. Enough for today! I'm done. Good night!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The co-equal and distinct persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not three Gods because they share the same essence in complete unity. This is difficult to grasp because we have no comparison that we can experience empirically (with our five


    God exists in three persons who share the same essence or

    being. What this means is that God exists in the distinct and co-equal persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but they share a fully divine essence or being, such as uncreatedness, eternality, simplicity (non-composite or indivisible), immutability (unchangeableness), omniscience (all wise and knowing), omnipotence (all powerful),goodness, mercy, holiness, will and freedom, and so on. Thus, in God, the attributes of his essence are fully shared by three persons, making each person fully God.

    Yet, the three persons are distinct. They are distinct in their relationship with each other and in their function or role in creation and in the plan of redemption and salvation.

    Source(s): This article is a free download..
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have said this before but this is MY view on the trinity.

    Trinity is completely false!

    Trinitarians often make the argument that the scriptures say "God our Father and Jesus Christ".So they believe that this proves that Jesus isn't our Father because of the word "and" but they fail to understand that since God is our Father in General,then the "and Jesus Christ" refers to God incarmate (God-Man,Our Brother) and not a second person in trinity.

    We can't just choose and pick a person in a trinity the bible is speaking of justbecausee it says "God" or "lord".It's only speaking of God who is our Father.By God ingenerall being our father because we obey him, this is consistent with Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)

    Where Jesus is called a "son and the everlasting father".Some might say that scholars translate the pasage a "father of eternity" which makes no difference.Also some say that anybody can be father of something.The truth of the matter is, if one person in thier Trinity is called "the father" then why call someone else the father of something?

    Trinitarians believe that all persons created everything together so shouldnt they all be the father of eternity or everlasting eternity?

    Yah it adds up that they completely don't know what they believe or anything.It's pretty say if you think about it.Going around teaching this false doctrine.All those three are 1 JESUS IS GOD!

  • hema d
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not three persons in one GOD....those are three forms of GOD

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There isn't, it is a teaching of people who take certain passages of scripture without using corresponding verses that link them all together like Jesus said " i and my father are one " does not mean that they are one being but is referring to the relationship from Genesis 2:24 , when i got married my wife and i became one flesh which does not mean that either of us gave up our identity but that we were a family unit which is what God and his son are and the Holy Spirit is the power of God that he uses within people like Moses , Elijah, Jesus, David and even to men and women today to teach us and correct us, this is a touchy subject and can only be looked at from cross referencing verse with co-related verses.

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