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And u ask If God exist.....lolol?

I was returning to my hotel in New Delhi some years ago from a private conference with the late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India. Ever since arriving in India I had noticed cows and oxen wandering through the streets. I had never seen such animals straying loosely through city streets in any other country.

”Don’t these cattle stray quite a distance from home?” I asked of the car driver.

”Oh yes,” he answered.

”But when,” I asked, “they wander all over the streets so far away, how do their owners find them, to drive them back home for the night?”

The car driver smiled. “The owners don’t. But the cattle and oxen know their owners and where they live. They find their own way home in the evening.”

Immediately I thought of the scripture in the first chapter of Isaiah, which I had never understood so perfectly before this living explanation.

”Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the *** his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord . . . they are gone away backward” (Isa. 1:2-4).

And this was spoken of ancient Israel, a nation to which God had revealed himself by many evidences and miracles. How much less do other nations know about God—about who and what God is!

Nevertheless, other nations are human beings just like the nation Israel. It is important at the very outset of this chapter that you notice God calls these humans his own children. Many people say, “God just doesn’t seem real to me.” God is a great mystery to them. Their own human fathers don’t seem like a mystery. They seem real.

Why Does God Seem Unreal?

In this chapter I hope we will help make God as real to you as your own human father. God does reveal himself to us in the Bible, if we will just understand it, so that he will seem real to us.

Of the peoples of the Roman Empire, God inspired the apostle Paul to write:

”For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity [spiritual], has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made [physical]. So they are without excuse; for although they knew [about] God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Rom. 1:18-22, Revised Standard Version).

The billions now living on earth not only are ignorant of the most important knowledge—who and what God is—they seem not to want to know! They are willingly in ignorance of this most important knowledge and relationship possible in human life!

Astonishing—but true!

And why have humans been willingly ignorant of man’s most important relationship? One explanation, only, is possible! All nations have been deceived (Rev. 12:9). And the fact of this universal deception makes certain the fact of a super deceiver! More of this, later.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As Christians, we know God exists because we speak to Him every day. We do not audibly hear Him speaking to us, but we sense His presence, we feel His leading, we know His love, we desire His grace. Things have occurred in our lives that have no possible explanation other than God. God has so miraculously saved us and changed our lives that we cannot help but acknowledge and praise His existence. None of these arguments can persuade anyone who refuses to acknowledge what is already obvious. In the end, God’s existence must be accepted by faith (Hebrews 11:6). Faith in God is not a blind leap into the dark; it is safe step into a well-lit room where the vast majority of people are already standing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Still forever Praising Hallejulah!!! Highest Praise, to the Trinity Godhead ( Genesis 1:26; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1; 2; 10; 19; John 3; 14; 15; 16; 1 John 5:5-10; 2 Peter 1:17-31; Revelation 2-3; Phillipians 3:3)

    Father Jehovah Elohim our creator ( Genesis 2:4-25) Jireh our Provider ( Genesis 22:8-14) Jah ( Psalms 68:4) Shalom, our Peace ( Judges 6:24) Adonia The Lord our Soveriegn (Genesis 15:2,8).

    The second member of Trinity the Word ( John 1:1) The Lion of the Tribe of Judah ( Revelation 5:5) King of kings and Lord of lords ( Revelation 19:16; 17:14; Daniel 2:47) Emmanuel ( God with us) ( Matthew 1:23) Jesus Christ the only true Messiah ( John 3:16-18 & 36; Romans 6:23; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9; John 14:6; Revelation Chapters 2-3 (" where Trinity can also be found")

    And third member Holy Spirit ( which was here even before Jesus physically walked this earth in full human form ( Genesis 1:2; Psalms 51:11; Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20).

    This is absolute truth of Holy Bible, honey, All will not be saved and some will fall away from the faith, ( In order to fully and truly be saved and enter heaven you must still believe at death, Revelation 2:10, and many more,

    Please 2 Timothy 2:15; Psalms 119:11; 105; Study, 2 Thess 2; Hebrews 6; 1 Timothy 4 Called the great Apostacy the great falling away some will depart from the faith it is Scripture( I don't like it but I receive it as truth).

    I don't take from other sources as websites, False atricles whatever,

    When I'm on here I come straight from the Holy Word of Almighy God, after praying hard ( 1 Thess 5:17; Phillipians 4:6; Matthew 6:33 and others) Fastings often Matthew 17:14-21, 1 Cor 7:5;Mark 9:14-29.

    We of the truth of Holy Bible and Jesus Christ must stay faithful all the way through life, I was saved June 26th 1979 Vacation Bible school in a basement of person's home knelt down of cement floor and received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, Have backslid ( as everyone has Romans 3:23; Psalms 51; 1 John 1:5-10) but ask forgiveness all the time we are truly sinners saved by grace ( unmerited favor) Ephesians 2:8-10. By the Precious blood of Jesus Christ.

    As we are allowed to grow older we should become more Holy, and less prone to sin, I have, Hebrews 12:14; Lev. 11:44; 19:2; 20:6 Be ye Holy for the Lord your God is Holy.

    The Holy Bible is our instruction Maneul for living Given to us By our creators, I 2 Timothy 2:15 at least 3 times a day every single day, It's my Spiritual and soul food, How I draw closer to Almighty God James 4:4-10.

    Yes I'm still alive and in this fleshly body, But I'm Alcohol free, and illegal drugs free since June 8th 2004, All tobacco free since May 2006 ( Hence 1 Cor 3; 1 Cor 6; 2 Cor 6:14-19) I hardly hang around the " wrong crowd" any more, and my lifes changed for the extreme better, Anointing on body from Holy Spirit is getting so much stronger, I wouldn't give that up for nothing on this Planet, and is what King david wrote about in many Psalms.

    People are people I Praise Jesus for teaching me in John 16:1be not offended.

    And to forgive Matthew 6:9-15; Luke 11:2-4.

    I always forgive your shots at me and pray even harder for you.

    No weapon formed against you shall Prosper Isaiah 54:17.

    And thanks for the persecutions LOL, LOL, LOL Jesus taught us that also John 15 I already know there coming and rejoice in them,

    The more you persecute us the more your helping us build treasures in heaven Thanks!!!!!!!.

    I pray this helps answer the very good question.

    Have a seriously extremely, blessed day!!!!! Jesus loves you and with the Love of Jesus in my heart I do also no matter what,

    Even when God finally allows you to Kill me John 16:2, I'll be praying for with my last breath.

    By the way I only fear God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit nothing else.

    Matthew 10:28; Psalms 23; Revelation 2:10 was actualyy my first sermon in 1996 in an Independant Baptist Church youth Sunday night even on Sunday night few seats were empty most were filled.

    Source(s): The absolute truth from my own personal life, and every single word from cover to cover of Holy Bible 2 Timothy 3:16
  • 5 years ago

    First and that is my opinion and perception, there is just one God and hes a forgiving God. The concern I suppose many have with prayers now not being responded is due to the fact that God solutions them the way in which he thinks is excellent for us, now not the way in which we suppose hes intended to. He does not consistently reply them as speedily as a few folks suppose as good. Has anything occurred on your existence or did you will have the revel in of hypocrisy of a few devout leaders? Did they disgust you through the Crusades? Whatever is the rationale you consider athiest on your middle? As an atheist I recognise you wish truly proof, now not only a practice session of my emotions. My ideals are founded on religion, Christian love and pleasure of worship , I see God paintings miracles daily. My 28 yr ancient daughter is a ultimate instance of believe and religion, the medical professionals mentioned she would not live to tell the tale. Have a fine day Sani and I wish God touches you, I consider you wish to be touched. I will pray for you. Rosalie

  • 1 decade ago

    tl;dr. But I did notice some bringing up of bible verses and such. That means this statement has failed even before it get going. Congratulations.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    So theists are like a herd of wandering bovines whose biggest feat of intelligence is to know where they sleep at night? Okay......

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians are usually saying that humans are sheep in their analogies but this time we're cows

  • Cam
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    How the heck does the fact that cows have enough bare minimum intelligence to return home to eat prove that God exists? Your whole post is an incoherant mess.

  • Tasia
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When you get drunk and decide to ask a question.. You should write it down on PAPER and then look at in the morning.

    Then Post it , if it still makes sence to you.

  • efqy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not a question, and tl;dr

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't read any of your question but I noticed you quoted Revelations. Now I know I'm not going to bother reading your post. Thanks for the two, brosef.

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