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Is humankind as a species still in a primitive state of their growing process? (Evolution?)?

In ones self image humans see themselves as highly developed beings, but observing peoples behavior and attitudes and what is the result in daily life, it seems more likely that this has to do with the fake reality that humans have created and their self image is just part of it.

Not wanting or being able to look at themselves and clinging on lies, shows that the state of evolution still is pretty low. What do you think about this? Can we have a creative exchange here or will you just defend your superiority? Can we look at facts? Like that there still is cruelty, war and violence? Why we are so self conscious and every thing just turns around ourselves? Is there no way out?



I'm not a biologist and when I used the word 'evolution' then I didn't mean the 'change in the genetic material of a population of organisms' I simply mean our state of being as growing creatures.

It seems that in 'Religion & Spirituality' people have their specific dogma and in 'Anthropology' also. When I ask my question in 'Philosophy' then there are hardly answers, probably because there is no philosophical concept that fits to this kind of question... Or there are no philosophers out of their natural need to search, just intellectuals, who get satisfaction keeping their brain bussy...

Part of the answer might be, that humans are stuck in their concepts and they are so much identified with them that they have lost their real identity or with clinging on the fake, they are not able to grab something more *real*.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I agree with you: Humans have a high pitched self image and they don't want to listen if this is reduced by some truth about their conditions that indeed in parts are still primitive. We can state this because we can compare the mass of humans with a very few individuals who have shown to have a much more advanced state of being, even though their self expression mostly is misinterpreted and squeezed into the boxes of understanding of the other. Even if one is only slightly being able to observe beyond the usual view points, then one can state that the common level is very low. Being aware of oneself mainly means that people are aware of their reactions and that only because they are identified with their emotions and that is enough for them, because this gives them the feeling of existence. So people seek opportunities to get excited and if this is not offered then they provoke it with their behavior or their expressions. Indeed, this is a primitive state. Rarely some body ask for the reasons of ones reactions. There is no need for people to ask because the reason always can be found in outside conditions or the people one is encountering.

    You are right: People are turning around themselves, but it is what they believe they are. It is their self image that is fed with all those common images that makes this society to an established system. How to get out of it? By understanding that this social system is man made, in the same way as personality is built up: A conglomeration of all kind of concepts, beliefs, dreams, wishes, needs, fantasies, - and all these mixed and manipulated by a few clever guys who are the accepted leaders and authorities. The mass of people don't think, they don't decide where to go, - they just follow. These are realities one can observe and then maybe come to the conclusion not to join the common game any more. First one will need to ask a lot of questions, being very critical about the answers one finds. Does the answers come from the common concept pool, as there are answers for every thing and every one? So better to find answers within oneself, - after one has cleared up the adapted common image world...

    The next step in ones growing process is without doubt that people start to be more aware about themselves. Then they will get out of dependencies and then they might be able to take self responsibility. This still seems pretty far away in most people's state of growing, but there are more individuals who are questioning themselves and finding answers beyond the established system. This will cause a 'quantum jump' and then it will be much easier for others and the need to defend their established state of being will be reduced more and more...

    So then people will cling less on concepts and beliefs and relate more directly to their daily reality, being able to respond out of their human potential including their feelings...

    The concepts, life style, world view, attitude, beliefs, hopes, dreams and all what is part of society is real for people, because they are identified with it. For them this is not 'fake' because it is the only way they have, out of this they live their life and they can't grab another view and see what might be more *real*. People can't be convinced or forced to get out of it. Even an animal, that has been living all ones life in a cage, will go back, if you leave it outside...

    What one can do? Take care first of yourself. You need to heal yourself before you can heal someone else. Get out of your own cage. With this your energy will change and even without doing something specific you will influence what ever you touch or who you will meet.

    It is much more difficult to change oneself than giving ones intentions into wanting to change circumstances, others and the world...

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if we are still primitive or not. In

    examining the complete picture, I suspect that we are

    quite primitive. As to where we might wind up, well,

    who can say. The concept of evolution as a positive

    thing however doesn't quite jive with my understanding

    of evolution. I see it as a change brought about as a result

    of changing conditions. The adaptations that Darwin observed

    in his studies. It was the inability to adapt to changes

    that led, according to Darwin, to the extinction of

    species. The adaptations made by the various species

    were, in some instances, so prejudicial against survival

    that they hastened the process of extinction. So, if we

    humans are bound by the same rules of adaptation as

    the other species, then evolution is a crap shoot. We

    may not pass on to less primitive behavior or we may.

    No one knows for sure. We may survive or we may go

    the way of the dinosaur. I, for one, accept that I can't

    change the process and I'm not even sure I would if I


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, we're very highly advanced over all the other animals. So highly advanced, that we have created huge problems for ourselves and the planet. We would be better off if we had stayed in the Neanderthal phase, hunting animals with clubs and spears.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you think about it, you can take the "number 7" approach in saying that the concept of the number 7 or all numbers can't exist in reality, because if it did there wouldn't be enough room for all the numbers (since they're infinite). Even if they were smaller then an electron, they still wouldn't fit because I can think of infinite numbers. Therefore they must exist out of space and time, as we know it.

    I can also think of ways humans can improve, such as extra limbs, or more efficient ways of breathing (the human lungs suck by the way).

    Unfortunately what your asking is a metaphysical, or philosophical question not an evolutionary question. Kudos for putting it in the philosophy section! Behavior is not an evolutionary trait, its psychological, or environmental, but has nothing to do with evolution.

    My main point was that humans having a behavior unlike what we know now is a concept in our mind, and so that concept exists somewhere out of space and time. If it does exist then we could somehow bring that concept into reality. Through our actions?

    Food for thought...

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  • 1 decade ago

    This topic plays a major role in the book "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn. It's a good read, although I believe he comes to some naive conclusions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do not confuse the scientific theory of evolution with moral development. Evolution is the process of fitting into our environment. If that requires us to kill or the like then to evolve is to develop those skills.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are only advanced species compared to other species on this planet. As to our actual abilities were our focus to be on future positions in life, yes we are still throwing rocks at each other.

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