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What would do about this incident?

Ok heres my story. Just about three days ago, my husband and I had our 18th wedding anniversary. We always usually go out and eat just the two of us while the kids stay with grandparents. Ok so i was getting ready to go out and was taking a shower, when he burst into the bathroom and told me something was wrong with his mother, I said oh my no , something serious? I said tell her i hope she will be ok. told him to go and see what the problem was. Ok so i continue to take the shower and then i got out and immediately got my robe on off course and went to the phone and called his cell phone number. When he picked up i could hear that they or he was at a resturant and i knew this because i overheard some woman asking his father what he wanted to drink, i said Um Where are you? he said oh , well um mother is ok just a false alarm and so i thought it would be nice to take her out to eat something. I thought well i guess that is nice but it is our anniversary night and we do not have enough money to eat out two times in one night , so i asked him , ok should i just call my parents and tell them that we are postponing our dinner tonight? and then he realized oh my god ! tonight is our anniversary. I said yes it is . So he hung up on me , well time went on and i am a diabetic so i have to eat by a certain time of night or my blood sugar will go low and besides that the kids were getting hungry by then also. I called and cancelled things with my parents so they could go ahead and eat also. He did not come home until three hours later and i was almost passed out , i did not eat much because i thought we were still going out , he never made that clear , i also thought that by that time and since they were eating out that he would at least think of me and order me something to eat, he did not. So anyway, i almost went into a diabetic coma by that time i was late for my insulin shot and needed to eat something fast, so i went and got some orange juice to get my blood sugar up , me not him now and then i had to eat a cold sandwich and drank water , there was nothing else there to eat . I gave my children pizza , i can not eat that at all. I was so sick and just wanted to go to bed and all he could say was , man that fried catfish we had was so delicious , you would have really liked it . Now what would you have done ? What would you have said? I mean , scare me like that , his mother is a diabetic also but guess what she came first and he was very aware of her needs and forgot mine ? I felt like screaming and would have if i had felt like it but i was so weak and hungry and tired that all i wanted to do was go to bed. he just sat up and watched baseball after that, never came in there to see if i needed anything or was ok. No and he stayed up until 12:30 pm. I also found an email that he sent an woman on a chat room. I still have it but he does not know i have it. What should i do? Did i deserve this in any way? I could have died before he got home and there was nothing that the kids could have done for me but watch me die.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    always always take care of your health first, no matter what you thought you should have eaten. i feel so sorry for you, this is how many many men are, thoughtless.

    he got to his moms she was ok and he forgot about your anniversary, that is so stupid, but i know husbands can be totally ignorant, of course you did not deserve that.

    i have had to tell my husband everything right out like a child.

    everytime my husband would go to his moms he'd forget i existed on planet earth.

    so now you make new plans, tell him what they are and next time you get in the shower bring his cell in the bathroom and shut it off.

    always be one step ahead. my friend's husband bought a corvette and din't tell her until the dealership called to come pick it up. thats how she found out.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, calm down. I think you are being a little melodramatic here. I understand you are pissed, hurt and confused... you should be. But let's not treat this as if you could have died and your husband of 18 years wouldn't have given a crap about you.

    Let's stick to the point... your husband was rude and inconsiderate and deserves your anger. But you need to communicate with him about this, there's no way he is going to be able to read your mind. Remember, men are mechanic... they do what they do and don't give a second thought until someone tells them it is wrong. You have too much invested in this relationship to play games and hope that it all "works out"... I can't imagine this is the first time something like this has happened...

    There are good therapsist out there and seeing one together might not only help resolve this problem, but it might open the doors to some new, modern insight to your marriage.

    Good luck!

  • SIX6UN
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    Diabetes dianeedes dyingdeedes, you should have respected his need to be with his mother at the great restaurant that sells catfish. Do people really eat catfish? And, then since it is your anniversary, you should have dressed up in fetching lingerie. Strew your bed with flower petals, use lighted candles, and burn incense to create the harmonious harem-like ambience. Drag a blazing webber into the bedroom to simulate a roaring sacrificial fire. Maybe girlfriends from your church group could dance a few tasteful belly dances. You should've done all these things and more -- So when hubby came home you could properly entertain him for two or three hours.

    Meantime don't forget to set your alarm for three so you can have fresh bread baked for his morning breakfast. Or, kick him squarely in the nads.

  • dave
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Somethings have to come first: Your health has priority over any meal, any anniversary and probably any other situation I can think of.

    If you heard his Father on the end of the phone, then he's not cheating. A quick phone call to his mom to check she is ok "after the other night and did she enjoy her meal" would clear that up.

    Sometimes, people send emails to other people that might not be appropriate. It's not infidelity, cheating or having an affair. Worry if he ever attempts to meet anyone, not until.

    He realised it was your anniversary and then just hung up? Completely unacceptable behaviour. You NEED to sit him down and have a proper talk about why he acted like that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is obviously that he take your kindness for granted and think you will always be there for him no matter what. He may have thought about leaving you but have not because of the children. You and he have been married for 18 years and It appears that he have gotten enough and it may not be your fault that he feel this way it will be his selfishness and greed that he is doing this. With the email mail, you should confront him with it but not so suddenly because you want to make an impact with it. You should ask him if he is cheating or do he feel like he want to be out of the relationship, if he got to create a situation which may or may not be true then it is time to turn the table around. Now he have you wondering what he is doing but to get his attention you have to make him wonder what you are doing by being mysterious but clever. I wish you good look with what you do but remember this is just advice not counseling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why don't you just drop the health issues that are not his fault or responsibility and just allow that he hurt your feelings? Any woman would feel that way, i dont care how long you have been married. And just because the anniversary is on one certain date, you can celebrate anytime- like when you have m,oney or the kids are with relatives or just because you feel like it at the same time he does. Don't go at him with self-righteous indignation about your diabetes- that relly isn't what this is about. You need to address the hurt from feeling dissed, y'know? I would think thatif you have been together this long, you have a pretty good foundation. Count yourself lucky. My husband's father died 2 days after we were married, and because of that I doubt if we will ever celebrate out anniversary.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well first off....what does the letter say to the women. To me, that makes a BIG difference in my answer. I think it was very very messed up for him to just leave on your anniversary. You seemed to be very understanding. I would of flipped a freakin lid. If the letter seemed like he is trying to talk to her and build a relationship you need to sit down with him and show him and then bring up your anniversary. That all her had to do was just bring something home...i mean he was already at the restaurant. And then to bring up how good the meal was...thats like he wanted to hurt you...who would do that. There seems to be something going on here...and i dont like the sounds of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this makes no sense again. did he not know you two were going out that night for your anniversary? he ran out of the house but forgot you two were going out for dinner?

    how is it his problem if you would have died of diabetic coma because he did not come home? your health is your responsibility, not his. maybe this is what he is chatting about with another woman.

    if you want him to remember your anniversary, tell him a week ahead of time it is coming up. he is not responsible for your diabetes. you are. only you and you alone. get that straight. you sound like you would like to blackmail him with this in a very unattractive, immature way.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    History class, WW2... some kid randomly said, "did you know Hitler Invented the beetle"? The WHOLE entire CLASS started laughing for about 5 minutes straight, saying he was stupid and making cracks at him, saying things like "where did you hear that from MADTV"? "Your mom must have dropped you a hundred times as a kid!" "ARE YOU MENTALLY RETARDED" hahaha. And when the laughing finally died down, the history teacher pulls out a source that states that hitler had a part in the making of the Beetle. And everyone fell silent, and that kid who was ridiculed earlier, started laughing hysterically.. Yeah....unforgettable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm confused. He would have known it was your anniversary when the kids were dropped off at their grandparents house.

    So he takes his mother out to dinner over you?

    Sorry, I just don't believe this.

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