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I live in South east Texas. native of Texas and the Lone Star State is my world.

  • What should i do about this?

    I talked to a guy on a social networking game for a yr . Just recently , however, he told me things that i would never agree with in a million years, no woman would! I thought he was a really nice man and i really cared for him. I guess i was blinded by the light so to speak. I however did not know he was married . I am now feeling abused , mentally and physically and emotionally. I do not speak to him any longer. I am furious however at what he told me he likes, it is beyond good morality . I really would like his wife to know who she is married to and what he is telling people on the net. Yes! i know that men lie on the net for whatever reason. So should i leave her a message on her face book account and let her know what he is saying to women or let it just die and let it be a memory?

    3 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • How do u know if you are being played?

    I have been freinds with a person for at least a year. We met in a social networking game. This person called me every day and we had really nice talks. Recently, this person changed, moralistically and socially. The conversations are draggy. I know this person is married and so am I so that is no suprise, but why the change all of a sudden? If ths person does not want to talk to me anymore , fine but why all of a sudden just pull the plug like that? IS there a honest , good explanation for this or did this person simply loss intrest ? We are freinds by the way, nothing more. So whts the deal? Or is this just the way people are in social networking games?

    3 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • Why is it that channel 4 in Dallas always has those god awful singers on?

    In the morning sessions on channel 4 fox news they always have these singers on and they are so awful. I mean awful. Some can't even carry a tune. Why can't they find someone with some real music talent and make it worth our while to listen to ? We are not judges and it is not an American Idol audition. SO please do us a favor and either find someone with talent or dream up another way to entertain us .

    3 AnswersDallas1 decade ago
  • What has happened to Adam Lambert? He seems so subdued now?

    On American Idol he was cranking it up and singing his heart out. But his Cd's seem a lot more subdued and solemn. Dude you need to crank it up again. Let us hear those valuable vocals again. We love it , we crave it! Dude you are a rocker, let's hear ya rock the house down. Don't waste that precious voice of yours. Love ya but crank it up some.

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Why does my husband do this to me?

    He occasionally gets defensive towards me saying that what he is doing (work wise ) is enough for me . I tell him that we have what we need and the kids are happy . But he just gets mad when i say this to him. He always wants more . I just want him happy and i want him to be happy that he has a job since they are hard to find nowadays. But why does he get mad at me when i say things are ok and i do not expect anything more? I need to know why if anyone can explain this to me. We are able to pay our bills and go to a wonderful place for vacation now. We livein a nice house in a good neighborhood. We have a good car to drive. We have food money. Our needs are met. I am a happy wife so why can't he be a happy husband? He always says he guesses that he still wants to be twenty and cant do the things he used to do. Is this depression or mid age crisis or what?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can a person with diabetes eat lime sherbet?

    I love Braums sherbet and make a punch out of it adding ginger ale , Can my mother in law who has type 2 diabetes have that without it affecting her blood sugar level?

    12 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • What are the rules of a voluntary repossession of a vehicle?

    We can not afford our car anymore. My husband lost his job and finances are tight . I am working but it is not bringing in as much and i use most of my money on food and necessities. So a car payment is out of the question right now. We barely make enough as it is to keep the utilities payed up and provide for our children's needs . One of whom has special needs. And they harass us every day ,sometimes three times a day. What can we do about this? Tired and angry and pissed .

    6 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Why do people spend so much on costumes when Halloween is just for one night?

    The stores have the costumes at outrageous prices and for half the cost they can make them and it will mean just as much to the kid as the ready made ones. Plus it saves money. Everyone now has a issue with money in one way or another and well i know the little guys and girls and even the big ones want to get the latest and coolest costumes . But my goodness folks it is only for one night and who cares what costume you are wearing , what matters is the candy right? And what about those that can not have candy due to a medical condition , don't you think they feel a little left out ? I like Halloween if it is done right meaning give every one a chance to enjoy safely. A church bizarre or fall festival includes everyone and it is a lot safer now a days than going door to door and or running across a busy street with traffic . Last year i saw a five yr old and his little sister not more than three just run across the street to a house and almost got hit by a truck , driving way too fast . I just knew they were going to get hurt or killed , luckily they got across and what were the parents doing, talking on cell phones and laughing it up like nothing at all. I was so mad, i pulled over and said do you realize how close your kids came to just getting hit by a truck and they admitted they were not paying attention and i said then get over there and make sure they get across safely because they may not be so lucky the second time, on this street they drive fast. They thanked me and i said next time get off the cell phone and pay attention. That was stupid .

    2 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • What is a good way to become a teacher?

    My husband has taken every exam possible to become highly certified in teaching. He has already gotten his certification to teach but now they want him to be highly certified. Ok so he goes and takes the social studies exam and has passed that , no problem . But he also wants to teach science . Well he tried to take that test to become highly certified and the first one he had some problems with but just missed by two points. Then he took it again, and they changed the test on him and it was harder than the first one but he took it anyway and only missed by five points. He has been substitute teaching now for over five years , has plugged away at filling out all kinds of applications for all kinds of schools in our surrounding area, to get somewhere that is reasonable to drive to . And yet, after five years no one has given him one single interview, half of the time , they do not even give him a follow up call. He has always been attempting to make a personal appearance with the principals at the schools but either they are out of office, or gone for the day .Do the secretaries even give the principal the message that a man came in wanting to set up an interview for a posted position? OR do they just blow him off once they get him off of the phone? What are these schools looking for? I thought teachers were in high demand , so if that is true, then why isn't anyone giving this man with good moral values and good grades and has passed all the tests a honest chance? Are they all looking for that certain color of the skin or gender or what? what is a good way to become a teacher in Texas?

    4 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • What is the best overall minivan available on the market now ? OR can anyone recommend a good used one?

    I am looking for a minivan that is safe and economical . I take trips in the summer with my kids and we need a bigger vehicle to take all the gear we pack, along with suitcases and stuff. I hate for things to be under my feet while i am traveling, it gets old after a while. I like leg space and a good vehicle that does not require brain surgery in case the battery goes out and you have to change it or change the tires.

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • I am going to a family reuioun and there will be anywhere from 20-40 people there , what should i take?

    I want to take some meat but what kind and how much? I am one of many that will be pitching in to help out with the menu. I thought about cooking a spiral cut ham but how big of one should i take? Should i also include some drinks like tea ?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • What resources are available for children in texas who have autism?

    My daughter is a special needs child and she is in need of a good speech therapist. We home school and the school districts rules are absurd and unprofessional and i want someone who knows what they are doing and have a good attitude with patience to help my daughter over come these issues, with therapy or whatever . Please send me email if you know of any resources available in Texas. We live near Dallas, and all we have is Medicaid as insurance for her.

    1 AnswerSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • How can you help someone with an over active mind?

    My husband for over five years has had an over active mind. Thoughts are rolling around in his head like a movie reel and it is driving me nuts. He even talks in his sleep , when he truly sleeps that is. He is always moving , never still. He can not focus on any one particular thing for any given amount of time and ends up making huge mistakes. What can i do to help this , he is denial that there is a issue but there is and unless i get him some help in some form , he is going to have a nervous breakdown. That is dangerous when he drives also.When i go places with him which is rarely anywhere lately, he drives fast. But our daughter loves to go with him and i am afraid of his overdrived mind that someday he may forget she is in the care with him and drive too fast and get in a wreck and hurt her.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How do you stop the sting of a spider bite?

    For about two weeks now my right ankle is stinging like crazy due to a spider bite and it has been swelling on and off also. I just want to scratch it all the time but i do not want it infected, i have tried alcohol but it really is not making a difference . Is it a spider bite or ring worms ? we do have cats .

    3 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • What would do about this incident?

    Ok heres my story. Just about three days ago, my husband and I had our 18th wedding anniversary. We always usually go out and eat just the two of us while the kids stay with grandparents. Ok so i was getting ready to go out and was taking a shower, when he burst into the bathroom and told me something was wrong with his mother, I said oh my no , something serious? I said tell her i hope she will be ok. told him to go and see what the problem was. Ok so i continue to take the shower and then i got out and immediately got my robe on off course and went to the phone and called his cell phone number. When he picked up i could hear that they or he was at a resturant and i knew this because i overheard some woman asking his father what he wanted to drink, i said Um Where are you? he said oh , well um mother is ok just a false alarm and so i thought it would be nice to take her out to eat something. I thought well i guess that is nice but it is our anniversary night and we do not have enough money to eat out two times in one night , so i asked him , ok should i just call my parents and tell them that we are postponing our dinner tonight? and then he realized oh my god ! tonight is our anniversary. I said yes it is . So he hung up on me , well time went on and i am a diabetic so i have to eat by a certain time of night or my blood sugar will go low and besides that the kids were getting hungry by then also. I called and cancelled things with my parents so they could go ahead and eat also. He did not come home until three hours later and i was almost passed out , i did not eat much because i thought we were still going out , he never made that clear , i also thought that by that time and since they were eating out that he would at least think of me and order me something to eat, he did not. So anyway, i almost went into a diabetic coma by that time i was late for my insulin shot and needed to eat something fast, so i went and got some orange juice to get my blood sugar up , me not him now and then i had to eat a cold sandwich and drank water , there was nothing else there to eat . I gave my children pizza , i can not eat that at all. I was so sick and just wanted to go to bed and all he could say was , man that fried catfish we had was so delicious , you would have really liked it . Now what would you have done ? What would you have said? I mean , scare me like that , his mother is a diabetic also but guess what she came first and he was very aware of her needs and forgot mine ? I felt like screaming and would have if i had felt like it but i was so weak and hungry and tired that all i wanted to do was go to bed. he just sat up and watched baseball after that, never came in there to see if i needed anything or was ok. No and he stayed up until 12:30 pm. I also found an email that he sent an woman on a chat room. I still have it but he does not know i have it. What should i do? Did i deserve this in any way? I could have died before he got home and there was nothing that the kids could have done for me but watch me die.

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it normal for a man to consume himself around work all the time and have no emotions for you ?

    My husband has been going through two things lately . One his inner drive to become a teacher and Two his worries about his ailing mother. I am somewhere in between these two things and he is blank around me and shows no emotions towards me at all, not even a good night kiss , when i say i am calling it a night all he is saying is ok. I know something is wrong but why did i get caught in the middle like this and how long is this going to last?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago