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Are Catholics REALLY this Sneaky?

This question got me thinking...

Do people Truly think that the Catholic church LIES about what it truly believes to cover its true beliefs up?

Are Catholics really this sneaky?

Doesn't that mean they know they are wrong so they are covering it up?


I've heard people say that Catholics invented the idea of the Trinity and that Jesus was divine and not just a prophet or an Angel at the Council of Nicene around 325AD.

I've then heard OTHER people, like this guy, claim that Catholics say Jesus is an Angel and not Divine.

Those are can it teach BOTH?

Update 2:

I mean this sarcastically, but I'm am truly starting to see that people MUST think that Catholics lie about their beliefs, hide them from others, change their story when they are confronted. That's the only rational explanation why people don't seem to believe the answers they get from Catholics and choose non-catholic answers which reinforce their conspiracy theories.

That's what I'm starting to think.

Please tell me I'm wrong.

Update 3:

Single209 -- Thank you for confirming what I suspected all along. People on R&S simply tell people what they want to hear.. feeding misinformation, paranoia, etc.

You're a terrible Yahoo Answerer and I have reason to question your moral maturity...but that's besides the point.

Thank you for your honest answer

Update 4:

"I Love ..." Doesn't realy answer the question, but thanks

So far only "Fireball" is the only one to tentatively answer the central question or even TOUCH on its larger implications.

Come on guys!

Where's my Anti-Catholics like Rene O and Chris/David, etc.

Update 5:

Marixa - thank you!

Rich - I agree

Raymond - I agree

Update 6:

WHOOPS! I didn't mean to say "I Agree" with Raymond So, I DON'T agree, but I appreciate his honestly about how he feels. He didn't hold back. Bravo!

ASH - thanks for the apologetics and bible study, didn't answer the question, but your informative answer is appreciated.

Update 7:

Mono-Lee Roy -- ahh, OK, I get that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But if you ASK a Catholic something you don't know.. and they give you an answer.. WHY do many NOT believe the answer? As if the Catholic is lieing. As if they are dishonest or sneaky. - THAT'S MY POINT

Update 8:

BaseballRBA_10 is a Medieval History Major -- he knows what he is talking about...but I bet not many will believe what he says.

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pistols at dawn,may the best denomination win.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That angel of great counsel thing is a new one on me. That's a straw man argument: Saying that Catholics believe this or that and then demonstrating why this or that cannot be.

    Did "Catholics" Invent the trinity? One could argue yes, because until the various sectarian schisms, to be Christian was to be "Catholic" i.e. "Universal". In that respect the founding father of the church, who understood Jesus better than anyone by virtue of having lived with him and known him directly, understood the triune nature of God.

    There's a lot of Catholic haters, usually hailing from the buckle of the Bible belt, who are brought up to hate Catholics as idolators and worshippers of Mary, etc., without ever having known a Catholic or investigated catholicism. These people will never pass on a chance to spread lies about what Catholics believe, even though what they say has nothing to do with Catholicism.

    The one thing I can say about the catholic church, is that I have NEVER heard criticism of other faiths or other people's beliefs from the pulpit.

    No, Catholics are not that sneaky. Get a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic church, if you want the straight scoop on what the catholic church teaches.

    Source(s): Life-long Catholic.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, Catholics don't believe that Jesus is an angel. They believe that He is the Son of God and the Messiah. The Trinity was not invented by the Catholic church. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all mentioned in the Bible.

  • Daver
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    It's like when Catholics are accused of worshipping Mary - and Catholics deny it of course.

    Catholics obviously believe that their Church's teachings are Truth. Therefore, it makes no sense for a Catholic to deny Mary worshop, IF that's what really went on it the Catholic Church.

    Therefore, the very fact Catholics deny Mary worship is self-evident proof that there is no such thing as Mary worship in the Catholic Church.

    Anti-Catholics still won't believe it, of course. It just goes to show that you can lead a horse to water, but cannot make it drink.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the problem here is that their is a ton of misinformation out there about Catholicism. Really, it shows the power of history. Our public schools teach a very out of date, inaccurate, and also anti-Catholic version of history. This version of history was adopted from the English, which didn't have much positive to say in the 19th and 20th centuries.

    Case in point, somebody said that nobody stood up to the Inquisition. This is a false statement. First, there were many Inquisitions, most of them were non violent and only created Ecclesiasticle courts to bring "criminals" to trial. Now I will admit, the medieval and early modern definition of criminal is different than ours today.

    Anyway, the Inquisition the person was refering to was most likely the Spanish Inquisition. Well, the Spanish Inquisition is poorly understood due to this poor education which begins in middle school. First, the Spanish Inquisition was created by King Ferdinand of Spain as a political move to "protect" Spain. Keep in mind, Spain had just recaptured their lands from the Islamic Moores, it is pretty reasonable to assume that the Spanish Government would take an anti-islamic stand. But in reality, the Pope at the time rejected the Spanish Inquisition, sadly, the Spanish Crown was too powerful.

    Furthermore, in 200 years of operation, the Spanish Inquisition opperating in Spain and her colonies in the New World killed just of 1000 people. When you compair the amount of exicutions the United States has carried out since 1930, just under 4,500, you see that the Spanish Inquisition wasn't as dramatic as movies and high school classes like to say.

    This is but one of the many examples.

    Galileo and the rejection of science by the Church. Find me one other person who was condemned by the Catholic Church for scientific discovery. You wont find another. The issue with Galileo had more to do with personal and political rivalrys.

    Martin Luther... Other than indulgences, how was the Catholic Church corrupt? How are indulgences any different than donations? Few can answer this question. How were Luthers followers any less corrupt?

    The list goes on and on.

  • People who come from that brand of Christianity (as the asker in your linked question) have to resort to attacking others' faith and doctrine because their own just can't hold up to scrutiny when carefully examined and I think that deep down, some of them know it. Some of the others don't realize it--they are truly mislead.

    Notice how she STILL has not provided a link to the exact source (although I already have New Advent bookmarked and have referenced it often). I doubt that she even read it, but is regurgitating something she read in a Watchtower brochure or something she heard about in a Kingdom Hall.

    The WT loves to quote from outside sources to support their doctrine; most of the time it is done as taken out of context, or the reader is lead to believe that 90% of biblical and theological scholars in the world agree with WT teachings and are lying to everyone else--even the secular scholars!!

    They love to use individual examples of Christians who have fallen away from their faith (for whatever reason) as a symptom of the whole of Christianity, as if that would never happen in their church. They don't apply reason in that when an individual sins, it is not a fault in the larger doctrine. To paint it as though the individual example speaks for the whole canvas of Christian faith is at best illogical and at worst deceptive.

    It is lying about someone else's alleged lying. It truly boggles my mind sometimes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly it is indeed the one true church.Jesus Christ did established His church which is Catholic. The Catholic church is the only church guide by the Holy Spirit.Jesus said He would not leave His church orphaned.This is why the Catholic church will be here until the end of time.Pillar of truth pillar of faith!

    Source(s): Catholic Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    Many 'out there' religious groups(JWs and many SDAs) and even many FPs I've come across even in the largest Protestant denomination,Southern Baptist, believe that we Catholics have one public set of teachings and behaviours but really have another set that is secret, wicked ,pagan and Satanic

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The word Angel in ancient languages meant a messenger. To they all bleed red...Are you that stupid and blind as to think we do not know the difference between Worship and Prayer and whether we know what were doing.Give me a break your even dumber than dumb.

  • 1 decade ago

    Prejudice and hate cause people to say a lot of dumb things. No the Catholic church is neither sneaky or covering up it's true beliefs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Humor me but for a moment please.

    I would just like to say first that I believe there are many sincere Catholics. In fact, you yourself seem to me, to be one of them.

    The problem is not with you, the individual, but with those who take authoritative responsibility for what you believe.

    Once again, you strike me as a very sincere, devout, God fearing person... Not really that my personal idea about you counts for anything.....

    " For not the way man sees [is the way God sees], because mere man sees what appears to the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is.”--1 SAMUEL 16:7b

    I do believe though, that if I could see your heart, I would see a lover of truth... After all, how else could a person come up with such a poignant explanation of free will without abandoning the idea of rightful accountability to our Creator?

    I can see how you would feel attacked personally by the question you referenced; for you make no bones about your devotion to your faith. I respect that...

    I really don't think though, that the inquirer meant you harm. It seems as though they were merely trying to point out a discrepancy.

    The inquirer may have made a mistake though, in using the expression "name" instead of "title". As we know, there IS a difference.

    Nonetheless, I do believe there may be a bit of dialogue ensuing here; if you will entertain such.

    The Bible does say : "....Jesus went on to say to the Jews that had believed him: “If YOU remain in my word, YOU are really my disciples, 32 and YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.”--John 8:31, 32

    Also that : "... I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge;"--ROMANS10:2.

    So, John S, since God's word is truth (John 17:17), and His will is that "...all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth." at 1 Timothy 2:4; which one of us (working in harmony with God's will), can convince the other that what they believe is true?

    Is not the authority on truth, God's inspired word?..."All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."--2 TIMOTHY 3:16,17


    P.S. (On a lighter note); what with the10 pts you offered Yesterday?=0)

    **EDIT to Wild Sage: They are all three mentioned, yet not as one entity.

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