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Kid fights,Do I let him fight or do I restrain him?

I've asked and trained my 10 year old son to be non-violent because of violent family history. The last fight he got into he left the kid with a broken collar bone. He can be very explosive. He is trying so hard and I commend him but there's a kid that just wont leave him alone nor listen to any adult. He has been spoken to by the principal, teachers, his parents, even by the police to no avail. My sons interpretation of my instructions was, he's not allowed to fight under strict orders. So this kid has free reign and now cuts him off half way home from school to take his back pack, throw mud, or push him around. The other day my son came home with his face covered in dirt. I wiped his face and almost cried but noticed my sons glare. I asked hi about it and he continued to glare in anger and said "Im just waiting for him to touch me and hes mine". I found this scary. Is there something I can do to help this situation? Im tempted to let my son kick his butt but Im afraid of the extent of his mounting anger in him to not be controllable if and when he cuts loose. Any ideas?

10 Answers

  • kitkat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like instead of a no fighting policy you need to teach your child how to handle his emotions and vent anger. He should be allowed to defend himself. But he can't be seriously harming other children when angry. I would let him fight this bully, but he wouldn't be breaking another child's bones. I suggest some counseling and getting your child under control before he ends up like me. I only meant to stop a someone from kicking a child in the stomach. The person went to the hospital with a detached retina and numerous other injuries. There is no excuse or justification for hurting someone like that and I am not proud of it. Get the anger under control now before your child gets worse.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would highly consider enrolling your son in martial arts where he can learn appropriate ways of defending yourself and the right time and situation to do so. You've done a good job trying to teach him non-violence, but at the same time he really has no outlet for his frustrations and no other way to defend himself... it is possible to stand up for yourself without resorting to violence and a good martial arts instructor will know that and teach that. Seeing as this situation is escalating very fast I would first call the school and set up a meeting with the principal and counselor to try and find a way to get this other child handled without embarrassing either boy. It's pretty pathetic the school is allowing this child to be a terror to other kids for so long without taking any action. Let them know your son is trying very hard to keep his own anger under control but this constant harrassing is making him very frustrated and you are worried about what the consequences might be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only way to handle a bully, is to "handle" a bully. That means beat the living **** out of them. A bully is a coward who beats up on those who don't fight back. Once they get a taste of their own medicine, they move on to the next victim.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    tell your son to beat the sh*t of the bully

    bullies only bully people who don't fight back (i found out the hard way)

    just tell your son to stand up to that bully and if the bully even threatens or looks like he is going to f*ck with your son tell your son to beat the living sh*t out of him

    than the bully should leave him alone and move to the other kid

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, this answer might be long-winded and much more than you asked for, but....

    First of all, I'm glad you commend him on trying to maintain his self-control; you ought to. Let's face it: these and the ensuing years of your son's development is a time when he needs a strong, and GOOD, male figure in his life. I would hope that part of being a good man is, not necessarily refusing or even wanting to fight; but more knowing under what circumstances and against whom he should. It's having animal tendencies, but also being endowed with the intellectual wherewithal for self-control and a knowledge for consequences of our actions.

    It's very important that you stress his need to defend himself in life; I think in this situation he should definitely stand up for himself. But it's just as important to teach him good judgement at a young age. He should know WHEN and HOW to fight against WHOM and WITH WHAT FORCE (which in itself exercises self-control); that means he SHOULDN'T go around bullying animals, or people that are smaller/weaker than him; that means he SHOULDN'T go wailing on someone at school just because the kid mocked his new haircut (and instead learn to just suck it up and deal with it); but also that means he SHOULD fight against this kid who's constantly physically harassing him. Of course, your son should first try to settle things with him non-violently, and then give him proper warning that he'll beat the kid's *** if he keeps attacking him.

    If it should come down to fighting, it usually doesn't take much to physically deter a bully, from what I've heard; but if this kid ends up being hurt as badly as the first kid you'd mentioned, who knows if and how he'll retaliate. Make sure he knows what the consequences may be for fighting. Hopefully, that could curb your son's habit for excessive force.

    Maybe my advice sucks eggs, but as much as I don't like violence, I also don't like that we live in a society that teaches us keep our composure under ALL circumstances, all the while our violent and retaliatory fantasies are acted out in such alienating things as TV, movies, and video games. Add a really shitty parent or two, and some school "bullies," and you've got yourself something akin to the Columbine debacle, at least in spirit.

    Also, all that said, you and your son should both get together and find ways that he could find a healthy outlet for anger in his life, overall. If he does make a habit of suppressing his physical anger against bullies all the time, that energy will manifest somewhere else, kinda like the 'law of conservation of energy'. It may very well manifest itself negatively/destructively through anger, low self-esteem, resentment, regret, vengeance, a sense of victimization and maybe a subsequent need to regain a sense of power (via abuse against people or animals, for one), etc. Now would be a good time for him to funnel that energy and transform it into healthier/creative forms, such as sports, building projects, learning a music instrument, theater, painting, etc. NOT video games, TV, or the like.

    Long story short, I think you should let him fight the douchebag. Hope I've helped and wasn't too boring...

    Good luck! 8P

  • 1 decade ago

    Restrain him. Call the kids parents and tell them about their song. If your kid likes fighting so much let him box just make sure he doesnt beat anyone up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to a kid counselor, Karate or some form of self defense training might be timely. It will give him an outlet for his anger.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would tell him not to let that kid bully him and teach him some strategic moves... like tell him to punch the kid in the gut or in the throat or something... but not too hard in the throat.

    I don't want my kids getting bullied but I don't want them to be bullies either.

  • 1 decade ago

    well if he is acting this way get the kids names who do this and talk to their parents. plus take him to see if he needs to be enrolled in anger management classes. i am a kid too and go through the same thin and this is what my parrents did and it worked.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    let him go for the kid!

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